Seasons Greetings!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! We've been busy between work and play the past couple of months.

As if this time of year isn't hectic enough, we decided to throw in a move! We are very excited to be in our new home and getting settled just in time for Santa's arrival! We've also decided that we'll never move again. Never.

Our team had so much fun with our annual trip to the Salvation Army Tree. This year, we adopted a 4 year old girl. She wanted a Barbie doll and needed some warm clothes and shoes. Max and I weren't very much help, but Angie enjoyed shopping for a little girl since she spends most of her time in the toddler boy section of every store! We hope our little girl has a wonderful Christmas!

Last year, we started a new tradition of attending Max's holiday performance, Christmas POPS, with the Sherman Symphony Orchestra. It never ceases to amaze me that there's so much musical talent out there and I'm so proud that my nephew continues to perform. We had a blast!

Don't forget about our food & supply drive for The Carrollton Animal Services and Adoption Center! We'll be accepting donations through January 3, 2019.

Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday season!

Jeff Van Matre 
Be Joyful and Careful this Holiday Season!

The holidays can be very hectic and sometimes we put caution on the back burner. It's easy to get distracted in parking lots, but with a larger concentration of cars coming and going, backing in and out, pedestrians and strollers, accidents are more likely to occur. In fact, there are more than 50,000 crashes in parking lots and garages each year, with 500 deaths and more than 60,000 injuries. Not surprisingly, claims spike on Black Friday and remain high during the holiday season.
Here's a few precautions you can take to ensure you do not become a victim to accidents and crime.

  • Walk smart. When you leave your car, put your phone away. Watch for cars, potholes, ice, etc.
  • Keys to safety. Have your keys in your hand as you leave the store so you can enter your vehicle quickly. Be sure to check the back seat and under the car before getting in.
  • See the light. Park in a well-lit area to deter burglars. If you can find a spot near a security camera, that's even better!
  • Stash and store. Nothing should be visible inside the car. Store all packages in the trunk and lock your doors.
  • Be aware. Pay close attention to your surroundings and trust your gut.

Stay safe out there!

Snow Flakes!

Client Referral Program

  • Tell your friends, family and colleagues about your great experience with us!
  • We'll provide them with an insurance review and quote (no obligation).
  • As a token of our thanks, we'll send you a $10 Amazon Gift Card!
  • You'll also be entered into a quarterly drawing for $150 cash and an annual drawing for $500 cash!
  • We will donate $5 per referral to Carrollton Animal Services and Adoption Center this quarter.

To learn more about our beneficiary of the quarter, please visit their website: