Vol. 9, Iss. 16
May 2, 2019
Dear Parents,

I can hardly believe it's already May and there is only one month of school remaining! May is always an extremely busy month, so I wanted to highlight some key dates for planning purposes:
Field Day
Similar to past years, the PTO is supplying Field Day t-shirts for all students. This year the theme is 'BFA Field Day Disney Style.' The shirts, designed by our own Ellie Pierce and Sydney Campagna, are terrific and I can't wait for the kids to see them! Students will receive the shirts prior to their Field Day and should plan to wear them with athletic shorts or leggings/sweatpants on Field Day. Please be sure you apply sunscreen at home before your student's field day activities and you send them to school with a water bottle.
Elementary Field Days at BFA
May 8, 8:40 - 12:00, Grades 4 and 5
May 9, 8:25 - 11:45, Grades 2 and 3
May 10, 8:20 - 11:20, Grades K and 1
Middle School Field Day at Redstone Park
Monday, May 22, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
The students will leave Ben Franklin around 8:30 a.m. and walk to the park with their advisory teacher. Your student must be registered and the TrainOC waiver must be completed to attend! To register, please go to  and look for middle school field day. Registration is open now and closes May 21.  
Eighth Grade Graduation Activities
One of our favorite BFA traditions is the eighth grade 'clap out/red carpet' when all the kids come out of their classrooms and 'clap out' the graduating eighth graders, who then walk the red carpet out of school on their last day. Bring your tissues, and be ready to line the halls at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 23. (Remember to bring your Driver's License if you don't have a volunteer badge!)
Eighth Grade Graduation is at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 23. Students should arrive at 5:45 p.m. Light refreshments will be served following the ceremony.
Last Day of School
The last day of school is on Friday, May 24, and is a half-day. School will end at noon, and carpool will run from noon until 12:30 p.m. If you need BASE for your student that day, you MUST register in advance. See the article below or go to this link to get registered.  

It's certainly an exciting time, so please help your students stay focused and on track for these last few weeks of school!


Diana Simpson
BFA loves its volunteers, and we want to show our appreciation for all of your work. This year, the PTO will be recognizing volunteers each month. A volunteer will be chosen as the 'Volunteer of the Month,' and will get exclusive use of the dedicated 'Volunteer' spot in the parking lot for their month.


For the month of March,  Dawn Becker and Kristine Haas have been selected as the Ben Franklin Academy Volunteers of the Month. Dawn and Kristine are being honored for all the time and effort they've spent volunteering as 8th Grade Washington, D.C. Fundraising Co-Managers. They both wear many different hats and volunteer across multiple areas at BFA but their commitment to fundraising on behalf of the D.C. group this school year has been remarkable. They've demonstrated so many of Ben Franklin's virtues by being, among other things, industrious in their ideas, fair in their practices, organized, and humble. For their efforts, we'd like to say thanks and recognize them.

Dawn and her husband, Greg, have three boys who attend BFA - Paxton, in eighth grade, Palmer, in fourth grade, and Patterson, in kindergarten. Paxton started as a first grader when the school first opened. In Dawn's words, "We not only love the top notch education that our boys are receiving and the amazing teachers and staff that BFA has, but also the friendships that our boys (and us, as parents too) have developed through all of our years at the school.  BFA is truly a unique and warm community."
Kristine and her husband, Steve, have been married for 27 years and have two children - Addison in eighth grade and Easton in fourth grade. Their family has been at BFA since the school opened. Kristine loves helping out in the Science Lab, Art Room, on field trips, and in the past helped head up the Yearbook Committee. Steve currently serves on the BFA Board. In Kristine's words, "The teachers and admin at BFA have become like family to us. It's wonderful knowing that our children have a safe and loving place to land every day. Add to that an excellent education, and we feel like BFA has been the best choice for our kiddos." 

Congratulations, Dawn and Kristine! And, thank you again for all you do for our school.

The 2019 Regional Math Masters Competition was completed at Northridge Elementary on Saturday, April 27. Nine fifth grade and seven sixth grade teams participated.

