Memorial Day Ceremonies Still on Track Despite Monument Issues
Despite severe damage to the monument at the City's Veterans War Memorial, the annual Memorial Day Ceremonies will still be held at the site, located next door to the Cumming Police Department.  Ceremonies will be held on Friday, May 24, beginning at 11 a.m. (Rain location is the Cumming Fairgrounds' covered arena.)

As in years past, several new American flags in honor of local deceased veterans will be added, weather permitting, to the City's Avenue of Flags display at the Veterans War Memorial, bringing the total number of flags on display to more than 250. The ceremonies will also feature presentations from the Forsyth County Fire & Sheriff's Department Honor Guard, a dove release by Georgia Doves, patriotic live music, and a keynote address from Brigadier General Reginald G.A. Neal of the Georgia Army National Guard. 

Parking for the event is available in the Castleberry Road Parking Deck, at the Cumming Fairgrounds, and at the Cumming Police Department - but the City asks that the Police Department parking be for reserved for the elderly and individuals with mobility issues. 

Severe structural damage to the main portion of the monument at the War Memorial was discovered in early April. Since then, crews have been working to shore up the structure. City leaders are still deciding if the monument will remain at the current location or if it will be incorporated into a new Veterans' Memorial at the future Cumming City Center. The issue will likely be further discussed by Mayor and City Council during upcoming City Council meetings. 

Did you know?  The Veterans War Memorial was dedicated in 1992 in response to the Persian Gulf War, and the Avenue of Flags was added to the City's Memorial Day event in 1995.  
Food Truck Fridays Return May 3 in Conjunction with SAA Spring Art Show at Brannon-Heard House April 27 - May 4 
Another City of Cumming food truck event is returning for 2019. Food Truck Fridays kick off on May 3 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on School Street, in the grassy area between Tam's School Street Playhouse, the Brannon-Heard House and the Mason Street parking deck. 

This low-key food truck event typically features three to five food trucks, a DJ, and activities for kids.  Due to their close proximity at the Brannon-Heard House, members of the Sawnee Association of the Arts will be offering a range of activities in conjunction with Food Truck Fridays this summer, such as art displays and live art demos both inside and outside the Brannon-Heard House. 

The May 3rd Food Truck Friday will be special for the SAA since it will fall in conjunction with the organization's Springtime in the City Show & Art Market, which begins April 27 and runs through May 4. The annual art celebration will feature various art demonstrations, classes and live entertainment. Among the lineup are quilting, watercolor, woodworking, jewelry making and color pencil demos; rotation model art and painting classes; indoor and outdoor art markets; and a variety of activities for children.  For complete information about the SAA Springtime in the City Show & Art Market, click here

Food Truck Fridays will be held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on May 3, June 7, and August 2. There are no parking or admission fees for these events, and parking is available in the Mason Street Parking Deck and at Cumming City Hall. School Street Playhouse parking should be reserved for Playhouse patrons only. A small portion of Pilgrim Mill Road, from Pirkle Ferry Road to School Street, will be closed for Food Truck Fridays. Traffic will be detoured around this area via Ingram Avenue. The road closure will begin at approximately 4:30 p.m. and end at approximately 8 p.m. 

Congratulations to All 2019 Taste of Forsyth Winners! 
This year's Taste of Forsyth was again successful, with dozens of local restaurants, vendors, and live entertainers taking part in the food-focused event. 

Each year the entrants are judged by a volunteer panel. This year's contest winners were: 
  • Best Appetizer - Tam's Tupelo (Fried Green Tomato Slider)
  • Best Entree - Marlow's Tavern (Jumbo Seared Scallop)
  • Best Dessert - Marie's Italian Deli, Bakery and Market (Lemon Blueberry Cake)
  • Best Food Presentation - Red Robin ("Mad Love" Burger) 
  • Best Decorated Tent - Mountain Lake Church
Congratulations to these winners and thank you to event sponsors: Lou Sohb Honda, Lou Sohb Kia, Automation Direct, Mountain Lake Church, and Forsyth County News! 

Council Honors Cumming PD Officer Shaw Bowman
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council honored Cumming Police Officer Shaw Bowman during the regular meeting on April 16. Officer Bowman went above and beyond the call of duty on March 31, when he drove a man who had become temporarily stranded outside during inclement weather to a local restaurant, purchased a meal for the man with his own personal money, and waited with the man until his family arrived to help him. Mayor Brumbalow praised Officer Bowman's generosity and kindness, and complimented Police Chief Casey Tatum and Deputy Chief Aletha Barrett's example of leadership for their officers. 

