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April 12, 2018
Latest News
Join Us for Worship This Sunday
Stewardship Campaign Celebration!
Coffeehouse and Potluck
Vermont Summit on Sanctuary
Classes on Islam at FUUSB
Vermont Interfaith Action Event
Living Room Conversations About Race
Charting the Future of Faith Formation at FUUSB
2018 COTS Walk
Your Website at a Glance
Spring Service Trip Chaperone Needed
Access ACS - How Members Stay Connected!
2018 UUA General Assembly
General Assembly Grants
Care Network Team Update

Upcoming Service
Sunday, April 22 at
9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Worship Lead:
Andre Mol,
Ministerial Intern

Worship Associate: 
Stephen Rainville

"Love and Restoration"
If we are paying close attention to the latest insights of climate science, we have a lot to fear about our future as human beings, the future of this planet, and the future of all life that shares this precious and beautiful home with us. Our Universalist tradition promises that divine love is a saving power for all. Over time, we've come to recognize that it is up to us to realize this promise here on Earth by "loving the hell out of this world." But if we honestly examine climate change and climate justice, we see that our planetary impact is accelerating faster than we thought, climate change is now inevitable, and the most vulnerable have the least power to change our global future. Given this, does the saving love of Universalism still have any relevance for UUs and the world? Perhaps its relevance is less about saving our world and more about restoring our relationship with it. We'll explore stories that serve as examples for this shift, offer hope, and provide a new way forward.


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Word Out

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Join Us for Worship This Sunday
Sunday, April 15  at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Worship Lead:  Andre Mol, Ministerial Intern
Worship Associate: Judy Brook

"Time of Compassion"
Life from our first breath to our last is measured by a finite amount of time. Some of us are blessed with more than others but we never quite know how much. We say life is a gift. Yet we continue to demand time from each other. We find ways to keep it for ourselves. We take it away as if it's not intimately entwined with life. When do we give time? Can time be a gift to each other? Together, we'll explore the ways time is woven into the fabric of our lives, experienced in different ways by each of us depending on our life circumstances, and we'll consider how a concept of shared time can help us all to create a more compassionate community.

Stewardship Campaign Celebration!
Join us after services this Sunday, April 15 for our big Stewardship Campaign Celebration of Generosity and Gratitude, in the Parlors and Community Room, for: 
  • Delicious food!
  • Great prizes for all who have pledged, including our final raffle: 
    Gift cards from Peace and Justice Center, Church Street Marketplace, and Phoenix Books
  • Ben and Jerry's coupons!! 
It's our way of saying THANK YOU for doing your part to make our congregation strong and for making your financial commitment to our Society!!
If you haven't pledged, please pledge now or on Sunday 
before our raffle to get your name in the drawings!! 

Thank you from the FUUSB Stewardship Team!
Coffeehouse and Potluck
Sally Russell

This Saturday, April 14: 
Sanctuary City Coffee House 
and Second Saturday Potluck

"Emergence - Moving from Darkness to Light"
Potluck Dinner 6:00-6:45 p.m.,  Coffee House 6:45-8:30 p.m.,  FUUSB Parlors

The music ministry team and a small planning group have scheduled Coffee Houses/Potlucks for the second Saturday of the month, January-April of 2018.

In the true spirit of a potluck please bring a dish of your  choice to share with others. What better way to welcome sprin g than to break bread together, while we entertain  each other!

People of all ages are encouraged to attend. We have some people who have agreed to perform a few songs: Herb Schroeder, Linda Patterson, and Brian Haas.

Additionally there will be time for an "open mic" so If you sing, play an instrument, want to recite a poem, etc., you will have an opportunity to perform. Invite your friends and come join us.

Any questions, please email Brian Haas, or Jonathan Sands,

Summit on Sanctuary Movement
Welcoming the Stranger, Our Neighbor: 
An Introduction to the 
New Sanctuary Movement

Holy Family Parish Center, Essex Junction,   Sunday, April 15,  1:30-5:30 p.m. 
To register, email Melissa Battah of Vermont Interfaith Action at .

Classes on Islam at FUUSB

Caitlin Waddick


Have you ever read the Qur'an? Here is your chance! 


The Sanctuary and Solidarity Task Force seeks to deepen our understanding of Islam as a way to combat Islamophobia and be ready for solidarity actions with our neighbors of this faith. We sponsored a 2-part film series in January and February. The films were "Inside Islam: A Sweeping Story of One of the World's Great Faiths (produced by the History Channel) and "Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think" (based on a Gallop poll). Thank you for making the film series a smashing success. Next, the Task Force has invited me to teach two classes about Islam, based partly on what we teach our 7th graders in the world religions program called Building Bridges (formerly known as Neighboring Faiths). 

