EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
May 3, 2019
Upcoming Events

May 4 — Kings Kloset, 9:00-11:00 a.m., KEC, 2nd floor.
May 14  â€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 16  â€” KHS Baccalaureate, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Christ Church, Mason.
May 19  â€” KHS Graduation, 7:00 p.m., Cintas Center.
May 21  â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
May 23  â€” Last Day of School!

More event information can be found at:
KHS - US News & World Report
Best High School
U.S. News & World Report released their Best High Schools Rankings for 2019 this week and Kings High School has again been named among the best high schools in the nation!

According to the U.S. News & World Report website , KHS ranked #1,051 nationally out of more than 17,000 public high schools, earning a gold medal and giving them the distinction of being in the top 5% in the country!

This ranking puts Kings High School at #7 among other Greater Cincinnati high schools, as well as #34 in the state of Ohio out of 736 eligible high schools.

KHS Student Receives Art Award
Congratulations to Sarah Gies y for winning a $200 award for her digital painting she created for the Artist Reaching Classrooms program (ARC) , an education program of the Taft Museum of Art. 

Kings High School Advanced Placement Digital Media Arts students, Anna-Claire Barker, Tim Bredemeier, Kevin Lewis, Grace Pansch, Erin Seccia, and Megan Wagner also had their work selected for the exhibition.

ARC immerses high school art students in Cincinnati’s visual arts community and exposes them to careers in the arts. Professional artists visit classrooms to talk with the students about both the creative and practical aspects of a career in art. The students also visit an artist’s studio, such as a painter’s atelier, glassworks or printing press.

Each class visits the Taft Museum of Art. Students are expected to complete a research project on an object from the Museum’s collection, describing its history and significance, and explaining why the artwork has personal appeal. Each classroom receives a set of Museum catalogues.

KHS AP DMA teacher, Kelly Shields said, "Students are asked to make artworks in response to the ARC experience and write artists’ statements demonstrating what they have learned. The program culminates in a professionally organized exhibition of selected students’ artwork."
CIS Gets Creative with Cells
Sixth graders on Team Renaissance at Columbia intermediate School have been building cells (plant and animal) and learning the parts (organelles) of the cells.

They used all sorts of things to build their cells ranging from buttons to twisty ties to Popsicle sticks. They spent two class days creating these followed by taking class votes for a winner. CIS 6th grade teacher, Abby Jackson said, "They took a lot of pride in their work and some of the creativity was unbelievable."

While building the cells, the students listened to "cell rap songs" and watched Bill Nye on cells. "It was nothing but cells, cells, cells," she said.

Students (left to right): Lucien Zotter, Eden Lenney, Ava Davidson
KHS DMA Raises Funds for Humane Society

AP DMA Class of 2019 with their "big check" to the Humane Association of Warren County as a part of their AP with WE project.

Students created and sold laser engraved pet illustrations and raised $250 for the Humane Association of Warren County to help homeless animals.

Way to give back and be #KingsStrong!
SLE Artwork Displayed at Aronoff Center
Congratulations to the following South Lebanon Elementary fourth grade students whose artwork was chosen to be displayed at the Cincinnati Arts Association 2019 Student Art Show - Olivia Liu, Chace Burdine, Jenny Cooper, Taylin Sexton, Kylee Hake, Carter Lamb, Zach Klasmeier, and Grace Williams .

The show will take place at Fifth Third Bank Theater in the Aronoff Center from Saturday, May 4 through Sunday May 12, Saturdays from 12:00-5:00 p.m. and Sundays from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

This year's theme is Amusement Park.
KHS Work Study Celebration
Kings High School Work Study students were celebrated on May 1 for their accomplishments this school year.

The work study students performed tasks at Kings High School for the cafeteria and athletic department. Students also delivered mail to teachers, shredded documents, helped with the recycling team, and ran the "K-Night Dog Bones" business. Some students worked in the community at various organizations, such as Rivers Crossing Community Church, Puzzle Pieces, the Loveland Food Pantry, and LePeep.

Watch this video to that features the work study students. They tell you where they have worked and what they have accomplished.

Lisa Orfield , Kings High School Intervention Specialist said, "Through the work study program, we have observed the growth of our students' skills needed for independence. We would like to thank all of our partners at Kings and in the community for their support. They play an integral part in our students' success now and into the future."
2019-2020 Immunizations Requirements
If you have a student entering 7th and/or 12th grade, you will need to be sure they are up-to-date on vaccines.

Students entering  7 th  grade  will need to have one dose of meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine and one dose of the  Tdap  (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine.
Students entering  12 th  grade  will need to have a second dose of  meningococcal vaccine . The second dose must be administered on or after the 16 th  birthday. If the first dose of meningococcal vaccine was administered after the 16 th  birthday, a second dose is not required.
Ohio law allows a 14 day grace period for the beginning of the school year. If a student does not obtain the required vaccinations and provide written documentation (immunization record) or an exemption note to the school, the school will exclude that student on the 15 th  day of the 2019/2020 school year until the immunization requirement is fulfilled.
Your child may have already received this vaccine at his/her most recent check-up. If not, please schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider. In addition, the Warren County Health Department provides a variety of clinic hours offering vaccinations at a low cost. Their number is 695-1468.
Please send updated vaccination records that reflect that these requirements have been met to your child’s school nurse. 
Kings Kloset Open Saturday
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 4 is the last time Kings Kloset is open for this school year. They will be open from 9:00-11:00 a.m. on the second floor of the Kings Education Center .

They will re-open on August 10. They are still in need of men's and women's Summer clothing in all sizes. Stay tuned for their Annual Stuff-the-Bus Event.

Donations can also be dropped off during store hours. 

A special thanks to Kim Milazzo, Karen Manis, Karen Wiley and their children for their service to the Kings Kloset all year!
You are all  #KINGSSTRONG  !
KHS NHS Applications
Last day of school for students is
Thursday, May 23!
Lindner Center Community Education Day
Join the Lindner Center of Hope for Community Education Day. This half-day workshop focuses on mental health and addiction. This event only occurs every other year and draws hundreds of attendees.

It will take place on Sunday, May 5 from 11:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m. The cost is $10 per person and includes brunch. Click here to register.

In case you missed it -- KHS Daylight Promgoers were greeted with the Kings Drumline. The post received A LOT of likes! Check it out here

We can’t possibly report all of the great things happening in our weekly EBBN. Keep up with everything Kings by following us on social media. We update our pages daily with exciting things that happen in and out of our classrooms!

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram!
Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community. Below are a few of the most recent activities added:

Also, check out the latest offerings for summer activities for your student on our SUMMER CAMP PAGE where you can find information on 2019 Kings Athletics Summer Athletic Camps, Summer Acting Camps, Color Crazy Art Camp and more !
Planet Fitness has announced that all teens ages 15-18 can work out TOTALLY FREE this summer! Learn more about the Teen Summer Challenge !
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Check out the latest news from the Kings Athletic Department in this week's
Kings Athletics has begun registrations for their ever-popular summer athletic camps!

Register today for Kings Athletic Summer Camps. Spots fill up quickly! Click here for more information and to register online.
Save the Date
Save the date for our 2nd Annual KABC Fun Run! Our 5K will be on Saturday, July 6th at Armco Park! Stay tuned for more details! 
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

EBBN is a publication of the Kings Local School District
Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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