Among other business during the April meeting and work session, City Council:   
  • Received and approved the 2018 audit report from independent auditing firm LeRoy, Cole and Stephens, LLC. The auditors reported that the City ended 2018 in excellent financial standing with increases to the City's net position, and all City departments coming in under budget. 
  • Approved an amendment to the City's Alcohol Ordinance which will allow for the issuance of permits that will allow alcohol to be served at various special events and consumed in some outdoor locations under the City's new Planned Unit Development Zoning Category, such as the future City Center. 
  • Heard a report from Mayor Brumbalow regarding donations from businesses that would be used toward the creation of a memorial at the City Center honoring local emergency service responders who have been killed or injured in the line of duty. Examples of items that might be incorporated were a 1969 Chevy Impala in honor of two Sheriff deputies who were murdered in 1972, and a 1953 fire engine in honor of fire fighters who have perished or been injured in the line of duty. 
  • Awarded a bid for the first phase of construction of new sidewalk on Atlanta Road to Construction 57, and awarded a bid for resurfacing of 14th and 15th Streets, Darla Avenue, Ramey Drive and Dave Drive to Jasper Grading and Pipeline. All these projects will be paid from SPLOST VII funds. 
  • Approved a Conditional Use Permit for The Oasis Therapeutic Retreat at 611 Veterans Memorial Boulevard. 
  • Approved a bid for installation of a sewer force main to serve properties at Post Road and Highway 20 West to North Georgia Pipeline. 
  • Approved an update to the Cumming Utilities Ordinance which outlined a few minor changes, and re-adoption of the Utilities Water and Sewer Rates and Fee Chart with no increases. 
  • Approved minor changes to the Utilities' Industrial Pre-treatment Program, which requires large industrial businesses to have a sewer pre-treatment plan and facilities in place. 
  • Approved advertising for bids to replace a storm culvert on Hickory Knoll that does not function properly during heavy rains. 
  • Approved a minor change to language in the City's Retiree Healthcare Policy relating to plan providers. 
  • Approved an alcohol license for Village Burger on the square. 
  • Recognized the March Business Spotlight: Lanier Tire & Wheel, Inc., and proclaimed March as Sarcoidosis Awareness Month. 
  • Discussed adding a "Brunch Bill" referendum to the the upcoming November Municipal Election, in which voters will decide if restaurants within the City Limits can begin selling alcohol at 11 a.m. on Sundays. Council will officially vote to add the referendum approximately 60 days before the election to comply with state election laws. 
  • Approved waiving all rental fees for events held at the Cumming Fairgrounds by other governmental entities in order to prevent bringing each individual event before Council. 
  • Approved transferal of $2.2 million to the Downtown Development Authority, which will use the funding primarily for purchase of potential additional property adjacent to the City Center. A small portion of the funding will be used for purposes relating to the hiring of City Center property manager. 

Aquatic Center Outdoor Pool Opens for Season This Month 
Get your sunglasses, beach towels and sunscreen ready - the Cumming Aquatic Center's outdoor leisure pool will be opening soon! The outdoor facility will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 11, 12, 18 and 19, and will be open daily starting May 25 through July 31 from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. Daily admission is $6 for kids ages 2-17 and seniors 60 and over, and $7 for ages 18-59; kids 2 and under are free. Thirty-day passes can be purchased for $28 and $43; 90-day passes for $56 and $81; and annual passes for $162 and $237. Family passes are also available at varying rates. For more information, click here

Spots Still Open for Summer Camps & Programs
It's not too late for register for fun summer programs and camps offered by the Cumming Recreation & Parks Department! Check out all the programs available this year in the  2019 Summer Brochure! For more information about the City of Cumming Recreation & Parks Department and how to register, click here

Coming Soon
To the Cumming Fairgrounds

To the Cumming Aquatic Center 

To Tam's School Street Playhouse

  • Derby Girls - Through May 19; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. 
  • Bonnie & Clyde: The Musical - May 30 - June 23; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. 
  • City Council Work Session (Gallery B, Second Floor of City Hall) - May 7 at 6 p.m. 
  • Planning & Zoning Board - May 21 at 5 p.m.  
  • City Council Regular Meeting - May 21 at 6 p.m. 
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance. Click here for previous meeting videos. 
Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019 at all Forsyth County high schools! 


City of Cumming
Division of Public Information