The BFA STEM committee sponsored fifth and sixth grade teams. Participating BFA fifth grade students (pictured in blue shirts) included Noah Inman, Isabella LeBoeuf, Bryn McDermott and Aubrie Titus. Hansika Lakkireddy, Maria Mundackal, Evan Roper, Dallin Sarver and Quinlan Smythe were the BFA sixth grade student
participants (pictured in red shirts).

Hansika Lakkireddy used her excellent mental math skills to earn a second place award in the Math Facts competition which tests for the number of 75 multiple function problems that can be correctly solved in 5 minutes (that's 4 seconds per problem!).

Maria Mundackal won the first-place award and Quinlan Smythe placed second for the Individual Problem Solving competition. They proved to be extremely competent in solving most of the 32 word-type problems in 40 minutes. These problems required logical thinking and the correct use of mathematical solutions.

AND, the BFA sixth grade team won first place overall in the Team Problem Solving competition by solving 30 more difficult word-type problems in 45 minutes! The students worked very well together and maximized their efforts with outstanding teamwork.

Thanks to all BFA students, teachers, administration and STEM committee for supporting the 2019 Math Masters Competition.

Denver Nuggets
Thanks to some persuasive BFA students, we  will have a Nuggets (or other NBA team) or Avalanche (or other NHL team) day tomorrow , May 3 . Students may wear a basketball or hockey top with uniform bottoms. 

Alternatively, students may wear a spirit wear shirt, their Fun Run shirt or a Field Day shirt from a prior year with regular uniform bottoms.
Fourth grade missed out on the $1 Dress of Choice last Friday, so they can still pay a $1 to support the DI teams and come in any Dress of Choice outfit.  

The week of May 6, the PTO will be recognizing all of our incredible teachers and staff during Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. We hope you'll help us show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them with a rock n' rollin' good time!
Here's what the PTO has planned for the week:

Monday - We'll get the week rolling with a fun basket giveaway for staff!
Tuesday (National Teacher Appreciation Day) - Teachers and Staff will enjoy a cereal and breakfast bar to get their day rockin'!
Wednesday - Please send in kind notes and pictures about why your student loves/appreciates our BFA staff and teachers to be included in our "Praise Wall."
Thursday - Our sweet teachers and staff will be treated to a mid-day ice cream sundae bar at the BFA Soda Fountain!
Friday - SCRIP gifting for all teachers and staff. Feel free to also gift on your own if you wish.
Please sign up to help with the i ce cream sundae bar and the breakfast.

Thank you for your support in making Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week special for our fantastic teachers and staff!

pirates cove
Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA!  To show our thanks, the PTO is hosting a volunteer appreciation event - an evening at Pirate's Cove - on July 13 from 6 - 8:30 p.m. All BFA families who have met and recorded their family's volunteer quota (30 hours per family or 15 per single household) will be rewarded with FREE admission for their immediate family to Pirate's Cove. The PTO has rented out the park for the evening so it will be a private BFA only event. Hope to see you there!
It's not too late to get in your volunteer hours for this year - keep on volunteering and be sure to record your hours!
Already met your quota? Keep logging those hours! When applying for grants, the school reports our total number of combined volunteer hours. Every hour is important! AND, the PTO will have some special volunteer appreciation schwag for families who go above and beyond in volunteering with 50, 75, and 100+ hours recorded.

Thank you to everyone who contributed during the SCRIP collection week in April. A total of $10,280 was collected from BFA families, and staff have been notified of their respective gift amounts. Please keep in mind gift amounts are anonymous. Staff will be selecting gift cards of their choosing this week and the gift cards will be distributed on May 9 and 10. On behalf of the BFA staff, THANK YOU for your incredible generosity .

As you may know, there are two important steps parents need to complete before the start of every school year for your K-8 BFA student(s).
In the summer (usually late July or the beginning of August), you will be asked to complete DCSD Online Express Check-In, and in August, you'll be invited to BFA Annual Family Check-In.
To access DCSD Online Express Check-In this summer and complete the first step, you'll need to login to the DCSD EngagED Parent Portal. Since BFA parents generally use the username and password for the Parent Portal one time per year, sometimes they forget their login credentials. Therefore, we'd like you to take the opportunity NOW to login to the EngagED Parent Portal. If you find that you do not know your username and password, please email BFA's registrar, Colleen Bobbin, by May 6. We want to be sure you are prepared well before summer begins. Note: Families who have never had a K-8 student in a DCSD school may have to wait until July 1 to access their account.
Also, you may notice that DCSD has new parent and student Infinite Campus apps. Please note, the DCSD Campus App is NOT required for BFA parents; however, you are welcome to download it and use it to see your student's schedule. The app cannot be used for certain processes, including DCSD Express Check-In or Open Enrollment.

