Miami, FL
May 23, 2018
Volume IX | Issue No. 21
Role of prophylactic azithromycin to reduce airway inflammation and mortality in Respiratory Syncytial Viral (RSV) infections 
Macrolides have both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
An interesting study on four groups of mice' control (C), RSV-infected (R), early prophylaxis with daily azithromycin (E) and late prophylaxis, where appropriate lung and inflammatory markers were measured indicates that prophylactic azithromycin effectively reduces weight loss, airway inflammation, cytokine levels and mortality in RSV-infected mice. Future clinical trials are eagerly awaited (Ed).
Efficacy of physiotherapy and Caycedian Sophrology on children with asthma 
Caycedian Sophrology is a trade marked treatment of stress (Lozano, Alfonso Caycedo; Colombian professor of Psychiatry and Neurophysiology) which aims via a broad variety of creative activities to bring mind and body into harmony and which has both Eastern and Western roots. It appears to be a somewhat controversial therapy!

A prospective randomized clinical trial among 74 children aged 6-17 years hospitalized for acute asthma which compared matched groups receiving either conventional treatment or that, plus a session of Sophrology indicates that Sophrlogy treatment appears to be a possible adjuvant therapy to current guideline-based treatments of asthma.

Evaluation of bowel function in healthy children 
Healthy children (3.5 years - 7 years and 8 years - 15 years) are frequently constipated reporting abdominal pain and gas-related problems. Bowel function seems to improve with age and most children require no treatment.

Childhood Obesity Facts 
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Long-term outcomes of esophageal atresia (OA) 

"Long-term outcomes of OA are poorly understood."

A large patient support group questionnaire study of 928 OA patients from 25 countries analyzed patient/parent reported long-term outcomes. (Current symptomatology and quality of life - QoL). 80% of children had type C anatomy (atresia with distal fistula), 19% type A (atresia alone) and1% type E (isolated fistula).

Follow up into adulthood of children with OA indicates that 49% require dilatations, 58% have persistent reflux symptoms, 50% have dysphagia with median weights and heights being diminished in younger children. Respiratory and chest infections decrease with increasing age. QoL appears significantly affected in 18%.

Candida-related conditions in infancy and early childhood caries   

From a retrospective cohort chart study of oral thrush and caries from over 1 million children's records (age 1-12 months) with follow up at ages 13-71 months, it appears that oral thrush in infancy is strongly associated with early childhood caries.

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Gardasil HPV Vaccine Triggers Autoimmune Disorders Documented in Medical Literature
Documented in Medical Literature: Gardasil HPV Vaccine Triggers Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmunity, Autonomic dysfunction and the HPV vaccination

The CDC in the USA recommends HPV vaccination when children are 11-12 years of age - two injections, 6-12 months apart. Almost 14 million people including teens are infected with HPV per year in the USA and HPV vaccination can prevent approximately 30,700 yearly cases of cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in women; penile cancers in men and cancers of the anus and throat.

Autonomic neuropathy is an umbrella term given to nerve damage to parts of the body that control involuntary functions. The first reported rare association of autonomic dysfunction and HPV vaccination occurred in 2010 and now a consistent clinical phenotype has emerged for sensory and autonomic dysregulation, often resulting in severe disability - the "HPV vaccination syndrome".

An interesting case describes a young 11-year-old girl who developed the "HPV vaccination syndrome", with all its clinical, immunological and investigative complexities. It is very well worth reading (Ed).

Variation in human milk composition: Impact on immune development and allergic disease susceptibility 

"Food allergies affect 6-8% of children..." and 30%-40% of children with moderate to severe eczema also have food allergies. Most (90%) are caused by eggs, cows milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. Breast feeding is currently recommended to prevent the development of allergic diseases in high-risk infants; the underlying mechanisms however of prevention are unclear.

Human milk contains various factors that affect immune development in the gut of which human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) are especially significant as they are the main substrate for gut microbiota. Lower levels of some HMOs in human milk
are associated with the development of cow's milk allergies (CMA). High levels of breast milk cytokines and specific IgA also appear protective for CMA. Associated breast milk findings include greater gut microbial diversity and more robust mucosal immune response with variations occurring in differing maternal populations.

Variation in breast milk composition and host genetics appear to be important in the development of the infant gut microbiome and immune system and may play a significant role in allergy development.

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Nicklaus Children's Opens Pediatric Urgent Care Facility in City of Homestead

Nicklaus Children's Health System has just announced the opening of its newest urgent care location, the Nicklaus Children's Homestead Outpatient Center. The center is open daily from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Located at 2072 NE 8 Street at the Campbell Shoppes in Homestead, the facility offers walk-in pediatric urgent care, for infants older than 2 months, children, teens and young adults through age 21.