The classes will be from 12:30-2 p.m. after the second services on  April 22  and  May 6 . The first lesson, "Peace by Surrender," will cover the numbers of religious adherents, the life of Muhammed, the five pillars of Islam, and beliefs shared with UUism. We could also practice Muslim greetings and Arabic script. The second lesson on "Contemporary Issues" might include the division between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, comparisons between Islam and associated religions (Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, Sikhism, Baha'i), the life of Khadijah, women's status, and Muslims in peace and conflict. We would have time for asking questions and having discussions. 


Would you attend on April 22 and May 6? What topics do you want to learn about? Do you have pictures or objects to share? Please reply to

802-497-0920 (during daylight hours).  


Generally, we are thinking about ways to honor our value for religious pluralism with programming about the beliefs and practices of other faiths. What faith traditions would you like to explore with other UUs? I would be willing to cooperatively lead and organize other classes like this one, based on your interests. 

Vermont Interfaith Action (VIA) Event with Gov. Scott
Join us Monday, April 23 from 6:30-7:45 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal, 64 State St., Montpelier, as we share our stories with Gov. Scott and ask him to sign the minimum wage and paid family and medical leave bills that will advance a Moral Economy. To register see VIA's Facebook page or call 651-8889.
Host/Facilitator Training for Living Room Conversations About Race
FUUSB's Racial Justice Task Force is co-sponsoring a training to be a host or facilitator for Living Room Conversations about Race with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). 

Saturday, April 28, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at t he Center of Recreation & Education (The CORE) at Old North End Community Center, 22 Allen Street, Burlington. 

There is no charge for the training, although donations to Central Vermont SURJ will be accepted.

Registration: If you would like to register for this training, or are interested in being a participant in a future discussion, please fill out this form. Space is limited to 30 participants; please register early.

Living Room Conversations are two-hour small group discussions; previous facilitation experience is not needed. The goal of the project is to empower people to have discussions in their own communities that build the movement towards ending white supremacy. Format and content for topics will be provided.

Examples of topics include:
  • Ending White Supremacy in our Hearts, our Communities, our World
  • Challenging the Free Speech Argument in the Time of Charlottesville
  • Connecting our struggles to the Movement for Black Lives Policy Platform
  • Interrupting Hate: How to not be a bystander in the era of the Trump presidency
  • Mapping our Ancestry
  • Skill Building: How do we have conversations about racism?
We are looking for:
  • Hosts: Make your home or community space available for hosting a Living Room Conversation.  Hosts will help with outreach and invitations. And we would love it if you are open to coordinating some snacks! 
  • Facilitators: We are looking for people to facilitate/co-facilitate these discussions. SURJ will provide a curriculum, ongoing support throughout the process, and a debrief session. We ask facilitators to commit to facilitating 2-3 discussions during 2018.
  • Participants: Not interested in hosting or facilitating, but would like a future invite to participate in these conversations? Let us know by filling out the form linked above, and we'll try to get you details about what is happening in your town!
You're Invited: Charting the Future of Faith Formation at FUUSB!
chalice by river
Please join us for a Dialogue about Lifespan Faith Formation, Religious Education, and Multigenerational Community Building.

Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 
Susan B. Anthony Room. 

Refreshments and child care available.  Registration for child care will end on April 28. 

Parents, Stewards, Advisors and other Congregants are warmly invited to join Rev. Mara, Andrea Spencer-Linzie, Director of Family Ministry, and members of the Religious Education Team for a lively exploration of the future of Faith Formation at FUUSB. A member of our UUA's New England staff team will be on hand to facilitate our conversations.

As you know, we are in a time of transition in how we staff and run our religious education program. Andrea Spencer-Linzie came aboard in December as our Developmental Director of Family Ministry to help us through this transformation and prepare the way for the eventual arrival of a second minister, whose portfolio will include faith formation for all ages.

This important dialogue will provide an opportunity to discuss Faith Formation at FUUSB, and to learn more about "Family Ministry," an emerging form of faith formation that focuses on community-building and connection across generations. Come, be part of this conversation as we begin to chart the future of spiritual growth and learning in our congregation across all ages and stages, including our faith formation for children and youth, youth group, young adult ministry, OWL (Our Whole Lives sexuality education), adult faith formation and intergenerational programming.
2018 COTS Walk
The 2018 COTS (Committee on Temporary Shelter) WALK is on Sunday, May 6. Consider joining the UUCares team of walkers or sponsor one of the team members already committed to completing the 3.5 mile walk through downtown Burlington. 

Contact Chip Patullo ( or Nina Harrington ( if you have questions.
Your Website at a Glance
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations

We have a new website, but it's at  
the same old address:

Here are some Frequently Used Links (FUL) for your convenience.