ALL BFA library books will need to be returned by Friday, May 10. Please remind your child to bring their books no later than that day. Fines will be assessed Wednesday, May 15, if books are not returned. The library will be closed for check out the last two weeks of school. Thank you!

DI Globals
Lightning bolts from the Destination Imagination (DI) Ben Franklin Bolting fundraiser are "sparking" joy all over BFA lawns this spring! Let's keep the "current" momentum going for the FINAL WEEK of bolting! And keep posting photos on the Friends of Ben Facebook page - it's great to see those "bolt"iful smiles and BFA students "strike" a pose.
"Bolt" a fellow BFA family for a tax-deductible donation of $25 to the BFA PTO  and cover the lawn of BFA families with a dozen (12) Ben Franklin Lightning Bolts! Place an order on the
BFA Store and enter the address of the family you want to bolt.  When you enter the bolted family's address, you remain anonymous or let 'em know who bolted them. The DI teams will place the BFA "bolts" in the family's yard for which you paid. Then the family who is "bolted" can choose to have the "bolts" moved to another lawn for $25 by placing an order on the 
BFA Store
 to keep the fun going. The DI teams will remove the "bolts" the following evening regardless of giving a donation. Let's be Frank(lin) about it - bolting is fun!
Note:  You will need the address of the family you'd like to "bolt." Helpful hint: Use the Directory On Tap app to look up an address to "bolt." DI teams can only deliver to families currently attending BFA. They cannot deliver to a public space or a townhouse, condo or apartment complex. Please email Missy Washeck with any questions. The Ben Franklin Bolting Fundraiser ends Saturday, May 11.
EXTRA Dress of Choice Day - Fourth Grade ONLY
Because the fourth grade was on a field trip last Friday, fourth graders get to participate in the $1 for Dress of Choice Day TOMORROW, May 3. To participate, send your fourth grader with $1 (please have exact change) to turn into his/her class/homeroom teacher, and s/he can join in the fun!
Thank you to everyone who participated in last week's Extra Dress of Choice Day and Frozen Treat Sale - the DI teams appreciate your support!

For the second year in a row, BFA has THREE Destination Imagination (DI) teams going to DI Global Finals. At the end of May, BFA's DI teams will travel to Kansas City, Missouri, to compete among more than 8,000 participants (approximately 1,400 teams) from more than 15 different countries. The cost to attend Global Finals is about $1,500-$2,000 per student. DI is a creative problem-solving program that integrates STEAM principles and teaches 21st century skills, including leadership, teamwork, positive thinking and project management.
Thank you for supporting the BFA DI teams!

PTO Logo
Everyone is invited to join the BFA PTO for our year-end meeting and dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, in the Sanders Science Lab. All in the BFA community are welcome - members AND nonmembers alike! Dinner is on the PTO. We'll be wrapping up another successful year and would love for you to join us. Please RSVP today!

Have your kids had a growth spurt or are you ready to get new uniforms for next year? If so, mark your calendars for the upcoming Uniform Consignment Sale from 9 - 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 18, in the Lightning Gym.

If you would like to sell your uniforms, please be sure your items are tagged properly and brought to the front office with the inventory form  between Monday, May 13, and Thursday, May 16, as uniforms will  not be accepted outside of this window. Please follow the  tagging instructions and complete the inventory form . Any unsold items will need to be picked up between 12-1 p.m. after the sale on May 18. Note that items will not be held after May 18 unless previously arranged.
If you would like to shop at the uniform sale, please note that we only accept cash or check. We have uniforms in all sizes and genders, so be sure to check it out! If you would like to volunteer to help with the sale, please visit the signup genius link .

