Water Storage Improvement Projects
Access to clean water is vital to our community.
EWEB is hard at work making sure safe, reliable water continues to flow even as critical infrastructure ages and new challenges arise. In the next decade, we plan to construct new water storage facilities near 40th Ave. and Donald St. and replace the water storage systems at EWEB's College Hill and Hawkins Hill sites. The projects will be built to seismic and contemporary operating standards, providing more than 40 million gallons of resilient, safe water storage.
Dear East 40th Neighbors,
In this email, you'll find information about:

  • Update on ecological study
  • Property survey
  • Board of Commissioners update
Update on ecological study
The Holiday Farm Fire delayed some work on the ecological study but things are now moving forward again.
EWEB is contracting with the consulting firm DOWL to conduct the ecological study which will identify sensitive habitat and species. This study will help inform the tank design and landscaping plan to preserve and protect sensitive species during construction and restore the site to enhance the habitat afterwards.  

For those who are interested in learning more about the planned ecological study, we have posted more information about the study scope and goals on our website.


As part of DOWL’s preliminary research, neighbors will be invited to share their observations of unique or highly valued wildlife and habitat features on the property. Watch your inbox for a questionnaire from DOWL.
Survey work has begun

Surveyors have marked the preliminary center point and edges for the first tank. The center point marker is located near the ridgeline on the east side of the property and the markers indicating the tank edges are each 106 feet from the center point. As a reminder, the tank will be 212 feet in diameter.

The initial survey and markers are still preliminary--the tank placement may be revised a few feet in any direction as the detailed design work progresses.

The surveyors also took measurements on Patterson Street for pipeline construction. The new tank will connect to the water distribution system via Patterson Street and a new 36-inch diameter transmission main that will run from West Amazon St. to the intersection of E. 40th Avenue and Patterson.
Board of Commissioners Update

EWEB Commissioners visited the property in late September to get a first-hand look at the preliminary tank siting and to better understand how the project will affect neighbors and habitat.

In advance of the Oct. 6 Board meeting, the project team has provided an informational update to Commissioners in order to solicit additional Board guidance regarding the current project path. Customers and the general public are welcome and encouraged to view a live steam of the meeting and may provide public comments. Visit our website to learn more.
What's next?
  • DOWL will be on site Oct. 8-9 to inventory and map habitat features, record observed wildlife species, and identify areas with mitigation and/or restoration potential.
  • DOWL will reach out to neighbors to ask about observations of unique or highly valued habitat features on the property.
  • A Southeast Neighbors (SEN) meeting/presentation is tentatively planned (date TBD and COVID-19 dependent).
  • Surveyors will mark trees to be removed and tank boundaries in the fall. (Reminder: the existing tree markings are NOT those to be removed.)
  • We expect to hold another neighborhood meeting/presentation in late 2020 with a project update and to collect input on the next phase of landscape renderings.
  • Additional geotechnical work will occur; notice about the extent and duration will be provided ahead of time.

As a reminder, the major East 40th project milestones are as follows:
Click here for a larger view of the Project Phases & Timeline.
How to stay informed and involved
Contact the Project Team:
Call 541-685-7899
Project information and updates: