Newsletter for May
Painting by Dwight Walles

Happy spring to all!

We received the excellent news that Midwest Medical is now in a position to be able to sell 219 Summit Street, the building we have occupied since 2014. We are very excited about this opportunity, and hope to be able to purchase the building and make it our forever home. We have great plans for the future! If you would like to help in any way, please give me a call at 779-214-0261 .

When we see you at one of our many upcoming events, please talk with us about ideas and plans for the future. Lots happening in May…a book launch, a portrait workshop, the Art in Bloom exhibit (and we are all eager for those spring flowers), two play readings, Songwriters Showcase…and more.

See you soon!

Gallery Hours: Thursday through Sunday

1 – 4 pm until May 9

11 am – 4 pm starting May 10 
Spring is finally here, and with it comes our warm weather hours. Starting May 10, we will be open from 11 am till 4 pm, Thursday through Sunday. This also means we need double the volunteers to staff the reception desk. 

Our desk volunteers greet visitors, provide an introduction to the Center, accept payments for art and gift shop items (involves writing receipts, calculating tax, and processing online credit card transactions), and answer phone calls.

We welcome you to join our reception desk team this summer, so if you have staffed before or would like to try it, please  sign up here to volunteer . We will give you personal training but, once trained, you will be working independently.
The Art of Portraiture
depictions of personalities
We have enjoyed seeing our friends and neighbors on the walls and pedestals in the gallery for the last couple months in the form of bronze, clay, and iron sculptures; oil, acrylic, and watercolor paintings; quick pencil and ink sketches, and photographs.

A fun addition were the quilts and all the uniquely sculpted dolls that brought a smile to our faces. Come see them the first weekend in May.

The last day of this exhibit is May 4

Art in Bloom
May 10–July 6
Reception May 10, 5-7pm
We rejoice in the abundance of greenery and flowers that are gracing our landscapes. Flowers will be blooming in the gallery when  Art in Bloom  opens on May 10 with a reception from 5-7 pm. The exhibit will continue through July 6. Our regional artists are no exception to the history of flowers being a popular muse to create art. 

Painting by Sandra Principe
Ex Libris Book Launch
May 3, 5pm
Ex Libris Writers of Galena will debut their new book at the Center at 5pm.

After short readings from each author we will host a celebration with wine and appetizers while you meet the authors.

A wonderful array of talented writers in poetry, song, memoir, and fiction are included in this anthology. 
Lisa Towers
Portraiture Workshop
May 4, 9 am—4 pm
This one-day workshop will feature a model with costume or an interesting clothing challenge. Students can choose to simplify clothing or include detail, depending on skill level.

The day will begin with a demonstration by instructor Lisa Towers and then students will take their place around the model for the rest of the day to paint or draw. Lunch will be provided.
Painting by Lisa Towers
The final hour of the day will consist of a wine and cheese critique. All levels welcome.
A list of supplies will be provided to registrants.

Cost of workshop is $135, which includes lunch and the model fee.

Please register and pay by May 2.

Call 779-214-0261 or email Patricia   Gallery Manager to register.

Christine Warner
We bid a fond farewell to Christine Warner, who will be moving away from the area.

Christine has had a busy and vibrant studio at the Center for several years, and has been a joy to all of us.

We will miss her cheerful energy, and hope that she will come back to visit often.
Regional Artists Gallery
There is always a wonderful mix of art from our regional artists. Galena and the Driftless Area have attracted artists since the 1960s and 70s. The beautiful landscape and historic buildings hold inspiration for each medium used by various artists.

As we change out the gallery every couple months we are always amazed and delighted at all the talent that surrounds us.  

Feature Gallery
J. Eric Anderson
Through May 26
Leone Anderson, an artist in her own right, as an award winning writer of children’s stories, has generously brought her late husband’s watercolor paintings to be exhibited in our feature gallery. They are all for sale.

Eric also did the cover illustrations for two of Leone’s books,  Sean’s Quest  and  Sean’s War , which are available in the gallery.