The PTO is looking for Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a great way to get your hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to Amanda Trenck and Emily Tenhundfeld , co-room parent coordinators, K-5.  

Congratulations to Rhyan Torres in Mrs. Wall's class and Eve Lyn Tenney! Rhyan is the winner of the April and May PTO Virtues Awareness Bookmark Contest, and Eve Lyn won the middle school Paint the Rock Contest!
Rhyan's bookmark was chosen for its beautiful and colorful design showing the virtue of Industry: 'Keep on task. There is a time for work and a time for play-do both with a good attitude.' K-5 students, look for your copy of Rhyan's winning bookmark in your Thursday folder!
Eve Lyn won the middle school paint the rock contest! She designed a winning poster illustrating the virtue of Purity earlier this year. Look for her painted rock on May 16!
Rhyan's Winning Bookmark Design:

buy one get one
School is almost over! Join us at our Scholastic Book Fair May 20 - May 24 to stock up on some great books to keep your kids reading all summer! Books, posters, and miscellaneous items will all be buy one, get one free.  
  • Monday, May 20, and Thursday, May 23: 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 21, and Wednesday, May 22: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Friday, May 24: 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!

FOURTH GRADE FAMILIES--please volunteer in carpool this MAY! To help fill crucial carpool volunteer roles, we're asking  parents in each grade level to make a special effort to volunteer one month of the school year. 

In May, we'd like our Fourth GRADE families to sign up for open volunteer spots in carpool. If you don't have a fourth grade student, but enjoy volunteering in carpool--WE STILL NEED YOU so please consider signing up today. Just log into  HelpCounter and click on ' Check for Upcoming Opportunities.' 

Boys Middle School Soccer Camp will be help from 8:30-11:30 a.m. July 22-25 on the BFA turf. For more information and to sign up please use this link. Camp is only offered to incoming sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys. Take advantage of the early registration discount and sign up early! Hope to see many of you out there this summer. 

BASE logo
A message from the BASE director:

As you know, the last day of school (May 24) is a half-day. If you are in need of BASE after school care, you will need to preregister for that day through this MySchoolBucks link. Registration is open now and will close on Sunday, May 12. This day will be treated like a summer camp day, so we'll have a planned activity, a movie, as well as outside and gym time offered. We will be open from noon until 6 p.m. The cost for the day will be $45 per student; there will only be 60 spots available. All kids that are not picked up after all call will go to BASE and be charged accordingly, space pending. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Savoy.

During the 2019-20 school year, BFA is proud to offer a middle school choir elective that culminates in a performance at Disneyland.
These students will commit to a year-long elective to learn choral and sight-reading techniques. Next
April, they will travel to Disneyland to perform and take a workshop with Disney performers.  We plan to offer this opportunity once every three years so this will be current middle school  students' only opportunity to participate. We are able to offer 45 spots, first come first served.
Students will not need to audition for this choir. If your student is a  current fifth, sixth and/or seventh grader and you are interested in the choir but missed the meeting, please review and complete this packet

Help prevent some of the inevitable 'summer slide' by joining us for Summer Bootcamp at BFA! Ellen Cain and Sarah Harrell will be hosting two Bootcamp sessions to review math, reading and writing skills for incoming first, second and third graders. Each session will meet for two hours per day, for four consecutive days. They will host both a June and July Session. Please visit the SignUpGenius for more information. Space is limited sign up now. Feel free to email Ms. Cain or Mrs. Harrell with any questions.

Incoming fifth through eighth grade BFA boys and girls are invited to a Summer Volleyball Camp! T here are two sessions from July 8 - 12, a morning session for incoming fifth through eighth grade beginners and an afternoon session for incoming sixth through eighth grade experienced players. Each session is $150. There are also t hree evening clinics available July 8-10; these are separate from the two daytime sessions and cost $50 for all three clinics. Register for the day camp and/or evening clinics! Registration is NOW OPEN through MySchoolBucks and closes June 30. Please see the flier for more information.
If you know a current high school player who would like to volunteer that week, please ask him/her to contact Coach Haufschild. We are also looking for parent volunteers who want to earn 2019-20 volunteer hours. Sign up today!

