The InterMountain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Launch Pilot (IM STEM)
What's going on IN the network?
Below is a summary of the progress in each work group. If you would like to join a work group, please email
Communications and Resource Sharing
We have registrations coming through the website and the communication team is sending many welcome emails. We have also more than doubled the number of people in our work group and now have representatives from each state. This workgroup continues to build strategies to amplify the impact of the IMSTEM network and increase the value of membership. We are developing relationships with state level organizations across the network and exploring additional ways to connect our members. Engage in conversation and connect with each other on our social media channels, including our LinkedIn group (IM STEM Network) and Twitter (@imstemequity). Please also continue to invite your professional colleagues to take advantage of the network by signing up today at our website
We have decided to create asset maps by state, so they can be sustained beyond the life of this grant. We shared successful asset maps from
at a past network meeting, and you can view them by clicking on the state name. New Mexico will also be launching an asset map of after school programming, and we will make sure to link you to it when it goes live. We are now turning our attention to assisting with the development of an asset map for Nevada. If you are interested or can connect us to someone in your state who would be interested in pioneering this work with us, please contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Effective Practice Scaling
This workgroup has assembled a great agenda for this month’s network meeting on February 20 from 3-4:30pm MT. Dr. Jeff Weld will join us to discuss t
he Federal Government’s five-year (2018-2023) strategic plan for STEM education. Mimi Lufkin, NAPE’s CEO Emerita, will discuss Perkins V and how it has the potential to impact broadening participation in STEM programs of study at the secondary and community college level.
If you have not yet registered click on the link below.
This workgroup is also drafting a rubric to help STEM program administrators, designers, implementers and funders identify critical equity attributes to ensure success for underrepresented students. They will be presenting the rubric at the upcoming National Summit for Educational Equity conference and will share it with IMSTEM at our May network meeting. For more information and to register for the conference, visit
This workgroup is continuing to monitor NAPE’s professional development efforts in the six states. NAPE received a grant from Motorola Solutions Foundation to conduct Micromessaging to Reach and Teach Every Student professional development in the Salt Lake City, UT region this spring. Contact Kathleen Fitzpatrick at
for more information.
What's going on Around the network?
Metropolitan State University of Denver
is involved in
MULTI-STEM - A Community-based Approach to Engaging Students and Teachers in Effective STEM Education
. This project advances efforts of the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program to better understand and promote practices that increase students' motivations and capacities to pursue careers in STEM by implementing a strategy that combines educational methodologies based on the Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment programs. This effort will prepare and inspire up to 6,500 students to become interested and motivated in STEM fields and careers. Students have opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills in earth system sciences topics by engaging in authentic online local and global activities, collaborating with peers on data-driven research projects, and interacting with scientists and mentors in face-to-face settings. Pre-service and in-service teachers participate in summer institutes, academic year workshops, and in-class sessions to learn about and use pedagogies that will help them attract and retain more students in education pathways to STEM careers. These professional growth opportunities will be led by university faculty members, content and evaluation experts, STEM professionals, industry and workforce development specialists and professional education organization consultants. The goal is to modify and refine a community-based model that will comprehensively address teacher preparedness and student participation in STEM fields.
The National Alliance for Partnership in Equity (NAPE) EE-STEM II team at
North Idaho College
launched an
Action Research for Equity Project
in Fall 2018. The project is a three-year venture with an overarching goal of supporting educators in a renovation of their practice, thus resulting in an increase of student success and retention in STEM and gender nontraditional career pathways. The primary focus of year one is to begin to ‘interrupt’ the cycle of negative micro-messages. The 10 member North Idaho College team is also focusing on promoting growth mindset and self-efficacy among students.
Kathy Albin
(208) 769-3447
The Las Vegas affiliate of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) hosted
Sit with Me (SWM) Student Series
on December 8, 2018, at the Clark County Library in Las Vegas, Nevada. SWM is a fun, creative national advocacy campaign that uses an iconic red chair to symbolize the critical need for women’s technical contributions. Middle and high school aged young women were invited to learn about the important role women play in creating future technology. The event featured Hannah, a 2-time Aspirations Award Winner, sharing her story from middle school to high school and her journey thus far in college as she purses a computer engineering degree. Hannah shared her outreach project called WorkIT that was funded by NCWIT's AspireIT program. Female professionals shared information with the girls about their careers through a round robin table format. Parents also had the opportunity to visit with the female professionals and ask about advice, challenges in the career, and how best they could support their daughters.
