What is Measure What Matters NH?
Measure What Matters NH (MWM NH) is a way for members and friends of the NHBSR network to assess their sustainability efforts, make plans for improvement, track their increasing impact, and connect with other sustainability leaders. University of New Hampshire's Paul College for Business and Economics will partner up with NHBSR to provide MWM NH companies with trained consultants to help guide their journey.
Who should get involved?
Any business interested in creating positive impact: from companies that are just beginning to pursue better environment, social, and governance practices to those considered seasoned experts in Corporate Social Responsibility. Measure What Matters NH helps you to assess your efforts and identify opportunities.
When will Measure What Matters|NH launch?
Right now! Start by taking 20-30 minutes to complete the Quick Impact Assessment . Workshops and access to the Sustainable Resource Network (free for NHBSR members) will be available in the fall to help you increase your impact.
Why should you get involved?
MWM NH uses the B Impact Assessment tool for NH businesses to benchmark their sustainability programs against other companies of similar size in their industry. The B Impact Assessment asks a clear and practical set of targeted questions to rank companies on various measures of social and environmental impact. MWM NH allows companies to see their areas of strength and challenge, tracking progress through time. NHBSR will offer workshops and, though a partnership with UNH's Paul College, consultants so that participating companies can get the most use from the B Impact Assessment. NHBSR's Sustainable Resource Network will provide a way for those involved in MWM NH to connect, support, and share best practices.
Get started now ...
To get started you can take the initial Quick Impact Assessment here . Please notify michelle@nhbsr.org if you are interested in working with a UNH Paul College consultant.