Field day
There are a several great ways to get in your volunteer hours in before the school year ends! Mrs. Bauer has two fun options: Field Day Bounce Houses and Helping with the Mile Run!

BENefit Bash
Want to help with BFA's biggest fundraiser next year, but don't know how?
We are starting to plan for the 2019 BENefit Bash, and need your help to make this important fundraiser a success!
There are many volunteer opportunities for the 2019 BENefit Bash! Whether you want to volunteer for the night of the event or help with planning, we have many volunteer positions available with a range of responsibilities. Look for a flyer coming home today with details on the Auction Planning Sub-Committees that need your help, and see if there is a committee for you!

If you are interested in helping us make this year's event a huge success, please  email Julia Porterfield, PTO fundraising coordinator. 

BFA Summer Camp
If you need full-time day care for the summer, want to schedule your own summer break, or are looking for a safe, fun way for your student to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids, then please sign up for Summer Camp!

Please make note of the change in the cost of summer camp this year. We had previously planned to keep costs the same, but as we started preparations and making purchases for the camps, we were forced to account for the rising costs of supplies, transportation and venues. Therefore, due to an increase in our expenses associated with running the camp, we will need to increase our tuition by $10 per day.
Summer Camp will operate on either a weekly or a daily registration schedule; and the costs will be as follows:

Weekly registration : Tuition will be a flat $195 fee, per child/day, which is a $60.00 discount rate from the daily tuition rate.
Daily registration : If registering for specific days only, tuition will be $45/child/day for general/in-house activities and $60/child/day for off-site field trip or special in-house activity days.  

Program Details
Dates: May 29 - August 9; Closed July 1-5
Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Days: Monday through Friday
Summer Camp is open to any currently enrolled BFA student 5-years old and above. Your child must be 5 on or before May 29 to participate. 
All child(ren) must be registered using the online system in advance. Registration will close at 11:59 p.m. (MST) on Sunday, two (2) weeks prior to the date you would like your child(ren) to begin camp. For example, on Sunday, June 2, you can register your kiddo for Summer Camp beginning on Monday, June 17.  The summer camp calendars are now available. If you would like a copy please email us! (For your reference, the email is

If you have any questions please email Leigh Savoy or Janet Harlow. Go to MySchoolBucks or click here to register.

Science Fair
Are you looking for something interesting and fun for your rising third, fourth and fifth graders to do this summer? Look no further, because Mrs. Lewicki is offering two STEM Camps at BFA this Summer!

Students will work in teams to perform experiments, discover the principles behind the experiment, innovate a new design with their team, and perform the experiment again. The fun increases throughout the week as teams compete against each other to earn points. The winning team at the end of the week will receive a mad scientist award. Limit 10 students, and the registration deadline is May 20Email Mrs. Lewicki for registration details.
Session 1: NATURAL DISASTERS, June 25-28, Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. $150
Change on earth can be violent and amazing. Explore natural disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, mudslides, and floods. Build simulations and create the your own natural disasters. Learn how these natural events work and how they change the earth. As a team, engineer structures that will withstand these disasters.
Session 2: PHYSICS, July 23-26, Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. $150
Physics is tricky. What do you know about friction, buoyancy, speed, thrust and lift? Explore the physics behind things that fly, float and zoom. Engineer ways to make different objects move. Then, test, improve, and test them again until you can make them move!  

Volunteers are still needed in the Library! There are plenty of openings in April and May, so you can meet your volunteer requirement before school ends.  Sign up today!

Does your student have a summer birthday? Surprise them with a birthday bag delivered in the last week of school! Birthday bags contain fun goodies and a personalized note from you. They are delivered to your child's classroom and presented with a birthday song sung by the eighth graders.

Birthday bag sales will end on May 15, but deliveries will still be made through the week of May 20.
Bags are $10, and are available for  purchase on the BFA online store. Please order early to ensure delivery on your child's special day.   

