Crosswinds Newsletter
November 11, 2020 I Volume 540
A Word from the Pastor
The date, November 11th, 1918, was forever etched in the history books when the Allied and Central Powers decided to end World War I. On the “11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”, both sides agreed to put a halt to the bloodiest conflict the world had ever known to that point. This day would come to be known as Armistice Day. 

Twenty years later, legislation was passed to recognize veterans of the Great War and the need for peace on Armistice Day. In 1954, that same legislation was amended to include veterans of any war with the day being changed to Veterans’ Day. 

So today, we acknowledge the veterans who have served our country. We recognize their willingness to lay it all on the line for their fellow Americans. I find it humbling to think of the price that so many veterans and their families have paid. In my own family, my grandfather spent years flying missions in Europe. My dad, on assignment with the Navy, didn’t get to meet his first child, my sister, until she was almost nine months old. While they were away, my grandmother and mom shouldered the challenges at home. Of course, there are so many who paid an even greater price. 

It is at this point that I struggle to know how to respond. Saying “thank you” seems so trivial in comparison to the challenges that veterans and their families have faced and still face today, but it is something that we can extend to you, and it is certainly something you have earned. So, to the men and women who have served our country and their families, your church says,“ Thank you”. We are grateful for you and your willingness to sacrifice for the common good of our country.  

Pastor Brady Johnston
Red Cross Blood Drive
This Sunday, November 15
9 AM – 3 PM
Let's Save lives together! If you are healthy and have NOT donated blood in the 56 days prior, please consider donating this Sunday at our next Red Cross Blood Drive! Everyone is asked to make an appointment to donate at this time. To do so, visit and enter the sponsor code “fumcmid” or call 1-800-RedCross. The Donor Coach will be located on the south side of the church at the corner of Ninth and George Hopper. Please review the following links for more information before you donate:

Please use RapidPass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history online before you come to your appointment at
*Photo ID or Red Cross Donor Card required
Drive Thru Christmas ADVENTure
Special Details & Volunteers Needed
Christmas is coming! Is your family ready to celebrate? Our Drive Thru Christmas ADVENTure is an interactive, drive thru event for families on December 2nd from 6-8 PM. We will walk through the four weeks of Advent to help us get ready for the coming of Jesus in engaging, fun activities! Stations around our parking lots will focus on HOPE, PEACE, JOY, LOVE and the miracle of CHRISTMAS and end with our live nativity. Bring your friends and neighbors, pile into the car, dress up in your favorite christmas attire, and spread some JOY! This is a community event, there is no registration or cost to our families.

If you'd like to work this event and serve our community, please click the button below.
Advent in a Box
It's almost time for Advent in a Box 2020! This year we have put together 4 weeks of interactive, fun-fulled, faith-infused Christ-centered experience for your family. It's important to turn our eyes to the meaning behind the season and help each other enjoy holiday celebrations built upon the hope and truth of Christ.

In each box, you will find a way to celebrate each week of Advent with a scripture, activities, games, and crafts to do with your family. Everything is provided except for common household items. We have 75 boxes available (at no cost) to our families, please sign up to secure your box. Please note, there is only one box per family allowed.

Our prayer for you during this season of anticipation and waiting for the coming of Christ is for God to reveal Himself to each of you and for your family to experience the welcoming and arrival of the King of Kings! May you be richly blessed this Advent season and enjoy time growing together as a family!

Pick up for your box is on Wednesday, December 2nd, 6 - 8 PM at our Drive-Thru Christmas ADVENTure. Please mark your calendar to pick it up that evening at the end of the event.  

Click on the button below to reserve your Advent in a Box. Please only one per family.
Nursery and Early Childhood
Infant Through Pre-K is Now Open
We are excited to slowly open children's ministry! Our first step is offering Nursery and Early Childhood care (infant through pre-k), during our Sunday morning worship services. Elementary age children will need to stay with their family in worship at this time.

If you would like your child/children to attend, please note the following:

  • Drop-off starts15 mins prior to the beginning of service and ends once service begins.
  • Check-in will be located in Hallway #2 of the main building. 
  • Please do not send any bottles, cups, or food with your child/children. Bring only what is essential.
  • There are more policy details on our Creation Kids Webpage. Please review our entire policy there before bringing your children on Sunday mornings.

