M Kids News
Have you seen it??
A heartfelt "Thank You!" goes out to our friends who we affectionately call "The Sisters." Karen Nelson, Raye Arant, Renee Hammond and Wendy Jeffcoat and their husbands knocked it out of the park with this amazing scene to enhance our Clubhouse.
Now that construction is complete, please help keep our little ones safe by guiding them away from the stage area.
Parents Night Out April 27
Earth Day
Join us on Sunday April 22nd from 2-5pm and help clean up our community in celebration of Earth Day. This is a great event for families to enjoy together! We will gather at the church and be sent out to various surrounding areas in need of a little TLC. Please where long pants and close toed shoes. We also ask that you register
. If you have any questions, email:
VBS Registration opens Monday, April 16 via the church website. Register Early!!!