Everything Parents Need to Know About Finding Scholarships

Recorded webinar -- listen (and re-listen) at your convenience!

Worried about college costs?

If you're like most parents, you don't realize how many scholarships are out there  for ALL students.

Students don't need a great GPA to win big money.  

They also don't need to qualify for financial aid.

From writing about the zombie apocalypse Zombie Scholarship,
to making videos Video Scholarship, to being a vegetarian Vegetarian Scholarship ($10,000!), there are scholarships for every student, including YOURS!

Many of these scholarships are open to middle schoolers and college students!

Presented by national college consultant Susan Goodkin.  

This webinar covers everything you need to know about finding scholarship money for your child, including how to get merit scholarships from colleges and tips for writing great scholarship applications  (plus you'll get a resource list and a handout with advice from college scholarship expert Monica Matthews, author of How to Win College Scholarships!):

The Scholarship Search
  • What to do before you start looking to search most efficiently
  • Why your child's GPA is less important for many scholarships than you think
  • What students can start doing when they're young to improve their odds of winning scholarships
  • The best order in which to search for scholarships
  • How to search beyond the usual suspects
  • Tricky ways to find local scholarships
  • How to find scholarships for students with quirky interests
Merit Scholarships Awarded by Colleges  (scholarships not based on financial need)
  • Who gets merit scholarships?
  • Some great colleges that offer big scholarships (full tuition or more!)
  • Tips for figuring out how much merit aid your child might be offered
The National Merit Scholarship Competition
  • How it works
  • How you can improve your child's odds of winning one - and why you should be thinking about this the summer after sophomore year!
  • How merit scholarship recognition can help your child get merit aid at many colleges
The Scholarship Application
  • How to write a great scholarship application
  • Tips from students who have won scholarships, including National Merit Scholars, Coca-Cola Scholars, and more.