If you have any questions, please contact Keelee Allen at Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing our kids and hearing their laughter, insight, and singing in our hallways once again!
Worship Together November 15
"The Significance of Joy" 
1 Peter: 6-9
8:30 AM Traditional
11 AM Contemporary
Creation Kids Links:

Stay connected in Creation Kids Children's Ministry! Follow us on our Facebook page, Creation Kids page, and our Instagram page, @creationkidsfumcmidlo, to keep up with resources for connection. For more information, email Keelee Allen.
NOTE: the youth group meetings will be on ZOOM tonight only. Click this link to access:
Junior High and Senior High Youth Group meets Wednesday nights 6:30 - 8 PM in the FLC. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Brady.

Stay connected in FUMC Midlo Youth Ministries! Follow us on our Youth Facebook page, FUMC Midlo Youth (public). Youth and Youth parents, join our private Facebook Group, FUMC Midlothian Youth (private community). For Remind 101 for Youth, text @7b2dff6 to the number 81010.
Weekly Discipleship Video
“The Sermon on the Mount” Series
Week 5 – Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Matthew 6:1-6
What is the motivation behind what we do? In our practices, are we trying to win approval from God or others?
Matthew 6:2-6
Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am better than I really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
Matthew 6:16-18
How is it with your soul? How is you life with God?
Additional Discipleship Videos are available on our Discipleship Playlist on YouTube as well as our Discipleship Webpage.
WayPoint is a daily guide to help you grow and expand upon the scriptures we are studying. WayPoints are available at Waypoint and FUMC Facebook.
Prayer Requests
Wadsworth Family - death of Harvey
Sandra Beesley - moved to ICU
Dan Maresca - health issues
Cathy Kemp - surgery Monday, Nov. 16

Continuous Prayer
Jeline Pegram, Raymond & LaFerne Cuddy, Karen Wilson, Dorothy Wares, George & Dee Culps, Don Lish, Rodger Keyes, John Lowe, Chelsea Peel, God's Garden Preschool

COVID-19 Crisis, All those who have to make important and wise decisions regarding reopening businesses, churches and all other places.
ARMY - Matt Carroll, Tim Kruettner, Harold Barton, Josh Schenck, Austin Lockwood
NAVY - Matthew Price, Andrew Cantrell, Zachary Tucker, Thomas Shirley, Matthew Watford
AIR FORCE - J.D. Culps, Andrew Miller 
MARINES - Collin Johansen, Josh Dunaway,  Seth Allen, Bradley Perez, Elizia Delapaa  

Remember in Prayer
Our world, our country, our community leaders, all our military troops and first responders around the world, our church, our pastors, the staff, church members, visitors, and Midlothian community
Our card ministry team sent cards to the nephew of Brenda Tucker and also to his wife who is home with their children. He is on his 3rd deployment. Brenda shared this note she received from him.

"I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart that I am truly grateful. I have gotten many letters from members of your church. My wife, Mariah, has also received the same letters as well. I am extremely humbled to know that complete strangers took the time to reach out to me and my family to give their support. I can truly say that the members of your church understand the never-ending love of God."

From Brenda:
I want to say that this Card Ministry has really helped those in need of prayers. It has been hard on Derek being away from his wife, Marah and three little girls, and it has been hard on Mariah as well. These cards have given him inspiration in knowing that people do care. So thank you church for supporting Derek! I truly appreciate it!!

NOTE: If you (men, women, children) would like to be a part of the prayer/card ministry, please contact JOY
Thank You for Your Generosity
Thank you for your generosity! We continue to do great ministry as a church because of you and your faithfulness. We encourage you to continue giving to the church's ministry either by mailing in your financial gifts or giving online by clicking on the button below. Every gift helps us do greater things for God's Kingdom!
Church Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Brady Johnston
Executive Pastor: Rev. Dr. April Fehler
Children's Director: Keelee Allen
God's Garden Preschool Director: Michelle Coffin
Traditional Worship Leader: Paul Martin
Contemporary Worship Leader: Jason Westbrook
Organist: Laurie Duke
Administrative Assistant: Mary Beth Mayo
Media Director: Valerie Dick
Facilities Director: Matt Sanders 
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
FUMC Midlothian | 972-775-3993