St. Leonard Catholic Parish
M anotick, Ont

"Where disciples grow "
Monthly E-Newsletter for May 2019
Welcome to the St. Leonard monthly E-Newsletter. Spring has sprung at last. May the joy of the Risen Christ be with you throughout the 50 days of the Easter Season! Be sure to get your family picture taken this month for the new Parish photo directory.
Pastor's Message for May 1st

Easter Disciples

Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is Risen! And what a glorious Easter it was. Many thanks to all of those who volunteered to help with our Lenten and Easter Masses and services. And to you my dear parishioners, I hope that your Lent was the “best ever” and that as we continue through the 50 days of the Easter season you may be filled with the Joy of the Risen Christ and see your faith renewed just as the disciples who witnessed the historical events of Easter and were forever changed.

During Holy Week we remembered the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. On Easter Sunday we marked the great glory of the Resurrection when Jesus emerged from the tomb, defeating death, sin and the devil and giving us the promise of eternal life. It is the pivotal events of the Easter weekend that call us to faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. There were some that lived through these events and immediately believed (the good thief, Mary Magdalene, the Roman centurion). There were others that only believed after they witnessed the risen Christ for themselves (Thomas). The season of Easter has long been a time when newcomers and those disciples already on the Catholic journey revisit the foundations of their faith.  

Here are three practical recommendations for living as Easter Disciples:

Live with Joy
Christ is risen! Alleluia! The gulf that separated humanity from God has been bridged by Jesus. Happiness, both here on earth and after death, is available to us when we respond positively to his invitation to be a disciple. As disciples of Jesus we should live with joy that is a deep-down gladness that cannot be taken away. It is the events of Easter weekend that set us on the road to discipleship. They should now we are Christian by our love…… and our joy!

Live without Fear
The Resurrection shows us that there is nothing that God cannot overcome, even death. When the Risen Lord appears to the women at the tomb and later to his disciples, his first words are “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 28:5,10) These words speak to us as well. God will be with us always and our faith allows us to trust that God can overcome our most serious problems.

Live with a New Vision
Our world is forever changed by the events of Easter. Easter means to live with a new vision. Just as the return of spring lifts our spirits and makes us feel like the whole world is new, the Resurrection of Jesus makes “all things new.” (Rev. 21:5) Jesus fulfills the promises of scripture and brings into being a new order. An order based on “love of God and love of neighbour”. This new order allows us to find peace and happiness as disciples of Jesus. As an Easter Disciple we will see the world through new eyes—God´s eyes.

Throughout the 50 days of the Easter Season let us be true disciples of Jesus: embracing joy, living without fear, and fully committing to the new way that Jesus has set out for us.

God bless you and those you love this Easter Sea son! Fr. Titus
Welcome to our New Catholics!
We had been preparing for Easter throughout the forty days of Lent, and it all culminated in the Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. The Easter Vigil is the most important Mass of the liturgical year. We celebrated the Resurrection of the Lord and our Catechumens and Candidate from the RCIA program received the Sacraments of Initiation. This year Adam Stratas, Amy Shackell, and Shelby McNeil were welcomed into the Catholic Church. Adam and Shelby received the sacrament of Baptism and, along with Amy, they also received the sacrament of Confirmation and First Communion. All three were enthusiastically welcomed into our Parish.   
A Word from the Communion Preparation Team

We would like to congratulate all the children (and parents) who completed their First Communion preparations this past year for a job well done!! This year we had 71 children in total (35 from St. Jerome, 29 from St. Leonard and 7 from other schools). We are truly blessed to have so many beautiful children in our parish. Pictured above are the 7 children who received their First Communion on Sunday, April 28th at 9 am. We hope all the children and their families will continue to come to St. Leonard to share in the Love of Christ and to be a part of our community spirit. 
We would also like to thank Father Titus and Susan Streng who, as always, work tirelessly to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. Thank you to all the Eucharistic Ministers who helped to hand out the multitude of work sheets and to the ladies of the CWL for getting those lovely cakes to serve at the Sunday Communion masses. We also send out our thanks to Hilda Cambareri for going through all the completed worksheets again this year. What a great team we have!
God Bless, 
Elisabeth Murphy and Susan Doucet
Parish Photo Directory Under Construction!
A New Parish Photo Directory is being organized and will require the input and collaboration of parishioners to make it successful. Just a reminder that there is no cost to have your family picture taken and included in the directory. It’s five years since St. Leonard’s last directory was published and it’s time for an updated one.