Table Reading of
The Cocktail Hour
by A.R.Gurney
May 14, 7 pm
The Cocktail Hour is a comedy that offers a peek into the world of an upper-crust waspish family as they engage in their nightly ritual – the cocktail get together before dinner. Son John has written a play about the family called “The Cocktail Hour” and his parents are concerned about what he might be exposing about them, while his sister worries that her character might not have a big enough role.

The performers in this insightful, biting, comedy-satire are also a family, and we are delighted to feature Ron, Tracy, Ben and Meggie Jenkins in this table reading. More information
(l to r) Meggie, Ben, Tracy, Ron
Take Care of My Soul
A Marques Bovre Tribute
May 16, 7 pm
Join Ted Williams and Robyn Davis, with special guests Lenny Wayne Hosey and Scott Guthrie, as they celebrate the life and songwriting of Marques Bovre (1962-2013), a well-known regional singer/ songwriter based out of Madison, Wisconsin.

During his decades’ long career, Marques released 19 recordings and played countless shows at various venues throughout the Midwest, incorporating elements of folk, blues and country music. Bovre’s insightful and poignant lyrics continue to live in the hearts of his devoted fans.

Songwriters Showcase is always the third Thursday of the month.
No charge for the concert, but donations are happily accepted .
Table Reading of
The Substance of Fire
by Jon Robin Baitz
May 28, 7 pm
The Substance of Fire was scheduled for a February reading, which happened on a day of really terrible weather. Our staunch actors and about 18 hardy audience members managed to get to the performance. We decided to give you a second chance to see this stirring play by Jon Robin Baitz, featuring Robert Armstrong, Cathie Elsbree, Michael Crawford, Shari Kochman and Jay Dickerson.
In this compelling drama about family values, a man works all his life to build a highly respected publishing house for high quality books. His son thinks “best-sellers” would be a better approach.

Follow the difficult tug of war between family, money and morals.

Suggested donation $8
(l to r) Cathie Elsbree, Michael Crawford, Robert Armstrong,
Shari Kochman and Jay Dickerson
Figure Drawing
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
The spring session of people drawing people will continue through the end of May before taking a summer break—all those lawns to mow and gardens to tend.

Drawing the figure is a renowned and proven method to improve your drawing abilities, and therefore a prerequisite course in art schools around the world, even if the student doesn’t intend to become a portrait artist. Come join the group of supportive folks to hone your skills.

$10 per session. Bring your own materials and we’ll supply the model.

Sheila Haman
Embroidery Circle
Wednesdays, 1-3 pm
Our Embroidery Circle group will continue meeting one more month this year, so please join us on Wednesdays in May if you are interested in hand embroidery stitching with others.

Stitchery by Ruth Lyon
Broad Ideas Survey
Broad Ideas  was once more a resounding success and a rewarding experience. But the Broads planning committee would like it to be even better next year. If you would like to have input on that,
please fill out the survey, found at Broad Ideas Survey
Yoga with Marion " The Bubble Lady "
Tuesdays, 10-11:30 am

2019 June 15
Plan ahead and get a team together to participate in
the Galena Chalkfest!

Last year the Center’s parking lot was transformed into a spectacular, larger than life canvas during the 2018 Chalkfest, and this year plans are underway to make this family-friendly event bigger and better. Participants can register as individuals or teams, with a cash prize awarded for winners.
Not sure if you are comfortable chalking? We’re having a free chalking workshop on June 8 in the upper parking lot, led by our featured artist, John Schober.
2019 featured artist John Schober
A hand up, pleaz?
Chalker at work
2018 featured artist Emily Cotton Cram
La Fete de la Musique
June 20
Do you love music? Want to be a part of the fun? Join the worldwide celebration of Music (a day early!) on Thursday, June 20.

Come to the Center for the Arts for the Fete de la Musique. All are welcome to make music together.

