TongassWinA Win for the Tongass National Forest
Spruce Grouse chick. Photo by Milo Burcham
Last month we feared the 2018 omnibus spending bill would include riders undoing the Tongass Land Management Plan and the Roadless Rule. Rolling back these regulations would have made key watersheds vulnerable to logging and stalled the transition away from old-growth clearcutting. But diverse voices from around Alaska and across the nation spoke out and contacted Congress in support of protecting the forest . The result: no bad Tongass riders!  Thank you for standing up for the Tongass! Read our  Press Statement  on this important win.
Southeast2A Guide to Southeast Alaska's Natural Wonders
Photo by David Shaw
Like birding trails in other states, the
BirdathonAudubon Alaska's annual Birdathon will begin in May! What's a Birdathon? It's a fun way to raise money for protecting Alaska's amazing birds by counting as many bird species as possible in a 24-hour period during the month of May. Audubon Alaska staff and board form teams and collect pledges per bird species they find or lump sum donations. Stay posted for more details. Support our Birdathon!
Spring 2018 Print Newsletter 

We know you love Audubon Alaska's monthly e-newsletters, but are you signed up to receive our biannual print newsletters?  
We send these newsletters out every spring and fall. Our spring 2018 edition featured stories on the Southeast Alaska Birding Trail, Teshekpuk Lake, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, our new ecological atlas, and more.

Download a digital version here

Sign up to receive future print newsletters!  

New Book About Bristol Bay 

Audubon Alaska's very own Nils Warnock and Melanie Smith contributed their marine bird expertise to the recently published book, Bristol Bay Alaska: Natural Resources of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Warnock and Smith are co-authors of the chapter "The Importance of Bristol Bay to Marine Birds of the World." 
The publication is the first scientific reference book on the natural resources of Bristol Bay and its watershed. The book will be available by May 2018. You can preorder a copy here.

This information is ever more vital as the Army Corps of Engineers opens a comment period for the Pebble Mine permit. Stay tuned for ways to engage in this issue!
Cinnamon Hummingbird. Photo by Jennifer Hemmings / CC BY 3.0
November 2-12, 2018

Join Audubon Alaska on a trip to Guatemala! Guatemala is a richly diverse cultural center and a lush and vibrant paradise for birders. Set in the heart of Central America, it is one of the New World's prime migratory corridors.  See trip details .
People of Audubon 
Audubon Alaska thanks Liz Gustafson for being our Communications Manager. She did an amazing job telling our story through social media, print publications, news stories, and outreach events. Her understanding of Alaska and engaging writing style led to compelling communications that garnered support for our conservation efforts. Liz brought new energy, innovative ideas, and creativity to our work.

We miss Liz and wish her the best as she goes back to school to pursue a career in nursing. 

Thank you Liz!
'Name that Bird' Photo Quiz
Photo by Donald Quintana

Photo by Milo Burcham
Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
Last month's quiz bird was a Black Oystercatcher. This shorebird is widespread along the Pacific Coast. Their diet consists of mussels, limpets, and other shellfish. As chicks grow older, they will follow their parents along the rocky coastline to feeding areas.

This month's quiz bird breeds throughout the coniferous forest of North America. These little birds are energetic foragers, flitting around in mixed flocks during winter. They might be one of the first birds you hear singing in the spring.
Thursday, April 19th, 7 PM
BP Energy Center, Anchorage
Our friends at Anchorage Audubon are hosting a Beginning Birding Class! The class is being held during their April membership meeting, but it is open to new birders.

Anchorage Audubon will cover what you need to begin, how to use a field guide,  what to look for in the field, where to find birds in Anchorage, how to use binoculars, how to hear birds, what is migration all about, as well as basic bird identification and their incredible behaviors.

We will be in Sitka for our next trivia event! Join Audubon Alaska and Sitka Conservation Society for Tongass Trivia Night! Test your knowledge of spruce, sapsuckers, and salmon.

This is a free event. Beer available for purchase.
Anyone under 21 must be accompanied by a guardian. 

Learn more and RSVP

Pacific Loon. Photo by Mick Thompson
Thursday, May 17th, 6-7:30 PM
REI Anchorage
1200 W. Northern Lights Blvd.

Learn about the exciting world of birding! After this program, you will be able to operate binoculars, use a spotting scope, become familiar with bird identification apps, categorize a few birds by the shape of the body, and identify several bird habitats.

Audubon Alaska's Arctic Marine Ecologist, Max Goldman, will guide you through all of the basics, suggest local birding spots, and set you on the path to your own birding adventures. Birds of Anchorage Checklist provided.