"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
November 2018
Rogers (left) at his graduation from University 
Rogers was a typical boy in the village of Kamonkoli. His father supported the family through work as a teacher. Unfortunately, when he retired he turned to alcohol and the stability of the family home was lost. Soon after, his father passed away as did Rogers' brother. Rogers, as the remaining male of the family, would receive the 
responsibilities for his mother and 4 sisters. There were no funds for school for any of them.
As a preteen Rogers received a sponsor through HUM. He studied hard and became a very good student so we were able to send him to Uganda Christian University where he studied to become a social worker. He attended AWANA and church regularly and received Jesus as his personal savior as a youth. He also began to show many leadership qualities.  
Today Rogers is the school social worker for our Genesis Primary School. He builds relationships with the families of our students, both sponsored or other community children, in order to offer encouragement and accountability. He looks after the welfare of all of the school children by visiting their homes and ensuring they are eating, attending school and staying healthy. He offers intervention to families in crisis and accountability where needed. Mostly, he can share God's love and show how Genesis is different and cares about each and every child that attends.  
David - our first meeting 
-year-old David was abandoned by his mother to his step-grandmother who chained him to a log every day for the next 4 years while she went to work. She fed him little to keep the area clean and gave him no love. He could not speak. Earlier this year, Rogers discovered the little boy and saw his desperate situation. With the help of a special friend of the ministry we were able to take little David to a residential
malnutrition center where he is being nursed to health as well as receiving cognitive and emotional rehabilitation. We already have sponsors lined up to help David once he is healthy.
Lives are truly changed through sponsorship. When you sponsor a child, not only do you make a difference for that child, but often for other family members and for those whose lives he or she may touch in the future. Many will become Godly leaders for their family, community and country.
Rogers was a sponsored child who, as a young man, makes a difference in many lives. In addition to his work as our Genesis social worker, Rogers has recently taken over the leadership of our AWANA program and he is on the rotation of young men that Pastor Charles is mentoring as preachers and leaders of the church. Now, little David has found a special place in Rogers' heart and Rogers and his wife and 2 little girls have asked to take David in and make him part of their family.
God is faithful to work in the lives of so many of our sponsored children. It is such a joy to watch them grow up in the ministry to make a difference and honor Jesus with their lives. Thank you to all of you who support and faithfully pray for this ministry to make this all possible.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas, 

Hines Ugandan Ministries    




P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

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text HUM to 41444
Christmas is a special time for many of us. Take this opportunity to love on your sponsored child or other underfunded or wait listed children in Kamonkoli this Christmas with a donation of $35 per child. This will purchase an outfit, hygiene supplies and food as well as a Christmas party.
Katherine & Melanie have returned to Uganda so you'll have to send cards to the Uganda address or you can write your child and wish them a Merry Christmas on our website.
Please send no gifts to our U.S. office. To donate please send a check to our Littleton office, give online at
 or text HUM to 41444.
Please remember us in your year end giving.     Our greatest needs are in ministry funds and the Higher Ed fund. Thank you in advance for your faithful support and have a
Very Merry Christmas.
Donate by mail, at our website or by texting HUM to 41444