Incoming Kindergartners-- join Mrs. Brook for a Kindergarten Boot Camp this summer! This fun camp provides an introduction to kindergarten literacy and math.  The Kindie Boot Camp is designed to provide an opportunity for new kindergarten students to become familiar with BFA and the kindergarten classroom.  Campers will learn a new letter and number every day, gain new skills, make friends, and work on crafts. 
There are three boot camp sessions, and space is limited to 16 kids per session. Camps will be held June 24 - 28, July 15 -19 and July 22 - 26; sessions are from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, at BFA. Parents should not sign up for more than two sessions so others can have a chance to register. The cost is $65 per session (cash or check). Please bring payment on the first day of your session and make checks payable to Debbie Brook. See the flier and sign up for a session today!

There are TWO OPEN DAYS left this school year for you to rent the rock:
  • Fri, May 17
  • Tues, May 21
You've probably already seen the fun messages painted on the rock, and it's just $15 per day for you to display your message!
For more information on how to rent and paint the rock, visit the PTO webpage. If you have questions, email  Sara Hope , spirit rock committee manager. 

A new, FUN after school activity is being offered by our very own Ms. Whelan! Our fourth and fifth grade, as well as our middle school students are invited to sign up for Zumba!

Zumba takes the "work" out of "workout" by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval style dance fitness party. It is a total workout combining elements of cardio, muscle conditioning, as well as balance and flexibility, boosting your overall energy.
Sessions run from now until May 16 and are $25.
  • Grades 4 and 5: Tuesdays 3:30-4:15 p.m. in the Middle School Commons
  • Middle School: Thursdays 3:30-4:15 p.m. in the Middle School Commons
Register today via MySchoolBucks!

GO BOLTS! Show your school pride by placing a BFA Bolts sign in your yard. There is a limited quantity of yard signs left, and they are being sold for only $10 each. 
After you place your order on the BFA Store, the sign will be delivered to your student at school. Now that the snow is starting to melt and spring is in the air, it's a great time to display your school spirit in your yard!

Is your elementary student interested in learning Spanish? If so, our middle school Spanish teacher,  Señora Connell, is offering a Spanish class for elementary students . You can sign up for classes by the month; the cost for this activity is $50 per student (less on shorter months).
  • Kindergarten, first and second grade will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8 a.m.
  • Third, fourth and fifth grade will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 to 8 a.m.
Y ou can sign up for one month at a time; classes continue through the end of May and follow the regular BFA school calendar for breaks/days off. Sign up today through My School Bucks! Please  contact  Señora Connell with any questions. 
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools  Community Events Program  works with our community event partners to provide substantially discounted tickets to cultural venues and sporting events; and, best of all, your ticket purchases benefit DCSD. Go to their website for the latest information on discount tickets. 
Friday, May 3

Denver Nuggets
Thanks to some persuasive BFA students, we  will have a Nuggets (or other NBA team) or Avalanche (or other NHL team) day tomorrow , May 3 . Students may wear a basketball or hockey top with uniform bottoms.  Students may also wear a spirit wear shirt, their Fun Run shirt or a Field Day shirt from a prior year with regular uniform bottoms.

Students will get to hear from Rob Chambers, a director from Lockheed Martin, who will talk about the Orion human rated vehicle. We are all looking forward to his visit!
Tuesday, May 7

BFA will host a tour for prospective families at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May 7.  No need to RSVP. Tours typically run about one hour. Please be sure bring your Drivers License and arrive a few minutes early as we need to scan your license before the tour begins.

The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee will meet from 5:30 - 7 on Tuesday, May 7, in the Sanders Science Lab. 
Wednesday, May 8

PTO Logo
Everyone is invited to join the BFA PTO for our year-end meeting and dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8, in the Sanders Science Lab. All in the BFA community are welcome - members AND nonmembers alike! 
Wednesday, May 8 - Friday, May 10

Field day
Elementary Field Day will take place on May 8, 9 and 10. Parents should apply sunscreen before school and ensure their student takes a water bottle to school. The PTO will supply t-shirts for the day; students can wear shorts or leggings/sweat pants. Below is the field day schedule by grade:
  • May 8, 8:40 - 12:00, Grades 4 and 5
  • May 9, 8:25 - 11:45, Grades 2 and 3
  • May 10, 8:20 - 11:20, Grades K and 1
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School:  Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.