October 2, 2020
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Wakefield Town Beach photo taken as part of the data collection for Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP). (SRPC photo)

Happy October; it seems as if we blinked and summer was over. At least we can still enjoy the lingering warm weather, which allows use to ignore the looming dropping thermostats that we know are eventually coming. And we can enjoy the fun fall activities like apple picking and corn mazes!
Here at SRPC we are assisting with grant writing to support a homeless shelter for the region, planning outreach approaches for our Tuft Health Plan foundation age-friendly project, and recently submitted potential statewide Ten Year Plan projects to the NH Department of Transportation for engineering review. 

In this issue you will find information on an equity and ethics training hosted by Saint Anselm College, planning events of interest including upcoming virtual conferences, millennial in-migration to the state, opportunities for public input including our Public Participation Plan, the dates for the 2020 King Tide contest, news you may have missed including information about registering for the Buses, Bikes & Broom challenge, and community happenings.  

Until Next Month, 
Shayna Sylvia 
"The Color of Law" webinar
Planning Events of Interest
NH sees increased in-migration of younger populations
Opportunities for Public Input
Save the Date: 2020 King Tide Photo Contest
In Case You Missed It
Community Happenings
Hanson Pines kayak and canoe launch photo taken as part of the data collection for Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP). (SRPC photo)
SRPC staff during a wellness trauma preparedness course. (SRPC photo) 
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
The Center for Ethics in Business and Governance at Saint Anselm College recently hosted a webinar centered around the Richard Rothstein book, "The Color of Law."

During the hour and half event, Richard Rothstein talked about his bestselling book and was joined by a panel of experts to discuss racial implications and the effects of certain laws on New Hampshire residents.

For those that missed it, or are interested, the session is now available on YouTube.

As a follow-up to this popular webinar, the Center for Ethics is organizing virtual book discussion groups for Richard Rothstein's The Color of Law, in order to continuing the reflection and discussion of these issues. Those interested can sign up here.

General questions can be directed to
Planning Events of Interest
Plan NH Fall Conference Series - Tuesday, Oct. 6, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Plan NH's fall conference has gone virtual, and as a component of it a three-part interactive web series is being held every Tuesday, beginning Oct. 6 and ending Oct. 20. The theme, belonging by design, will explore the ways in which community planning and how we design our built environment could make everyone feel welcome, and that they belong.

The target audience is planners, landscape architects, architects, traffic engineers, municipal leaders, and anyone interested in healthy and vibrant communities for everyone.

Learn more, and register at

Virtual 2020 New Hampshire Municipal Association Conference - Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Friday, Nov. 20

The 79th annual New Hampshire Municipal Association Conference is going virtual! This three day event will offer opportunities for training and networking, and will take place in mid-November. Keynote speakers include Lt. Colonel Kevin Sweeney, who will offer insights into leadership, teamwork, and how to position yourself to perform under pressure, and Allison Clarke, CSP, who will speak to solving communication problems for companies and teaching the power of kindness.

Sessions cover topics like legislative and court updates; new Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) drinking water standards; cybersecurity, cloud computing, and ADA compliant websites; local road management, and many other topics.

Learn more, and register, online.

2020 Land Use Law Conference - Saturday, Oct. 31

The 2020 Land Use Law Conference, formally known as the Municipal Law Lecture Series, will take place on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

There are four sessions built into this virtual event, with multiple presentations to choose from per session. Topics include master planning, planning board basics, short-term rentals, workforce housing challenges and solutions, legal updates, meeting conflict resolution, small town planning, and many others.

You can register, or learn more online.
Research shows increase in younger populations moving to NH
Business NH Magazine recently published an article titled, "Examining Why Millennials Move to NH", based off of research from by the Carsey Institute at UNH.

As reported in the article, "A key finding is that recent migrants are younger. Among those who arrived in the past 10 years, 61% are younger than 50."

Research also shows that a good percentage of the younger populations migrating to the state have a college degree or higher, which is beneficial for employers.

The Carsey Institute's study also addressed why migrants choose NH, with the top seven reasons being family, the environment, quality of life, employment, taxes, culture and lifestyle, and the economy.

Read the full Business NH Magazine article here. Learn more about the Carsey Institute's research here.
Opportunities for Public Input
Strafford MPO's Public Participation Plan

The Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO) Public Participation Plan (PPP) has been updated and is now out for public comment. 

