Spring 2018, Week 2
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm, Friday 8am-4:30pm

858-822-3493 | | 
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"If I do not fight bigotry wherever it is, bigotry is thereby strengthened. And to the degree that it is strengthened, it will, thereby, have the power to turn on me." - Bayard Rustin
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. For more information, please visit for special events held throughout the month.

Volunteer for Out and Proud Week! 

Volunteer for Out and Proud Week

Out and Proud Week presents the largest opportunity for community visibility on the UC San Diego campus.
This year Out and Proud Week is April 23-27, 2018 and we need help to make it happen!

All our volunteer opportunities are here:   
Audio Newsletter
         Check out this week's audio newsletter:
Upcoming Events 

Have Your Art on Our Windows!
The UCSD LGBT Resource center is looking for designs from student artists to replace our current window artwork.  Chosen submissions will be on the center for years to come and artists will be honored at rainbow graduation.  For more information about submitting designs please visit All submissions must be a 44x102 photoshop TIF file, 100 dpi, and CYMK mode.  The deadline is Wednesday, April 11.

Rainbow Art and Book Faire

Heart art? Nothing as lit as literature? Come experience art and literature from your fellow queer/trans Tritons! Hosted by the LGBT Resource Center, the Rainbow Art & Book Faire is an event that is open to all UCSD students that wish to enjoy by observing and/or purchasing literature and art created by queer/trans students.

If you wish to sell or display any pieces for the Rainbow Art & Book Faire, make sure to fill out the Google doc.  Registration deadline is April 13, 2018. Book your spot today!

Rainbow Art & Book Faire Google Doc Link:

Friends Supporting LGBTQIA+ Survivors
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
12:00PM | LGBT Resource Center

Join the LGBT Resource Center for a workshop on how to support your LGBTQIA+ friends impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. If you require accommodations to fully access the event, please contact us at

Why Drag!? Makeup and Drag Culture
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
5:00-6:30PM | Women's Center Conference Room

Interested in learning about drag culture? Come learn about drag culture, and learn some drag makeup tips and tricks! If you require accommodations to fully access the event, please contact us at

UCSD LGBT Alumni Brunch! 
Saturday, April 21, 2018
12:00-1:30PM | LGBT Resource Center

You are cordially invited to attend our annual UC San Diego LGBT Alumni Brunch on Saturday, April 21st from 12pm-1:30pm at the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center. This year the brunch kicks off UC San Diego's Out & Proud week, and we are excited to share our events and activities with you. Join us for fun, friends and memories! 

LGBTQIA+ Compilation Book Submission!

The LGBT RC is accepting submissions for a compilation book to be published for the RC library!Selected submissions will be included in a book that will be published for the LGBT RC Library. Submissions can be on any topic and depict any subject. You might consider some of the following themes: Activism, Community, Pride, Leadership, Representation, Queer Expression, Spirituality, Diversity, Remembrance, The Future for LGBT+ People, LGBT+ College Community. Up to 5 submissions per person will be considered.

Follow this link to submit or learn more:

UCSD Multi-identity Art Collective
7:00-9:00PM | LGBT Resource Center

Multi-identity Artist Collective is an intersectionl art group geared toward no one in particular because we take just about everyone! Humans of all artistic skill levels, specialities and identites are welcome to join us. We hold art workshops and other social events!

Bored Gaymers 
12:00-1:30PM | LGBT Resource Center 

Come play board games with us weekly at the LGBT Resource Center! Feel free to see what games we have or even bring your own!
No experience required!

Rainbow Graduation Sign Up

Rainbow Graduation serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBTQIA+ Alumni. If you are graduating this year and would like to be recognized at the ceremony on June 9th, please fill out the form at Contact Gavin Granitto at or check out our Facebook event page for more information ( )

Queer Student Organizations and Affiliates  

Queer ERC

QuERC is an organization that strives to build a community for queer students and allies.  Come hang out and learn more! For more information and updates on events, click the link below: 

Fluid Attraction
Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. For more information, please e-mail

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, every odd week
Conference Room | Cross Cultural Center
QUEER/TRANS PEOPLE OF COLOR is a student org that creates a safe space to dialogue, educate, and socialize around LGBTQ+ identified people of color. For more information about QTPOC, contact or check out their Facebook page:

Mondays, 6:00-7:00pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
QSUN (Queer Students United) as an organization aims to provide an open, welcoming, and safe space for individuals in the UCSD College community who identify on the queer and/or LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or are allies of such individuals. It is designed to offer an opportunity for a smaller and more close knit community. 

Black Queer Collective
Black Queer Collective is a group dedicated to finding and fostering Black queer community at UC San Diego. For more information about Black Queer Collective, please click here.

Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm  
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a national LGBTQ-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia. For more information, check out their  Facebook page!
Lesbian Collective 
Odd Wednesdays; 4:00-5:00PM 
Small Room | Women's Center 
The Lesbian Collective is UCSD's only lesbian-centered student organization! Join us every odd Wednesday from 4-5PM in the Women's Center small meeting room for discussion circles about lesbian life, feminism, and experiences among friends. For more information, contact

Aces and Aros
Odd Fridays; 4:00-5:00PM 
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center 
Aces and Aros is meant to provide a space for those who identify on the asexual/aromantic spectrums or are on their journey to identifying with either/both communities. The group is designed to have room for discussions about ace/aro issues or experiences, as well as foster a stronger sense of community and support. For more information, contact

Intern Office Hours

Looking for community? Get to know our interns! Stop by during their office hours:

Afi: Thurs: 11:30AM-2:00PM
Alejandra: Tues: 9:30AM-12:00PM
Gavin: Wed: 11:00AM-1:30PM
Jodie: Mon: 2:00-3:00PM; Tues/Thurs 2:30PM-4:00PM
Larra: Wed: 9:30AM-12:00PM
Marisa: Wed: 12:00-2:30PM
Noel: Mon: 1:30-4:00PM
Sallie: Mon: 8:00-10:30AM
Sam: Fri: 10:00AM-12:30PM
LGBT+ Community Events

The Whole Alphabet Storytelling Salon

April 14, 2018; 3:00-5:00PM
3766 Fifth Avenue

The LGBTQ+ storytelling project The Whole Alphabet continues with a new and free Salon and Writing Workshop, the final salon before our JUNE 2 SHOWCASE: "Kith and Kin."

RSVP (simple google form) -

Performers will present stories to entertain and inspire, then facilitate some craft instruction. We will have free writing time for you to work on your own story, perhaps for our upcoming show on June 2nd.

The Whole Alphabet is a queer writing and storytelling network, developed by Mission Hills United Methodist Church and So Say We All. Our values and interests include the queer experience, faith and spirituality (or lack thereof), innovation, leadership, and social justice.


The SDSU Center for Research on Sexuality and Sexual Health (SASH) presents: "Subjectified: Nine Young Women Talk About Sex"
April 17, 2018; 7:00-9:00PM
SDSU Student Union Theater

"Subjectified: Nine Young Women Talk About Sex" is a documentary that lets women define
sexuality on their own terms. Featuring one-on-one interviews with nine diverse young women from all over the country, Subjectified unearths complex stories of female sexuality-stories that, up until now, have been shockingly absent from the pop culture in their authentic form. The stories may sound familiar: young
moms, abstinent Christians, lesbians, survivors of assaults and STDs. But outside the world of reality TV and sound bites, women approach their lives in
complex and unexpected ways: sometimes hilarious, sometimes sobering, and always heartfelt. Faculty-led discussion with Dr. Jennifer Felner will follow.


Education for Liberation: Queer Feminist POC Pedagogies
April 25, 2018; 7:00-9:00PM
2921 El Cajon Blvd. 

Join us and our panel of scholars and community educators to talk about their provocative approaches to creating spaces that uplift, inspire, and challenge systems of power both inside and outside of the classroom. This event is for any person who believes that education has the power to transform our world.

11th Annual Queer and Asian Conference
April 27th-29, 2018
UC Berkeley

The 11th Annual Queer and Asian Conference will be taking place at UC Berkeley this year! The theme this year is "Limitless," which reflects upon our identities and boundless potential, and how we can push past boundaries to heal and empower our communities. The conference brings queer Asians and allies from across the nation to participate in engaging workshops, keynote speeches by prominent activists, performers, scholars, performances from our talented community and so much more. The conference is free of charge with Saturday lunch provided. You may also request free housing provided by our volunteers. To register, click here

Community Support Groups

Coming Out Group

Tuesdays, 3:30-5:00PM 

Small Meeting Room | Women's Center


The Coming Out group is a place to meet and gain support while discussing your sexual and/or gender Identities in a confidential setting.  This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, or questioning folks who are coming out, considering coming out or may already be out.  Topics are determined by group participants and can include stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, family/cultural issues, excitement and celebration with regard to coming out. The group is open to new members the first 3 meetings of each quarter and then closes to maintain safe space.


For more info, please contact Cat Thompson at  or Luis Legaspi at


Men's Relationship Forum
Weeks 2-10 (Fall, Winter & Spring Quarters)
Mondays, 2:30- 4:00PM
Small Meeting Room | Women's Center 

Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus.
This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more.

