Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right




Happiness is a choice - -
Not a result.
- Ralph Marston -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
The entire quote goes:
Happiness is a choice, not a result.
Nothing will make you happy until you chose to be happy.
No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy.
Your happiness will not come to you.  It can only come from you.
Ever notice how some people seem never to be happy? Looking at them, it appears that they have everything anyone could ever want. Others have literally nothing and always seem to be happy. I don't believe everything makes one unhappy and nothing makes one happy. I do strongly believe it is our attitude that counts.
My vote is to always be thankful to be alive and to have the opportunity to face each day head on. As a good friend of mine, Rex Houze used to say: Each morning I wake up, look myself straight in the mirror and say "I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific."
Try it. Chose to be happy and - - act that way.
Have a great and HAPPY week.