More info will be in the June newsletter.
Volunteer of the Month
Nick Hyde
Native Galenian Nick Hyde is a perfect fit as the newest Center for the Arts Board member. As a child, he was part of the Galena's thespian community, acting in a variey of plays. A fond memory is of working with Phil Jackman in Main Street Players' production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat when he was in the fifth grade.
His love for theater has continued, but he has also tried out several other performance arts. Besides acting in high school, he played the saxophone in the band. In college at Louisiana State University, he joined the men's choir. Then, while going to law school at the University of Illinois, he did salsa and ballroom dancing as part of the Illini Dance Team. As this that weren't enough, he also enjoyed doing stand-up comedy in Champaign.

After receiving his law degree, Nick campaigned for, getting out the vote, in Austin, Texas. Moving back to Galena in 2017, he became a Public Defender, opened a private practice, and ran for office. Believing strongly in the importance of community service, he also joined the Rotary Club and other local organizations. And now he contributes his many talents, experience, and impressive energy to the Center for the Arts.

Nick is full of enthusiam for the Center and praise for all that has been accomplished in just a few years. He is especially impressed with how well run and well organized it is. “It is a jewel for both tourists and the local community,” he says. “I believe there is a bright future for the Center.” Clearly, Nick is planning to help create that exciting future. He's a great addition to the Center's family.
Studio Space Available
We now have two studios available to rent for $100 a month. They both include a sink and cabinets for storage of your art supplies. A dedicated space that is set up to create may be just the thing you need to get back to your creative expression. Join a group of like minded studio artists, be inspired by the regional artists that display work in our galleries, and display your work to the public when the galleries are open and during events and openings.  

Please call 779-214-0261 or email Patricia, our Gallery Manager, for a tour and information about renting studio space.
All River Road Talent hosts a monthly art drive the first weekend of each month. All River Road Talent is a synergy of artists building a cultural and visitor awareness of artistic talent in the Galena region of Northwest Illinois. The next ARRT tour is May 4 & 5.
  • Bryan Ackerman
  • Robert Armstrong
  • Susan Barg
  • Ben Behlke
  • Lynn Berning
  • Deb Bertucci
  • Big Bill’s
  • Elizabeth Boggess
  • Stephanie Bussan
  • Matthew Carroll
  • Michael Crawford
  • DeSoto House Hotel
  • Jay Dickerson
  • Cathy Dorwick
  • Jean Dregne
  • Janet Eggleston
  • Cathie Elsbree
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Bob and Jo Friend
  • Mark and Sheila Haman
  • Dick and Joan Harmet
  • Dan and Cathy Harms
  • Richard Hess
  • Nick Hyde
  • Nancy Hyman
  • Terri Jackman
  • Jail Hill Inn
  • Al Jirkovsky
  • Toni Klingler
  • Jan Lavacek
  • Brian and Karen Lenstra
  • Market House Restaurant
  • Diann Marsh
  • Aric Nation
  • Emily Painter
  • Piggly Wiggly
  • Charlene Price
  • Brooke Rasmussen
  • David Resnick
  • Art Roche
  • Neil and Bernadette Spurr
  • Mark and Trisha Wollam
  • The Workshop
  • Ginni Yarbrough
  • Janet Zehr
Support Us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!

Copier paper
If you need help signing up, just call 779-214-0261 and we can assist you.
Gallery Volunteers

Volunteering is good for the soul, and it really helps us to keep the gallery open four days a week.

The gallery hours are 1–4 pm Thursday through Sunday through the first weekend in May and then will be be expanding to 11-4 for the summer and fall seasons. Because we will then have two shifts, we will need twice as many volunteers to staff the gallery.   Please check out the available dates, choose a shift that works for you, and fill out the information at the bottom of the page.
Don’t forget to click the “Sign up to volunteer” button. Thanks for all your valuable time and talents to share artwork with our visitors.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
Don't forget to "Like" the Galena Center for the Arts on  Facebook  
Have a preferred e-mail address? Please let us know.  
Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
  Galena Center for the Arts | | 779-214-0261 Contact us by e-mail--
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman