May 3 2019
This Week's Top Stories  
May 2 2019
Securities Finance Monitor spoke with DTCC's senior SFTR Trade Repository leadership about the importance of the client side of the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) and why DTCC dedicates so many resources to this aspect of the business.

May 1 2019
Given the concentration of assets on the buy-side, landing a big fish means more now than ever for banks and vendors. We suggest however that partnering, and pursuing, smaller firms can lead to both valuable revenues and future growth. The small fish not only get bigger, but they also introduce banks and vendors to new ways of doing business.

April 30 2019
The benefits of the pledge model in securities lending for borrowers are clear: by retaining legal ownership of the security with the borrower, regulated entities no longer have the obligation of collateral related balance sheet costs in the transaction. Will this result in a boost to the business or is it just help around the edges? 

April 28 2019
Treasury platforms for hedge funds and other asset managers have taken hold, but they aren't all alike: rules-based engines can drive greater efficiencies than dashboards that require regular human intervention to offer any systemic value. A guest post from SS&C Advent Syncova.

News and Notes    

September 24 2019

New York
November 4 2019

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