MSMA President:
"Measles are nothing to sneeze at...."
"You made a difference, that's what I want to tell lawmakers." MSMA President Dr. Bill Grantham (Family Medicine, Clinton) told physicians recently. Health officials from New York, Michigan and Tennessee warned recently that thousands of air travelers were likely exposed to measles. "They warned travelers who went through those airports that an infected passenger exposed thousands of others," Dr. Grantham said.  "So, I just want to give a shout out to the Mississippi Legislature which continues to protect our citizens with a strong vaccination law."

Measles is a highly contagious disease that can be prevented with the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. Measles is particularly dangerous for young children, the elderly and others with compromised immune systems caused by something like cancer or sickle cell disease. "Nearly a third of children who contract measles are hospitalized. It's nothing to sneeze at," Dr. Grantham explained.

"Finally, I speak for the physicians of Mississippi when I say, 'Thanks to the legislature for making the wise choice, the healthy choice, to require immunizations for school aged children,'" Dr. Grantham said.