Latest news and updates from Syntec
The main challenge for organisations trying to achieve card payment security is to avoid falling into the trap of only looking at card security. You can no longer just look at card security alone. 

There are many reasons for this but the most pressing one currently is the regulatory landscape. We've got the general data protection regulation coming up, we've got the payment services directive already in force since January of this year, we've got the fraud and anti money laundering regulations, which are also similar.

What I think is happening is, because the GDPR is so wide-ranging and applies to so many organisations including small and medium enterprises, those organisations are now starting to look at the data they're collecting and to think about what they're doing. The GDPR has a beneficial side effect because the way that it defines personal information and sensitive customer information is actually pushing more awareness of the PCI DSS.  

We have updated our privacy policy in preparation for the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation on 25 May 2018. This provides details of the grounds on which we're contacting you and how we handle the data that we hold on you. 

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