Advantage Advisor
Monthly Newsletter
May / 2019
We are thrilled to announce a service designed to help new owners get their business off the ground, or seasoned owners take the steps needed to grow.  

We know you invest your time and money in your business, but have you ever considered investing in yourself? See how a  Certified Small Business Coach  can help you realize the dreams you have for your business!

Click below for more information:
In This Issue:

Small Business Owners
Options Besides Cable TV
Homeownership Survey
Debt Avalanche Method
Clients Speak Out
Company News & Events
Employee Spotlight
The Advantage Challenge
Many Americans are cutting the cord to cut back on their monthly expenses. The average cable bill in the US is now well above $150 each month. Therefore, cutting cable could remove about $1,800 each year from the average American family’s budget. These costs only promise to increase in the future .... Read more!
The 2019 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey reveals the most significant obstacles faced by prospective homeowners, underscoring the need for homebuyer counseling ....  Read more!
When you think about the power of an avalanche versus the power of a snowball, which one is greater? The clear winner is the avalanche. So, why would you try the Debt Snowball Method when you can use the Debt Avalanche Method instead to wipe out your ....  Read more!
"Great experience! I never had to worry about them making the payments to my credit cards nor did I have to worry about missing a payment or being late. I never had one issue and it was a great experience and now all my credit cards are paid off! Thanks!"  ~ Rachelle V.
" From the first communication with you, a huge weight was lifted. You obtained all my credit card information and worked with my creditors. One monthly fee was withdrawn from my bank account, and Advantage dispersed the money. It was hassle and headache free. I have recommended your agency to many people. My creditors are now paid, and without Advantage, I'd still be struggling. "  ~ Susan P.
"Everyone that we worked with was awesome! I love the monthly newsletters with a lot good advice. Now we have set up a monthly budget plan and if we don't have the money we don't buy it. We are trying not to use any credit cards. Thank you all so much!"  ~ Mary C.
"A great company to work with. We are so happy to be able to continue with our lives...debt free. Thank you!"  ~ Amanda K.
BIG things happening at Advantage CCS!

Stay tuned for more information about our newest initiative – the Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center (FEC)!

This innovative and exciting program, offered in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh and Neighborhood Allies, provides free, one-on-one financial counseling to Pittsburgh area residents to help them pay down debt and build up savings.

Be sure to check out next month’s newsletter for a FULL program overview, as well as details on how to sign up for a FREE session with a Certified FEC Counselor!
In our “Employee Spotlight” series, we ask our employees about the role they play in our agency and a little bit about their family and personal life. We want to give you the ability to hear right from them about what gets them excited to come to work each day and how they personally help all of our clients succeed.
Let's meet our  Client Services Representative Roberta Wisniewski !
How long have you worked for the agency? –  "I have been here for 30 years."
What are your primary job duties? –  "Processing new clients and customer service."
What was the most unusual and/or interesting job you've ever had? – "I was an Assistant Controller."
Would you say you're messy or organized? –  "I'm an organized hoarder."
What's your favorite food? –  "Lobster."
What's your least favorite food? –  "Liver and swordfish."
Do you have any hobbies? –  "Reading, puzzle books, needlework, and crochet."
What is the one thing you couldn’t live without? –  "Cigarettes."
What is your favorite book and/or movie? –  "Gone With The Wind and James Patterson books."
What is your favorite color? –  "Brown, gray, and blue."
What is your favorite vacation spot? -  "Florida and Las Vegas."
Are you up for the Advantage Challenge?

Advantage CCS challenges YOU to the... $5 Saving Challenge !

This challenge involves saving ALL of your $5 bills all year long. It's an effortless challenge to help you save thousands of dollars within one year .

An important note, if you're going to do the $5 saving challenge , you need to use cash ONLY . There are benefits of using a cash-only budget. Cash helps to keep you more aware of your spending, and you can visually see the money that you are saving.

Let us know your results! Email and tell us all about it!