A Message from Rev. Paula+
Beloved Community,

I have been re-reading Henri Nouwen's Life of the Beloved in preparation for our first Reading with the Rector gathering this Sunday.  This is a book with much wisdom, a bit of which has been particularly relevant this week.  Nouwen talks about how living a life of belovedness prepares one to be a gift to the world long after one's physical life has ended.  

Although I did not know Rev. Tarplee personally, I know how much he meant to so many of you and his impact on this parish.  His certainly was a life lived in service to God and others and, if the conversations I have had with some of you and the tributes I have seen on Facebook are any indication, his love of God and of God's people will continue to be felt by generations to come.

Please feel free to continue to share your stories of this beloved pastor and child of God with each other and me.  And know that I am here for you if you would like to talk to me privately. 

Peace & Blessings,
Remembering The Rev. Cornelius "Cork" Tarplee

Kim Williams shared this reflection at the 10:00 am service on April 28th.  We offer this as our newsletter tribute to this beloved man who touched the lives of so many.

A Tribute to Cork

We were saddened this week to learn of the passing of our former rector, The Rev. Cornelius Tarplee. Cork, as he liked to be called, touched countless lives during his long ministry here at St. Stephen's. Those of us who were privileged to know him remember him as a kind, gentle, and compassionate shepherd and an unparalleled preacher. Even if you didn't have the opportunity to know Cork personally, you benefit from some of the work he did, including the establishment of our preschool, and the building of the church narthex and the mausoleum.

As a colleague, Cork was always supportive of my work, first as children's choir director, and later as music director. Knowing that I had a full-time teaching position, he was very respectful of my time constraints, and voluntarily drove to West Caldwell where we would meet after school at Panera to hold our periodic planning sessions over a cup of tea. If I wanted to try something new and different, he always had my back and would take the heat if things didn't go well!

Cork loved and nurtured the people of this congregation in many ways, through his pastoral ministry, and through his teaching in adult forums and Education for Ministry classes. Some people came to this parish for the sole reason of hearing his sermons, which were well-crafted, inspired, and uplifting. The children here knew that Cork loved them, too. At the end of the service as he came back down the aisle, the kids all ran up to him for their weekly "high fives." The youngest ones were even known to sometimes try to hide under his chasuble.

I'm sure each of us has stories to tell and memories to share of our experiences with Cork, and I hope we will continue to do that today and in the weeks to come. I want to end with this one: Cork used to proudly say that the babies never cried when he baptized them because he knew just how to hold them so they felt safe and secure. I would go so far as to say that Cork held all of us in his heart in a way that made us feel loved and cared for. And that love and his memory will live on in our hearts always. 

Don't forget to read your book!

Please join us on Sunday after coffee hour for our discussion of Henri Nouwen's Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World.  Although you are welcome even if you haven't finished the book, the conversation will be more fun if you have.  It's not too late!  And remember you can find the information about the next books on the website calendar.


Garden Party Sunday!
Join us on May 19, for a 10:00 am service on the lawn followed by an ENERGIZING "Coffee Hour" provided by the Garden Club. Dress in your best gardening attire...bring hats, gloves and gardening tools! We need busy bees to weed flower beds, plant bulbs, spread mulch, and do general clean up by raking the areas. You can also donate bags of mulch if you cannot do any of the above or in addition to any of the above. St. Stephen's gardens need some TLC and now is the perfect time of year to provide whatever help you can!

Please fill out the form provided in your bulletin and return your Offering in the collection plate between May 5 - May 19.  THANK YOU!

Faith & Family Night with the NJ Jackals: St. Stephen's would like to
gather a group to attend this fun night of baseball, fireworks, and a food drive at Yogi Berra Stadium in Little Falls, NJ on Saturday, June 29; first pitch at 6:05pm  

Please email Doreen at
[email protected] if you are interested in attending. 

Groups of 20+ receive discount pricing; $10 reserved seating, $12 field level.

Reading with the Rector 
Join Rev. Paula on the first Sunday of each month for this new book club series. All selections are available from Cokesbury, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. The group will meet after coffee hour in the Common Room. Visit our website calendar for meeting dates and book selections.  This month's book is Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Henri Nouwen and will meet on Sunday, May 5 at 11:30 am.

Third Thursday Theater will host its first movie screening and discussion (with popcorn, of course!) on Thursday,  May 16 at 7:00 pm in the upstairs library/music room. This month's title is  A Place at the Table. Please visit our website calendar for future dates and titles.

THANK YOU  to everyone who joined us for the Paper Mill Playhouse Broadway Show Choir benefit concert! It was an incredible show. And thank you to all who donated snacks and refreshments, helped set-up, sell tickets, and more. The evening was a success thanks to all of you!
Pre-School Committee Meeting

Reading with the Rector

Drumming Workshop

Finance Committee Meeting

Third Thursday Theater

Garden Party Sunday

Vestry Meeting
Thursday, May 2, 7:30 pm

Sunday, May 5, 11:30 am

Tuesday, May 14, 7:00 pm

Wednesday, May 15, 7:30 pm

Thursday, May 16, 7:00 pm

Sunday, May 19, 10:00 am

Sunday, May 19, 11:30 am


   This Week: May 5, 8:00 am

   Reader & Chalicer:  Carole Francis
   Altar Guild: Carole Francis

       This Week: May 5, 10:00 am

       Readers:  Felder Dorn, Ladi                     Owolabi
       Chalicist: Roger Riedel
       Ushers:  TBD
       Altar Guild: Julia Dorn
       Coffee Hour: Carole Francis,                   Maria Nazareth, Heloisa Rooney

Next Week: May 12, 8:00 am

Reader & Chalicer: Nancy Sieffert
Altar Guild:  Nancy Sieffert

Next Week: May 12, 10:00 am

Readers: Theresa Scharff, Kira Hanson, Barbara Churchill 
Chalicist: John Scharff
Ushers: Ladi Owolabi, Steve Moran
Altar Guild: Jean James
Coffee Hour:  Open

This Week: May 5th

Next Week: May 12th
Links to the Wider Church

The Episcopal Diocese of Newark

The Episcopal Church

The Presiding Bishop

Office Hours and Contact Information

Office hours are Tuesday thru Friday, 10:00 am to 1:30 pm or by appointment.
Phone: 973.376.0668  
Fax: 973.376.4002
Website: ststephensmillburn.org
Main email: [email protected]
Follow us on:  Facebook and Instagram

Doreen Schindler, Parish Administrator can be reached at ext. 32 or

The Rev. Paula J. Toland, Rector can be reached at ext. 21 or 
She is an occasional blogger at fromthestillness.