This document was last adopted in 2017 and is updated every four years.  

This new iteration includes language addressing virtual public engagement and refinement of performance measures related to tracking public participation. The draft plan can be found online, or at the Dover and Somersworth libraries.
A forty-five day public comment period for this document began on Thursday, October 1, 2020 and runs through Monday, November 16, 2020.  

Comments may be submitted via mail, email and fax, or shared at the public hearing on Friday, Nov. 20. Learn more on Strafford MPO's website

Draft 2020 NH Forest Action Plan

As shared on the Forest Society's website,
"The New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands released the Draft 2020 New Hampshire Forest Action Plan. Under federal law, a state is required to develop and update every ten years a Forest Action Plan (FAP) in order to be eligible to receive funds under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act."

The plan is available online, and the public comment period is open until Oct. 15.

Comments should be directed to:
Susan Francher
Planning and Community Forestry administrator
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, N.H. 03301

Save the Date - 2020 King Tide Photo Contest
The King Tide 2019 Photo Contest winner in the "Most Vulnerable" category. (Photo courtesy of David Murray)
This 2020 King Tide photo contest will take place from Saturday, Nov. 14 -Tuesday, Nov. 17.

Each year, the Coastal Adaptation Workgroup invites citizens to grab their cameras and document extreme high tides during its annual King Tide Photo Contest to raise awareness of New Hampshire’s rising tides.

Photographing King Tides is an effective way to help coastal communities identify areas prone to flooding, visualize potential impacts of sea-level rise, and plan for the future.

See last year's winners here.
In Case You Missed It
CommuteSmart NH Launches Buses, Bikes & Brooms Challenge
It's not too late to enter CommuteSmart NH's Buses, Bikes & Brooms challenge which encourages businesses and employers from across the state to promote sustainable work commuting practices. It started on Oct. 1, but participants can log their trips for up to seven days prior, and the challenge runs for the entire month of October!

To participate businesses create a team by emailing Once the team has been added to the trip logger database, team members (employees) will be able to make an account and log any trip made to work in a manner other than driving in a vehicle alone. Individuals can also compete by making an account and joining the 'Free Agents' team.

The challenge permits various modes including walking, biking, transit, carpool, telecommuting (working at home), or any combination of these options.

Participants will be able to track progress against other teams and other people on their own team on a real-time leaderboard. Teams also have a chance to win the most sustainable trip for their company size category, and prizes being raffled off throughout the competition!

Learn more online.
SRPC and Local Newspaper Promote Wagon Hill Living Shoreline Project
On Sept. 23 SRPC released a press release on the Wagon HIll Farm Living Shoreline project.

For those not familiar, this project was made possible through a strong partnership of local, regional, and statewide entities, and included the design and installation of a living shoreline along the tidal portion of the Oyster River.

This innovative restoration project was designed specifically to reduce erosion, replace salt marsh habitat that had been lost or damaged, improve shoreline appearance, and accommodate salt marsh migration resulting from sea-level rise. 

Learn more in SRPC's press release.

Read the article is Foster's Daily Democrat here.
Community Happenings
Explorations in Printmaking Oct. 3 from 9 a.m. - noon

Beginning Saturday, Oct. 3 The Art Center in Dover will begin hosting an ongoing printmaking workshop exploring traditional and non-traditional processes.

The price is $30 per class and includes inks and instruction.

Resident printmaker Sally Dion will lead to class, which is open to individuals 18 and older and is set at a maximum of 4 people per class. Learn more online.
Durham Days
Various dates beginning Oct. 3

The Town of Durham will hold a series of community events throughout the month of October. These include options for outdoor recreation, like a sunset kayak tour, outdoor music at the Freedom Cafe, cookie deocrating, guided bird watching, and much more!

Learn more here.
Great Bay 5K | A Race for a Healthy Estuary
Oct. 1 - Oct. 24

The 22nd annual Great Bay 5K | Race for a Healthy Estuary has been reimagined for 2020 and can be completed anytime between Oct. 1 and Oct. 24. Participants can run, walk, use their wheelchair or treadmill for the virtual race on the original course, or a course of their choosing.

Learn more, and register online.