Calling all musicians! Young and old! Beginners and experts and anything in between!

For advent we are putting together some virtual service music, and I’d like to invite all singers and instrumentalists to be a part of this! During Christmas, music brings us all closer together, and although we will be worshipping differently this year, we are going to make the most of it! So, if you’ve sung before at home, or school, or in the past, or in women’s choir, or in praise team, or in a choir, or in a glee club or in the shower or in the car to the radio… I’d love to make you a part of this experience! Just email me to let me know you’d like to sing, and I will send you some music and a CD to learn it with! Then I’ll contact you and explain how to record for our virtual performance! Let’s celebrate His birth together by making a Joyful Noise!!

If you play an instrument I would LOVE to include you in some special music as well! Just email me and let me know which instrument you play, and we will talk together about some opportunities to play during the Advent season.

Here at Sandy Springs we have such talent and love for music. During this unique time, some may have an opportunity to participate when normally they could not. I cannot wait to hear from you! My email is susan@sandyspringscc.org.

Have a great week!
God’s Politics
A Sermon Series

It’s a touchy subject, especially in an election year. In fact, it might be the most divisive topic of the day: politics. Which, of course, makes it an issue of faith – something the Church should address or, at the very least, talk about. After all, people have questions. Was Jesus political? Should I, as a person of faith, be political, partisan, both? If Church and State are to be separate, can political issues also be matters of faith? Let’s come together, during worship, and spiritually prepare ourselves for an election season through a series we are calling God’s Politics.

October 11, 2020
Can We Talk?
James 3:1-12
Rev. Dr. Nathan C. Brown

October 18, 2020
The Shape of Goodness
II Kings 6:8-23
Rev. Linda Whitmire

October 25, 2020
Fear Not
Isaiah 43:1-7
Rev. Dr. Nathan C. Brown
Join us Sunday mornings for an in-person service in the Whitmire Pavilion at 8:30 am, in advance of our livestream at 10:15 AM. We will follow all the guidelines in the Whitmire Pavilion policy to keep everyone safe. Worship will only include prayer, a scripture reading, a message, an offering and communion. Communion will take place with pre-packaged individual, disposable communion cups and wafers, already placed in the seats.

In order to attend the service you must sign up in advance, as we are limiting attendance to 30 people, following the Whitmire Pavilion Guidelines recently set. Please click the button below to reserve your seat.
Prayers are requested for Carmen Kusmierz, Amy Frost's sister-in-law, who had surgery Tuesday to repair her sternum from an infection due to open heart surgery a few months ago.

Dan Ross requests prayers for Lolly. She is in the hospital due to a broken pelvis she received from a fall. Dan hopes she will be moved to a rehab facility in the next couple of days. 

Please continue to pray for Sharon Hannah Nickelson as she is having multiple side effects from her chemotherapy. 

Gwen Jackson, a resident of Campbell Stone, asks for prayers for her son Joey Jackson who continues to have seizures following a head injury.

Prayers are requested for Karla Worley's mother, Darlene McCorkle who resides in a Salisbury, NC nursing home and has contracted coronavirus. She is stable, breathing ok, but is rather frail and being closely monitored for running a fever. 

From Pat and Paul Kapphahn, "Words can’t express how much all your cards, prayers, messages and yummy food have meant to us after our freaky accident four weeks ago. We have felt surrounded by your care and concern ! We are now in well into recovery mode and plan on being better than ever soon! Love and Blessings."

Please pray for our members and their families who serve as first responders and health care workers: Dr. Tim Helton, Katie Gibson, Tracey McCluskey, and Pete French. Also those serving in the military: Derrick Brown (Army) and Michelle Brown (Navy), children of Cindy and Pete Brown. Tyler Brown (Army), son of Tami and Stephen Brown. Jared Mills (Army), son/stepson of John and Floy Mills. Rachel Robeck (Navy), daughter of John and Mary Robeck. Jamie Price Smith (Air Force) and Dalton Brown (Army) granddaughter and grandson of Barb Duren and Chaplain Kevin Mooney (Navy). If we are missing someone, please let us know so that we can include their name in our weekly prayers.

You can join SSCC by a simple affirmation of faith anytime! If you want to join during this virtual time, just let us know you would like to join!
The Welcome Back Team has discerned that we should try limited in-person worship in the sanctuary beginning November 1st. The team wrote and Leadership approved guidelines for this step and they are available here for you to review by clicking the button below.

First, let me say that if the risk of COVID transmission increases in the state, we may choose once again to rely solely on livestreaming. Our team is now working on the logistics of in-person worship to comply with the guidelines. Those will be communicated to you when they are completed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either me (bwlady@bellsouth.net) or Nathan.

Sincerely, Leslie Lady
On Sunday, November 1st we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. This is our annual recognition of those members of our congregation who have died in the past year. We want to remember the deceased and the many ways in which they touched our lives.