For more information please contact:
Greg Koch at
Rainbow Newsletter submissions: 
If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Campus Community Centers


APIMEDA Migrations and Home
April 9, 2018; 6:00-8:00PM
Price Center Green Table Room

Come join APIMEDA Programs and Services in the exploration of the concepts of miration and home and how they could shape a person's experiences and identity. For information, click here

Backyard Collective
April 11, 2018; 5:00-6:30PM
Muir Field

Come Join the Black Men's Collective as we spend time together playing football.
Bring athletic attire to participate.

Dream the Impossible Native Youth Concert
April 21, 2018; 9:00AM-4:00PM
California State University, San Marcos

Save the date! The Annual Dream the Impossible Native Youth Conference is around the corner. It'll be held at California State University, San Marcos. 


Breaking Barriers Scholarship Application Now Available
Deadline: April 10, 2018

The Jim and Julie Lin Breaking Barriers Leadership and Scholarship Award celebrates equity, diversity, and inclusion at UC San Diego. It is awarded to a student who has demonstrated skill and passion in developing new programs or initiatives that substantially impact the Cross-Cultural Center and the UC San Diego community. Open to all registered students who entered prior to Fall 2017 and who plan to graduate on or after Spring 2019.

Gender Buffet

A weekly, informal dialogue on issues connected to gender led by our Social Justice Interns. From elections to Disney Princesses, we discuss it all. Free snacks! 

These discussions happen weekly throughout the academic year on Fridays (12:00-1:30pm) starting Week 2.

Existing is Resisting: Radical QTPOC Liberation
April 10, 2018; 5:30-7:00PM
Raza Resource Centro Library

How do you navigate institutions of oppression while being a QTPOC student activist? How do you also utilize an intersectional framework in your activist work? Connect with current and former student activists that can speak to this experience and identify strategies and tips to support one another.

The purpose of this program is to embrace and reaffirm the contributions and existence of Queer, Trans, People of Color in activist work and movements towards social change.

Community Classifieds

Arab American Heritage Month Events

April is Arab American Heritage Month. Please come to one of the events presented by one of our campus groups who support Arab American people on our campus!

Migration and Home
April 9; 6:00PM
Green Table Room

SJP General Body Meeting
April 11; 7:00PM
Green Table Room

PASA Comedy Night
April 17; 7:00PM
The Loft

Amreeka Movie Screening
April 19; 7:00PM
Sixth College Lodge

PASA Dabke Night
April 30; 7:00PM
PC Dance Studio

Growing a Multi-Faith Campus Movement for Racial Justice
May 4; 3:00PM
Cross Cultural Center

TCLP Hiring!

Apply to be a Triton Community Programming Leader! Work with students and their families during Family Weekend and Siblings Day. Great opportunity for on campus leadership! Flexible schedule that fits with other jobs and classes. Earn $11.85 an hour and work up to 70 hours. The deadline to apply is April 9! Apply at

M.E.Ch.A Highschool Conference/Volunteers Needed!

Come participate in MEChA de UCSD's 28th annual High School Conference! This year's theme is "Las Raices del Cambio" which translates to "The Roots of Change" where we will promote and empower under represented high school youth.

The purpose of this conference is for the students to receive access to resources necessary to attain higher education and success, despite coming from marginalized communities and backgrounds. As well as provide students with workshops and speakers to feel politically and culturally empowered. To volunteer for the conference, click below:

 For more information check out the website at

Body Composition
April 10, 2018; 9:30AM-10:15AM
The Zone

Walk in for your free analysis which includes: body weight, percentage body fat, total body water, and blood pressure. One free assessment per quarter is available to registered UCSD students.

Student Retention and Success Student (SRS)Job Fair
April 10, 2018; 11:00AM-3:00PM
4th Floor Price Center East Forum

Join us at the SRS Student Job Fair, held by the UCSD Student Affairs! No previous experience is required and it is open to all UCSD Undergraduate students! The job fair will include Academic Enrichment Programs, Chancellor's Associates Scholars Program, OASIS, International Center, and more!

To RSVP, go to

Walk-ins are welcome! 

Hiring for Thurgood Marshal College Student Affair Dean's Interns Info Session 
April 10, 2018; 12:30-1:30PM
TMC Administrative Building Room 127

Thurgood Marshall College Student Affairs is currently in the process of hiring it's next cohort of Student Affairs Dean's Interns for the 2018-2019 academic year. Students in Intern roles have the unique opportunity to plan student-driven programs and events that improve the Scholar & Citizen community we have at Marshall, as well as work alongside professional staff in the Student Affairs office assisting with administrative tasks. To apply: click the link below:

Speak About It
April 10, 2018; 7:00-8:30PM
SDSU Montezuma Hall

Join us for one of Take Back the Week's special events, Speak About It, a performance that educates on consent and healthy sexual relationships.

