Week of April 12, 2018
Fifth Grade goes to the Opera

On Monday the 5th grade went to see the opera “Cendrillon”. It was the story of Cinderella sung in complete French. It was about a girl named Lucette. She was treated very poorly by her stepmother and stepsisters. When she finds out her stepsisters are going to the ball, she wanted to go too but knew that her stepmother would never allow it. While Lucette is asleep, her fairy godmother, gave her a beautiful gown, glass slippers and the power of confidence. Her glass slippers had a power that nobody would recognize her as long as she had the shoes on. At the ball everyone looks at her grace and beauty. The prince immediately falls in love with her. At midnight she dropped one of her glass slippers and ran home before her stepmother came home with her stepsisters and realized that she was gone. Lucette made it home in time. She overheard her stepmother saying that the prince and everyone at the ball made fun and mocked the mystery girl. Lucette runs to her room and falls into a deep sleep. When she woke up she thought it was all a dream. When the prince announces to have all the women in the land to come to his palace to try on the glass slipper. After it doesn’t fit anyone, Lucette comes in her ball gown and the shoe fit. A lot of the details and scenes were different than the original story that most people are familiar with. For example, in this story her father is alive but is just too afraid to stand up to the stepmother. It was a very long show but it was also very interesting. It was a very good show even if it was just a dress rehearsal.
Middle School Tzedakah

Ms. Ben-Harari's Middle School classes are continuing the Jewish practice of Tzedakah. This time the money raised was donated to Chai Lifeline, an organization that helps children facing serious illnesses.

We received a thank you letter for the donation.

Kol Hakavod to the Middle School Students.
Yom Hashoah

The students at SSSQ remembered the day of Yom Hashoah as each child was provided a candle with the name of an individual who died during the Holocaust. The students were asked to bring these candles home and to light them in their memory. In addition, some of Morah Ben-Harari's seventh grade students led in a moving performance to their 5th, 6th and 7th grade classmates. The students also watched a powerful video which included a stirring version of Ani Maamin. Some students recited Tehillim-Psalms, additional poems and prayers. Other students led in the ceremonial lighting of six candles. Each time a candle was lit, the students together said, "one million" in order to remember the 6 million Jews who perished during the Shoah. The services concluded with Mr. Naparstek addressing the students about the importance of internalizing the numerous messages of the day and to never forget. We thank Morah Ben-Harari and her students for providing such a meaningful assembly on this day. 

See photos on our Facebook page .
PTA News and Events

You can register for the event by clicking here or on the flyer below.
Good and Welfare

Mazal Tov to the Brent Family on Nova's upcoming Bat Mitzvah.

Mazal Tov to Morah Adina Frumer (Pre-K) on the birth of a baby girl.
Upcoming Events

4/12/18 - Yom Hashoah
4/13/18 - Resume regular Friday dismissal
4/18/18 - Yom HaZikaron
4/19/18 - Yom Ha'Atzma'ut
Parshat HaShavua
Candle lighting - 4/13/18 - 7:15 PM
Candle lighting - 4/14/18 - 8:17 PM

Atlantic Endocrinology and Diabetes; endocrinology and diabetes medical services in Rego Park. Stella Ilyayeva, MD, FACE. 718-275-2900
If you would like to advertise in Thursday Notes please contact David Kalman at dkalman@sssq.org.