Laurie Franklin, Rabbi
January 16, 2019  *  Shevat 10,   5779
Update on the Rabbi Search job posting.
Dear friends and members of Har Shalom,

As you are reading this, the job application for our rabbi will go live and be posted. If you are interested in viewing the job description, it's here. Supporting documentation is here.

If you are curious about how we arrived at the job description, here's how it was developed. 

The posting's job description was based on applications we were privy to see, shared by local and regional congregations who performed a rabbi search. 

The rabbi's duties were shaped by the responses we received from the community in our Crossroads meetings. Prioritizing them was a collaborative effort with our Har Shalom community in attendance at the most recent meeting.

The salary range was determined by 
  1. the rabbi's duties based on Har Shalom's community's needs; 
  2. most-urged request from our congregants that we "stay within our means"; 
  3. conversations with regional congregations of similar size who have held a rabbi search; 
  4. surveys shared with us from representatives of reform and union rabbi organizations; 
  5. conversations with representatives of institutions who ordain rabbis; 
  6. data on clergy salaries from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics including a calculation for inflation; 
  7. and most importantly, guidance from our treasurer who researched Har Shalom's history of membership dues paid and contributions received.

We are seeking a long term relationship with our rabbi, which makes it essential that we offer a salary that the congregation can sustain over time. We look forward to interviewing candidates who are interested in the same.

Once candidates are selected, we plan to have them lead a service and meet the community. The Search Committee will then present our recommendation to the membership, who will have the opportunity this coming April to vote up or down on accepting the candidate as Har Shalom's rabbi. 

Members in good standing, that is, folks who have paid membership (per a sliding scale), will be able to participate in the vote.

Please reach out to the Search Committee if you have any questions.

Rabbi Search Committee
David Cox, Paul Rosen, Barb Gross, Marlene Hutchins, Pam Hogle, Mona Bachmann
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