New Mexico
The lack of a skilled and ready workforce is consistently identified as the number-one barrier to economic development and diversification of our economy. Working hand-in-hand with all of the key players and partners in building a highly skilled and ready workforce,
The Bridge of Southern New Mexico
is leading the next steps in not just a plan, but forging the partnerships and resources needed to make it happen. The plan harnesses the collective assets already in place and identifies the gaps that need to be filled for the region to build a ready, highly-skilled workforce in eight target industries that will drive short and long-term economic development. By building the economic potential of the region, the hope is to break the generational hold of poverty and improve the quality of life of individuals, families, neighborhoods, communities, and the region, as a whole.
(575) 646-6120
will be held October 7 and 8, 2019, at the Mountain America Expo Center in Sandy, Utah. This FREE event is for 4th through 10th grade students and offers exciting hands-on experiences with science and technology that will spark children’s imaginations and give them a peek into their future career opportunities. Children may attend with their families, or schools may attend as a field trip (registration is required for schools to attend). Click on the link below for more information.
Sponsor Questions: Sarah Kyle (801) 204-6834
The next
Women in STEM Conference
is scheduled for May 21, 2019, at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. This annual conference is designed to allow young women in grades 7 through 12 to learn first-hand about careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology from accomplished professional women. The conference will be a cooperative effort supported by local agencies, schools, and businesses, in addition to several state agencies. By presenting positive role models in the science, mathematics, and engineering fields, conference organizers hope to encourage all students (especially young women and minorities) to pursue higher education and careers in math, science, and engineering. The Women in STEM conference also highlights outstanding achievements by young women interested in STEM by giving awards for the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing. These awards help build a talent pool for the growing technical workforce and encourage diversity in computer science.
STEM Equity News, Events, & Resources
Building a STEM Pathway for Native Students
According to the U.S. Department of Education, more than half of Native American students currently lack access to the math and science high school classes they need to fill jobs in a STEM field. Further, due to chronic underrepresentation, Native students do not see themselves in STEM careers because they do not see relevant role models. The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), a nonprofit with a mission to increase the numbers of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations, and other indigenous peoples of North America in STEM education and careers, hopes to change that. This article discusses the challenges and successes of AISES, the need for more STEM opportunities for Native youth, and the importance of creating a culturally responsive curriculum in partnership with school communities. January 10, 2019.
Science Action Club, No Experience Necessary!
Through games, projects, and exciting investigations, Science Action Club inspires youth to explore nature, contribute to authentic citizen science research, and design strategies to protect the planet. Designed for youth in grades 5-8, the program offers staff training and environmental science kits that explore the natural world of birds, bugs, or clouds. The Science Action Club was developed by the California Academy of Sciences. More than 800 afterschools, summer camps, libraries, and other youth-serving organizations across the country offer Science Action Club every year. The program offers a sliding scale fee structure to help make high quality STEM resources available for all youth in all communities.
The Collective Impact Forum’s 2018’s Most Popular Resources
The Collective Impact Forum, an initiative of FSG and the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions, is a resource for people and organizations using the collective impact approach to address large-scale social and environmental problems. The Forum aims to increase the effectiveness and adoption of collective impact by providing practitioners with access to the tools, training opportunities, and peer networks they need to be successful in their work. Click on the following link to access the Forum’s 2018’s most popular resources. December 21, 2018.
Research Consortium on STEM Career Pathways Student Survey
The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is a founding member of the Research Consortium on STEM Career Pathways and is collaborating with the
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
Hispanic Heritage Foundation
National Association of Biology Teachers
American Association of Physics Teachers
, and
Student Research Foundation
to conduct research aimed at better understanding high school students' STEM interest, educational experiences, and future plans. We invite you to participate in the 2019 STEM Career Pathways Study which examines the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity in the life-cycle of STEM interest, impact of micro-messaging on STEM engagement, and the effects of structural inequalities on STEM opportunities. Findings will be valuable in shaping evidence-based interventions to strengthen the STEM pipeline and advance diversity. To make sure you receive the survey package, please complete the
online request form
or email
. February 5, 2019.
Fluor Engineering Challenge
The Fluor Engineering Challenge is a contest for K-12 students. For the 2019 challenge, students are asked to use
limited materials to build a pair of simple devices that work together like a volleyball machine that can launch and return a ping pong ball back and forth over a paper net without touching the ground. The devices need to be built from the approved list of materials, which includes things like pencils, rubber bands, paper, tape, and disposable cups. The fewer materials used and the more volleys back and forth (following the challenge rules), the higher the score. This is the 5th anniversary of the program, so the number of prizes being awarded is doubled. Winners receive $1000 for their school, afterschool program or community organization. This year, entries are due March 15 and twenty prizes will be awarded. For more information and contest rules, visit
Help grow the network!
Please forward this newsletter to colleagues and contacts.
IM STEM is a network of STEM educators and leaders across six states (CO, ID, NM, NV, UT, and WY) working to support STEM equity at key transition points (middle school to high school and high school to college).
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1744472. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.