Kinnaird Bagpipes Newsletter

February 2020

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. We have some beautiful Celtic Jewellery in stock for quick delivery. We have many other great gifts available as well.

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Upcoming Events 
Feb 8
Regina Mid-Winter Celtic Festival  

Feb 8
Saskatoon's Sir John A's Great Kilt Skate 

Feb 14
Valentine's Day

Feb 15-16
Queen Mary Scottish Festival 

Feb 17
Family Day- Kinnaird Bagpipes will be Closed

Feb 29
Northeast Florida Scottish Highland Games & Festival 

Mar 1 St David's Day 

The Lake Diefenbaker Pipe Band School
will be held April 13-17, 2020. Also, Jack Lee will be one of the instructors this year.
You can find more info, brochures, and application forms here.

See More Upcoming Events in our Events Calendar
Scottish Humor

Wee Morag was only three, but she had an enquiring mind. So when she dropped a chocolate biscuit on the ground and her mother told her not to pick it up, she inevitably asked, "Why?" Her mother explained that it could have picked up germs that could give her a sore tummy if she ate them. 
Wee Morag was impressed by this answer and then asked, "How do you know all this stuff?" Her mother thought quickly and reckoned she was being clever by replying, "It's in the Mummy test - they don't let you be a Mummy unless you know it all...." Wee Morag pondered this new revelation for a few moments and then beamed up at her Mum. "I get it! If you fail the test you have to be the Daddy."

 Leap Year Love Lore

2020 is a Leap Year.  February 29th, Leap Day, is filled with traditions and folklore. 

According to an Irish Legend, in the 5th century, St Brigid asked St Patrick to allow women to be able to propose to men, as some women had to wait too long for their suitors to propose.  Patrick agreed that this could happen on a single day every 4 years.  So on Feb 29th, women are able to propose marriage to men.  The practice became a tradition in Ireland and was then passed on to Scotland by Irish monks.

In Scotland, it is said that Queen Margaret passed a law in 1288 that allowed a woman to propose marriage to a man in a leap year, however the woman must wear a red petticoat to show her intentions.  The law also stated that any man who declined must pay a fine to the woman (this could range from a kiss to a silk dress).  This fine is said to have reference to a continuance of the Irish legend.  After receiving approval from Patrick for women to propose on Leap Day, Brigid then dropped to her knee and proposed to Patrick.  Patrick declined but kissed her cheek and gave her a silk gown.  Some argue that this legend couldn't possibly have happened as Brigid would only have been around 9 years old when Patrick died in 461 AD. It has also been pointed out that in Scotland, Queen Margaret would have only been 5 years old when the leap-year proposal law was enacted.
Video Clip  

Check out this clip featuring 3 female pipers from different countries performing a cover of Shipping Up to Boston and Enter Sandman

Scottish Trivia
Glasgow calls itself the "City of Love" because the forearm of St Valentine is kept in the church of Blessed St John Duns Scotus. The church holds special services on Valentine's Day and it is a popular location for marriage proposals.
Product Reviews     
Kinnaird Wheeled Pipe Case 

"Arrived in time stated. More storage space than I had originally thought. Handle is more than long enough. Love it!"

Don't forget to submit your own product reviews on our website.
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Rauncie Kinnaird

Kinnaird Bagpipes

923 Emmeline Terrace

Saskatoon, SK
S7J 5G7
Ph: 1-877-249-2939
Fax: 1-306-249-2933