The professional photographer will be at St. Leonard on Tuesday May 28th to Friday May 31st between 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM and on Saturday June 1st between 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM. Volunteers will be needed to be at the church at all times with the Photographer to assist with paper work. A sheet for volunteers to sign up for a shift will be in the front entrance of the Church. 

To make an appointment to have your family photographed you can sign online be clicking here or by filling in your requested time slot to be photographed on sheets that will be available in the church hall.

With your cooperation we can make this new Directory a great success. If you have questions you can contact Susan in the St Leonard’s office at 613 692-4254.
FORMED Resources for May
But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart" (Luke 2:19). The events of Mary's life on earth were punctuated with supernatural joys and deep sorrows, yet, throughout it all, she maintained a steady peace of heart. This month, in which we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mother of the Church, may we let go of our desire to be in control, and, like Mary, ponder the works of God in our hearts with peace and humility. 
Becoming a Catholic
Why would intelligent, successful people give up careers, alienate friends, and cause havoc in their become Catholic? As he was considering his own move into the Church, Donald Johnson traveled around the country to get the story for himself, from some of today's most interesting and articulate Catholic voices. Scott Hahn, Jennifer Fulwiler, Jeff Cavins and many others share what drew them into the Catholic Church despite all the obstacles. WATCH NOW
Offerings Update for 2019

Year To Date as of April 15, 2019 actual  $71,473
Year To Date as of April 15, 2019 budget $76.500
Year To Date as of April 15, 2018 actual  $79,995

As of April 14, 2019 we are $5,027 behind our offerings budget and $8,522 behind our offerings compared to last year.

The fact that Ottawa recorded its longest snow streak in recorded history (147+ days with at least 1 cm of snow on the ground), combined with some particularly nasty weekend weather over the first 3 months of the year, contributed to a decline in our weekend Mass attendance and thus our current offering shortfall. In order to retain our 2019 Financial Plan we would very much like your help in addressing this current shortfall. Please consider making a one time increase in your weekly envelope or your Pre-Authorized Payment. Alternatively, If you would like to act on this immediately, you may go to our account on the Canada Helps website and make a donation using your credit card. This is the link to our account . Thanks in advance for your help in getting us back on track.
Development and Peace - Caritas Canada would like to thank the parish of St. Leonard's for their donation of $2120.85 collected on Solidarity Sunday this past Lent. The donations made during Share Lent are not only used to fund Development and Peace's community development projects and programs, but also to leverage financing from other funders, such as Global Affairs Canada. Thanks to your generosity, we can also offer support in emergencies, such as the current problems suffered by the people in Mozambique, recently hit by two devastating cyclones this past month - $50,000 was sent so far.

Our group also supported the Pope's effort to walk the circumference of the globe in solidarity with refugees and migrants by joining Archbishop Prendergast, S. J. and Archbishop Durocher in the Share the Journey walk on April 6th - a beautiful sunny day. Approximately 115 people participated in the walk, giving us 575 miles to contribute. We were joined by partners of D&P - notably Gustavo "el profe" Moncayo of Columbia who managed to peacefully have his kidnapped son released by the FARC in 2010 - and continues to negotiate for peace in his country. The photo to the right shows him with the Archbishops after Mass that day in the basilica in Ottawa.

Thank you again for supporting the work of Development and Peace financially and for praying for refugees and migrants around the world forced to leave their homes. 
Sacristans Needed!
We are in short supply of Sacristans for the 11:00 am Sunday Mass and we could really use a couple of volunteers to fill this important role. Training and mentoring will be provided. Please contact Scott Wilson ( )
What's on in May?
May 1 Pastoral Council Meeting
May 2 Baptismal Preparation Session 7 p.m.
May 4 First Communion 4:30 p.m.
May 5 First Communion 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
May 6 Confirmation Reconciliation Service 6:30 p.m.
May 8 Knights of Columbus Meeting 7 p.m.
May 10 Youth Movie Night 7 p.m.
May 11 First Communion 4:30 p.m.
May 28th to Friday May 31st between 2:30 PM and 8:30 PM and on Saturday June 1st between 9:30 AM and 3:00 PM--Family Picture Time!
After the 9 am and 11 am Sunday masses in May coffee will be served in the Parish Hall.
Parishioner Feedback: We Love Your Input!
Dear Parishioners we are very interested in your feedback. If have any comments and/or suggestions as it relates to any of our Parish activities, including the E-Newsletter, please  click here. If you would like a direct response to your suggestion, please include your email address.
St. Leonard Parish