Speak About It promotes healthy relationships through directly addressing issues of consent, sexual assault, and bystander intervention. We share wisdom from an array of experiences, successes, misfortunes, and personal discoveries, and bring audiences a humorous, powerful, and provocative show filled with dynamic true monologues and energetic skits. The show sparks dynamic conversations amongst young people about sex and sexuality, and educates and empowers students to create and sustain change in the communities.

Concert-In-Close Quarters With Harlem Quartet
April 12, 2018; 4:00PM
Fireside Lounge, Marshall College

Join us for a FREE Concert in Close Quarters where ArtPower and Thurgood Marshall College present live chamber music in residence halls and lounges for intimate mini-concerts for students. The Grammy-winning Harlem Quartet will bring its "new attitude" to classical music, one that is fresh, bracing and intelligent" (Cincinnati Enquirer). Passionate about advancing diversity in classical music, the quartet engages audiences with their impressive performances worldwide. Come to enjoy lovely music and conversation! 

Oasis at The Zone
April 13, 2018; 10:00AM-12:00PM
The Zone

Stop by The Zone every Friday from 10 am - 2 pm for free tutoring provided by OASIS. Subjects offered are Math, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Writing. Study supplies provided.

AIP Mock Interview Workshop
April 13, 2018; 11:00AM-12:00PM
Teaching and Learning Commons, Room 1504

AIP presents a workshop for students to prepare for future internship and job interviews by informing students what to expect and providing a space to practice tough questions.

Enroll in TMC 198
April 13, 2018

Enroll in TMC 198! The purpose of the course is (1) to provide UCSD students with hands-on experience in urban schools, especially regarding the constraints on 6-12 students' learning in these settings; (2) to enable UCSD students to conduct basic research on issues of urban education, directed toward improving educational quality and preparing students for college.

After #MeToo Addressing Sexual Violence at the Intersections of Oppression
April 17, 2018; 5:00-8:30PM

To elevate sexual assault awareness month we will be hosting a dialogue and discussion with Amita Swadhin. The talk will focus on sexual violence, how people can move forward in the wake of #MeToo, and the implications especially for marginalized communities, including LGBTQI and communities of color.

Amita Swadhin is an educator, storyteller, activist and consultant dedicated to fighting interpersonal and institutional violence against young people. Her commitments and approach to this work stem from her experiences as a genderqueer, femme queer woman of color, daughter of immigrants, and years of abuse by her parents.

The UCSD Guardian Recruitment
April 18, 2018; 7:00PM
Guardian Office (located on the Second Floor of the Old Student Center)

The UCSD Guardian, the official home of student journalism at UCSD, is recruiting! 

Open to ALL majors, our six award-winning writing sections - News, Opinion, Arts & Entertainment, Lifestyle, Features, and Sports - give you the opportunity to perfect your writing skills, learn how to adapt to a wide variety of tones, and build a strong portfolio for your future employers. Several of our writers have gone on to work for press outlets like The New York Times and NBC. We also have photography, design, and multimedia opportunities! 

To apply, click the link below:

Chicano Legacy
April 23, 2018; 12:00-1:00PM
UCSD Geisel Library, Seuss Room

Join us to view this short documentary on the power of students to make change. The Chicano Legacy Mural was commissioned at UC San Diego in 2011 as a response to racist incidents on campus. The film explores how the first ever permanent, minority inspired public artwork on campus has inspired students and its impact on campus life.

The screening will be followed by a Q & A with the filmmakers Horacio Jones and Jorge Mariscal.

Open to the public. All are welcome.
Refreshments will be served.

Hosted by the Library Diversity & Inclusion Committee.

Disability, Intersectionality, & State Violence Symposium
April 26, 2018; 11:00AM-7:00PM
UC San Diego Atkinson Hall

JOIN THE CONVERSATION: The sites, practices, and mechanisms most commonly associated with state violence provide a powerful lens for analyzing intersectionality across identities marked by ability, race, ethnicity, gender, class, age and other groups who experience heightened levels of vulnerability. This one-day symposium features presentations and performances by artists, scholars, community advocates and representatives of social service organizations to foster dialog around concerns with forms of vulnerability to violence that are generated, under-addressed or ignored by state institutions. Presenters will address the ways in which the conditions of schooling, psychiatric and other healthcare, policing, and
 incarceration, raise heightened concerns for the human rights of people at the intersection of minoritized identities and disability. 

More information can be found here:

2018 DeWitt Higgs Memorial Lecture
April 26, 2018; 5:00PM
UCSD Price Center

The DeWitt Higgs Lecture is an annual lecture series featuring a public intellectual speaker on a topic related to the endowment's sake. This year, we are bringing George Takei, star of Tv-series Star Trek. His performance will address his experience in the Japanese internment camps from World War II, his perspective on LGBT rights in today's political climate, the importance of social media activism and his life as a pop culture icon and entertainer.