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Solar micro-grids Maasai Stoves _ Solar Project
New talent, new ideas   
Robert V. Lange 
Robert V. Lange
Greetings!  I'm writing you from our new Office of Programs and Development, in Annapolis, Maryland. (Please note the new address at the footer.)
I'm proud to share the details of how we are putting the Annual Appeal funds to work.  
Meet our newest leader, Mesha Singolyo, now heading up the activities at our new Cypress Hill  incubator, as Manager.  
Read an update about our feedlot and view photos of the cattle we are breeding there, for greater drought adaptability.  
And finally, we are proud to fill you in on what's happening with our micro-grid programs, and partnership through eco-tourism.  
I leave for Tanzania in a few days and look forward to sending you news from the field. Together with the entire Project community, thank you for helping us to make a difference.
Robert V. Lange, Founder
Maasai Stoves & Solar Project 
January, 2018

Your mailing address
Maasai Stoges _ Solar
Did you receive a hard copy mailing from us in December? If not, it means that we do not have  correct contact information for you. If you would, please email your address and phone number to Debra Strick. As always, we keep your information confidential and do not share it with anyone. 
And stay tuned for stories and pictures from the field in the month of February, soon to be posted at Facebook.  

The new Manager of Cypress Hill

Mesha Singolyo, Manager
We are delighted to introduce Mesha Singolyo, Manager of Activities and Programs at our

Under Mesha's leadership, our early aim is to develop short courses to help people solve problems and move forward. She is also establishing earning and business opportunities for women.

With a Master's degree in Development and Gender Studies from the University of Dar es Salaam, Mesha is an officer in the Community Development Department of the district government.

She has been intensely devoted to spreading an understanding of women's and children's rights, and we welcome her to the ICSEE community. Mesha's focus will strengthen the programing at Cypress Hill.

Thank you for your Appeal support, helping to make this possible.

A new breed 
Boran cattle
In Kenya, many Maasai are replacing their cows with breeds that are better adapted to the increasingly difficult conditions that include long harsh dry periods.
We are  excited to announce the creation of a cow  breeding center. We are combining Sahiwal and Boran. 

Sahiwal cow 
These are strong, durable, disease-resistant breeds with good meat and milk production, and many additional favorable traits. 

We have 25 young females and three bulls at the feedlot. They should be producing calves for sale to the Maasai in about a year and a half.  
Fodder production demo at Manyara Feedlot 
The first cycle of activities at our cattle feedlot has come to successful completion.  
Twelve Maasai herders and the women of the Monduli Pastoralist Women's Organization had brought us a total of 110 cows for three months of feeding and care.
The cows that started out healthy turned enough profit to comfortably cover the cost of the feedlot services. And those that were frail to begin with were improved, although they could not be sold as profitably, and we did not ask for payment for those.  
Overall, we're proud to announce that the program is working very well. Thank you to all who make it possible.  

Power to the people
Maasai Stoves _ Solar 
Installing a solar-electric micro-grid

The Project recently installed new solar-electric micro-grids in several additional bomas in the villages of Baraka and Mungere, far from the national grid. Once our smoke-free stoves are installed in all the boma's homes, we share the cost of grid installation with the boma owners.
We are now scaling up our micro-grid iinstallations by adding electrification to the experience of the tourists participating in G-Adventures safaris .
Before the tourists visit, the Project readies the bomas with
Smoke-free stoves installed first 
solar panels, batteries, and controllers. After working with the women to install a stove, the tourists help wire the home into the micro-grid for light and cellphone charging capability.

This provides an authentic and powerful interaction, expanding the tourists' experience with the Maasai who are working for a better life.
It also helps the Project to bring life-changing electricity to yet another boma.  


Water and vegetables 
Bringing safe water to the people is a significant life improvement. I want to tell you of a new way the Project is putting your generosity to work.    
Myubuni villagers bringing stones for their water tank platform 
As you know, we've scaled up our water sanitation program, installing remarkably inexpensive chlorination systems alongside the terribly polluted surface water sources.   
When the reservoir is large, more water may collect in the rainy season than is needed for household use. This is the case for the village of Naiti. 
The people of Naiti
want to integrate a small vegetable farm alongside the chlorination system. As long as the pumps are there, and the water supply is large, why not have a food source too? Why not sell extra vegetables to provide funds for ongoing operation of the water system?
Women breaking ground for vegetable gardening 
This is what the Naiti villagers are doing with us, and your funds have helped to make it possible.  ICSEE will soon have a dedication and launch event of their new, combined clean water system and vegetable garden.   
Representatives of local and regional governments plan to attend. They are hoping to find resources to join us in scaling up work with safe water. This life improvement is especially critical for children's health.  
 Photography by Philip Lange