Home Page
  • Coming this Sunday - In the upper right corner you will always be able to get the summary of this Sunday's worship.
  • Events - In the lower left corner you will find a list of selected upcoming events. Click on the name of the event to get the details.
  • News - In the lower center you will find news about building closings and meeting cancellations (inclement weather), links to FUUSB in the news, and important announcements from the UUA.
  • Food for Thought - In the lower right you will find an inspirational quote on this month's theme.
  • Stay Connected - In the lower center you will find links to the most recent version of all our regular publications (eNews, Steeple, Path, etc.) and a link to sign up to receive these publications if you're not already on the mailing list. This is where you send your friends who are interested in knowing more about FUUSB!
  • Society Calendar - In the bottom center you will find a link to our complete Society Calendar.
Click on the following links to explore the new website:

Our Mission, Values & Ends

Parking & Accessibility

Pastoral Emergency

Care Network Team 

Spiritual Growth & Learning

Social Justice  

OWL (Our Whole Lives)

Theme Circles & Small Group Ministry 

Access ACS 

Forms (including Blue Sheets & Check Requests) 

Governance Documents (including By-Laws) 

Meeting Minutes

Giving & Pledge Cards

Planned Giving



Spring Service Trip Chaperone Needed
The Yuuth Group is looking for one male-identified chaperone to accompany the group on their Annual Spring Service Trip. (We have three chaperones identified already, and need one more to support the group of 10 youth.) 

This year, the trip leaves Burlington on  April 23  and returns on  April 26 . The Yuuth Group will be participating in the Youth Service Opportunities Project in New York City, which focuses around issues of homelessness and food insecurity. The group will be staying at the International Youth Hostel. 

Interested chaperones can respond to Hannah Kretvix at  or Andrea Spencer-Linzie at  with questions. Thanks so much!
Access ACS - How Members Stay Connected!
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations

Access ACS is your connection to the Society's database. By signing up, you will be able to:
  • Update your personal information (address, phone number, email address, etc.)
  • Check your personal pledge status
  • Print a copy of your tax statement
  • Update your skills and interests information
  • Browse current opportunities for participation
  • Add a photograph of you and/or your family
  • Access the Society Directory
  • View the Society Calendar
  • We will be adding more options soon! (classes, groups, registration, pledge payment set-up, etc.)
Signing up is easy! Just click on this link:  and you will be taken to a login page. To obtain your login and password, look below the box to where it says "Need a Login? Click Here," and click! Once you get your login, you can access all the above offerings by going to the Members tab on the website. Want to make it super easy? Bookmark the above link, then you'll be able to get to this spot with one click.

Do you want access to the Society Directory and Calendar while you're on the go? Go to the App Store and download the "Church Life" app. Use your same login and password, and you can have Access ACS everywhere you go!  

Visiting a member but not sure where they live? Look them up in the Directory, click on their address, and up pops a Google map with directions to their house! Trying to schedule an event during a committee meeting? Look at the calendar in the Church Life app to see if the space is available that day!  

This is such a wonderful opportunity for members to have the information they need right at their fingertips! But it's only helpful if you sign up. So please do it now. If you have any questions or problems, please contact Christina at

2018 UUA General Assembly!

GA is in Kansas City, Missouri from  June 20-24 . Think you might be interested? Check it out on the UUA website: 

General Assembly Grants
Christina Fulton, Director of Operations

If you're planning to attend the 2018 UUA General Assembly in Kansas City, MO and need some help paying for your registration, then I have good news for you! FUUSB has a small pot of money available to assist members with their GA registration fees. Adult registration is $395 until April 30, and $450 from  May 1-June 24. You can find more detailed registration information at

If you would like to apply for a grant, email Christina Fulton at by April 22. On  April 23 we will award grants and mail reimbursement checks. I hope to see you at GA!

Care Network Team Update
Please let the Care Network Team know if you are aware of someone in the community who could use some support, whether it be a visit, a comforting prayer shawl, or a meal. The email is: 

Share a meal with one of the following families. Nothing fancy is required. Your assistance does NOT have to be a 4-course gourmet meal. Anything helps.  Bon appetit!
  • Kathy Bonilla has been fighting a long-term health battle and she and her two granddaughters truly appreciate the help that a few meals a week can be. 
  • Shirley Wolfe would greatly appreciate a couple meals every week while her husband, Roy Neuer, is at Fanny Allen Rehab recovering from a stroke.  
  • Miriam (Tammy) Strauss is dealing with long-term health issues caused by being rear-ended by a cattle truck. One meal every week is a major support to her.  
Note: John Lincoln and Jill Stevens are not currently in need of help and have asked to suspend their meal train for a month or so. Elz Curtiss and Lynne Matthews are also not in need right now. Stay tuned! Thank you to all who have contributed.  


NOTE: As we get them, we are posting recipes from the "Hop on the Mealtrain" event on the Care Network section of the Society website. Keep checking for delicious ideas. (Thank you to Suzie McCoy, Linda Graves and Abbie Nelson for the recipes so far.)  Scroll down to see the recipes. AND if you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it to .