Your state political action committee, Consulting Engineers PAC, has been very busy during the past few weeks.
Since mid-September, your PAC Trustees and several Voting Members have met with 16 candidates for the Oklahoma House and Senate. Some of those we’ve met with include:
- Senate President Pro Tem Greg Treat
- House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols
- House Minority Leader Emily Virgin
- House Minority Caucus Chair Cyndi Munson
- Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman David Rader
- House Appropriations Vice Chairman Kyle Hilbert
- House Business & Commerce Chairman Ryan Martinez
- House Government Efficiency Chairman Mike Osburn
- House Government Efficiency Vice Chairman Daniel Pae
- House County & Municipal Government Vice Chair Lonnie Sims
- House Energy & Natural Resource Chairman Terry O’Donnell
- House Health Services & Long Term Care Vice Chair Marilyn Stark
All of the meetings have been very productive and provided the opportunity to educate the candidates on the critical services provided by Oklahoma consulting engineering firms. And, we have discussed a variety of legislative and policy issues important to ACEC OKLAHOMA member firms.
On the flip side, it’s been a great learning experience for our members and ACEC OKLAHOMA. The meetings have allowed us to get to know the candidates on a more personal level, learn their priorities, and gain their insight on how ACEC OKLAHOMA and the consulting engineering professional can be more effective in the legislative process.
Thanks to all of the ACEC OKLAHOMA members who support Consulting Engineers PAC. It’s through your generous contributions that we have the opportunity to meet with these and other candidates.
Now, on November 3rd …..VOTE!!!!!!