Our records indicate that we do not have any Saints names to read during the service this year. However, because we have been so disconnected during this time, we want to make sure that we do not omit someone’s name who should be mentioned. Please leave a message at the church or email Amy Frost at amy@sandyspringscc.org.
sscc sanctuary 1964
On Sunday, November 8th Rev. Dr. Nathan Brown will help us celebrate Sandy Springs Christian Church's 60th Anniversary. You will want to be part of and tune into worship on this special day, as we hope to have several faces and voices from years past, present in worship. Come be part of celebrating this special milestone!
November 14 and 15, 2020
As you know, part of our visioning plan calls us to have a courageous conversation event, annually, over the next three years, to help us, as church, model for the world how to have conversation about difficult topics and remain one community. Dr. Allen Hilton, author of "A House United," will be leading us in the virtual endeavor. Look to your newsletter for more information.
On Sunday, November 22, 2020 Bryant Gibson will lead worship as we observe our annual Thanksgiving Sunday. Let us come together and give thanks for the many blessings of this last year, despite the challenges we have faced!
The AmazonSmile Foundation recently surpassed $200 million in donations to charities worldwide! Recently they announced PRIME DAY this October 13th and 14th.

In this time, many of you are purchasing items online for your household, and even for the holidays. By purchasing on Amazon using the link below, you can generate donations to our church simply by shopping.

You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to Sandy Springs Christian Church by shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/58-1083769 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app.
Sunday, November 1st we "Fall Back" an hour. Please remember to set your clocks back!
CAC: For information regarding volunteering at the CAC, please CLICK HERE to access the Sign Up Genius link for available time slots. They are also looking for pantry, cash and boutique donations. If you would like to read the CAC's most recent newsletter, CLICK HERE.

UPDATE ON FOOD PANTRY & CAC BOTIQUE located at 8607 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs GA 30350. The Food Pantry has moved to an outdoor market format and the CAC Boutique will be open inside with limited hours. Homebound seniors may receive pre-packaged food delivered by CAC volunteers. Volunteers are needed; if you are interested, please contact Debbie Olson at the CAC or contact Cindi McCollough via email at csbfish@bellsouth.net.

CAC Outdoor Mini-Market Food Pantry
Food Donation/Delivery Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Or contact CACpantry@ourcac.org to arrange a time.

CAC Upscale Thrift
Shopping Hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30 am-1:30 pm
(Retail store shopping hours open to clients and the public.)

Donation Hours for Clothing & Home Goods are Monday – Friday, 9:30 am-1:30 pm

Safety, of course, continues to be a number one priority. Greeters will take each customer’s temperature and ensure each customer sanitizes their hands and is wearing a mask before shopping. Plexiglass is up at the register and dressing rooms. Restrooms are unavailable right now. If you would like to help but aren’t comfortable being in the store with customers, know there are items in the back to sort and price every day of the week. Plenty of spots if you’d like one.

If you would like to read the CAC's newsletter, please click here.

FOOD INSECURITY: If you or someone you know in our church community are facing food insecurity because of a decrease or loss in income, please privately contact Jenna Hicks so that we can provide assistance to keep your pantry full. Email jennakhicks@gmail.com or call 404-441-1668. 

MUST MINISTIRES: If you would like to donate and drop off items please CLICK HERE to access a flyer that outlines the most needed items. Monetary donations are very much needed and can be done so online via their website, or send a check in the mail to MUST Ministries, P.O. Box 1717, Marietta, GA 30061.If you have questions please contact Cathy Cortright at cortright13@gmail.com.
Due to the fact that we are holding "virtual" church service, and are not able to submit prayer requests, feel free to reach out to Merilyn Dimmit, Congregational Care, via Merilyn@sandyspringscc.org or call her at 770-448-8784 and leave a message. Please indicate if your prayer request is confidential (for Clergy/Elders only or for congregational sharing in our newsletter).
SSCC has subscribed to zoom for anyone who might need it to virtually meet using a video conference method. Only one group can use our account at a time. If you would like your group to use zoom to virtually meet, please contact Amy Frost via email (amy@sandyspringscc.org) to schedule your group on the calendar. We can help you learn how to send an invite to your group.
Stephen Brown 10/1
John Dalton 10/1
Amy Helton 10/2
Kerry Bensch 10/4
John Mills 10/4
Mikayla Scarborough 10/6
Pat Emerson 10/7
Don Daugherty 10/8
Ginny Hamilton 10/8
Sandy Matthews 10/9
Amos Bolay 10/13
Bob Hicks 10/14
Ellis Torbert 10/14
Bryce Bowers 10/16
Matt McKinney 10/16
Becky Kelly 10/17
Dawna Abel 10/21
Merilyn Dimmitt 10/23
Vijay Rathinam 10/23
Mary Shehan 10/23
Sally Tutterow 10/24
Paul Kapphahn 10/25
Cindy Brown 10/26
Alice Saunders 10/26
Chris Dalton 10/27
Shavette Turner 10/28
Bert Blackburn 10/31
Linda Davis-Rolen 10/31