March 2019
This month, we're pleased to introduce a series of updates that highlight the crosscutting themes that are emerging from the Early Learning Network's nationwide research studies.

In this issue, we'll take a deeper look at family engagement.

Discover what we're learning about family engagement and how it connects to the network's collective goal to advance our understanding of policies and practices that help narrow the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from pre-K to third grade.
Family Engagement
Emerging theme: Family engagement - Early Learning Network

Family engagement is an important crosscutting theme in several of the Early Learning Network's nationwide studies. Together, our teams are working to better understand how family-school partnerships support optimal, positive trajectories for...

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In an effort to bring in new and diverse voices, we're reaching out to stakeholders across the Early Learning Network's study sites parents, teachers, school administrators, policymakers and others and inviting them to share their perspectives on the emerging themes that are growing from the research. These individuals are either using the network's research in practice or can speak to its relevance.

This month, stakeholders share their thoughts on family engagement and its role in supporting and maintaining children's early learning success.
Dan Nowak
Second Grade Teacher
Chandler View Elementary School
Omaha, Nebraska

Omaha Public Schools teacher Dan Nowak is partnering with ELN on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's research study. We asked him to reflect on why family engagement is important to study and how strong parent-teacher partnerships foster student learning.

Read Nowak's comments, and those from other teachers, on our website.
Early Learning Network researchers share expertise at...

2019 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting Early Learning Network research teams led several sessions during the 2019 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial Meeting, held March 21-23 in Baltimore.

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The Early Learning Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences , leverages its expertise, resources and geographic diversity to help close the achievement gap and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade. Together, network researchers from universities and organizations across the U.S. are examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions and environments. Learn more at
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