October 13, 2020
In This Update:

  • It's Not Too Late To Register For The "Virtual" ACEC Fall Conference

  • Consulting Engineers PAC Active In November Elections

  • LAST CALL - ACEC OKLAHOMA Engineering Excellence Awards

  • AASHTO/ACEC Consultant Survey

  • ACEC President's Report - October, 2020

  • ACEC OKLAHOMA Board Mtg Nov. 19th - Open to all Members
It's Not Too Late To Register For The "Virtual" ACEC Fall Conference
The ACEC Fall Conference begins on Wednesday, October 28th with a full lineup of educational sessions, featured speakers, and even a virtual exhibit hall.

The Conference is especially valuable if you have been finding it difficult to earn PDHs for license renewal. By attending the virtual Conference, you can earn up to 18 professional development hours. To see the full Conference Schedule including all of the educational breakout sessions, click here.

Don't miss out on this great opportunity! Full Conference details available here.
Consulting Engineers PAC Active In November Elections
Your state political action committee, Consulting Engineers PAC, has been very busy during the past few weeks.

Since mid-September, your PAC Trustees and several Voting Members have met with 16 candidates for the Oklahoma House and Senate. Some of those we’ve met with include:

  • Senate President Pro Tem Greg Treat
  • House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols
  • House Minority Leader Emily Virgin
  • House Minority Caucus Chair Cyndi Munson
  • Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman David Rader
  • House Appropriations Vice Chairman Kyle Hilbert
  • House Business & Commerce Chairman Ryan Martinez
  • House Government Efficiency Chairman Mike Osburn
  • House Government Efficiency Vice Chairman Daniel Pae
  • House County & Municipal Government Vice Chair Lonnie Sims
  • House Energy & Natural Resource Chairman Terry O’Donnell
  • House Health Services & Long Term Care Vice Chair Marilyn Stark

All of the meetings have been very productive and provided the opportunity to educate the candidates on the critical services provided by Oklahoma consulting engineering firms. And, we have discussed a variety of legislative and policy issues important to ACEC OKLAHOMA member firms.

On the flip side, it’s been a great learning experience for our members and ACEC OKLAHOMA. The meetings have allowed us to get to know the candidates on a more personal level, learn their priorities, and gain their insight on how ACEC OKLAHOMA and the consulting engineering professional can be more effective in the legislative process.

Thanks to all of the ACEC OKLAHOMA members who support Consulting Engineers PAC. It’s through your generous contributions that we have the opportunity to meet with these and other candidates.

Now, on November 3rd …..VOTE!!!!!!
Engineering Excellence Awards
The Deadline to submit entries for the 2020 ACEC OKLAHOMA Engineering Excellence Award is Friday, November 6, 2020.

Judging will take place shortly after the entry deadline, after which firms will be notified if their entry is eligible for submission to the ACEC National competition. Deadline for submission to the national competition is Friday, January 8, 2021.

Click here to download the "Call For Entries" information.
October ACEC President's Report
Linda Bauer Darr
ACEC President/CEO
(Click below to open)
Consultant Survey
ACEC has been collaborating with the AASHTO Technical Committee on Project Management on the development of a survey of A/E firms that work for State DOTs. The survey covers a wide range of procurement and contracting issues.

The linked survey is based on an update of survey results published in the 2008 AASHTO Guide for Consultant Contracting, on which ACEC also collaborated. The TCPM would like to receive responses from the broad transportation consultant community, so the more participants the better.

For firms with multiple offices in a state, they would like to get one representative response from each firm location.

Firm names and contact information will not be published with the survey results. The survey is open now and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. It will close on October 31, 2020.

The survey responses will be shared with the State DOT members of the committee and with us. Our hope is to identify some areas for coordinated improvement in DOT procurement practices, targeted both at the state level as well as nationally, where necessary.

If you have any questions, contact Matt Reiffer, ACEC Vice President, Infrastructure Programs, (202) 682-4308; email:
ACEC OKLAHOMA Board Meeting - November 19th
The ACEC OKLAHOMA Board will meet "virtually" Nov. 19th, and the meeting will be open to all ACEC OKLAHOMA members.

ACEC President/CEO Linda Bauer Darr will be our guest.

Mark your calendar! Info to follow.
James F. Sullins, CAE
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: (405) 525-7696
Cell: (405) 826-6481
Fax: (405) 557-1820
Let's Connect: