A Letter from Mary Kleiman and Dave Mason
Mary Kleiman, Mac and Dave Mason
We would like to introduce ourselves. As long time volunteers and supporters of the House, we have accepted the Board of Directors' invitation to serve as interim Co-Leaders until a permanent leadership team is selected. Both of us have strong connections with the House. Dave recently retired from the banking industry and started his service at the House in 2005 on the finance committee. Since then, he has also served on the RMH board and on other leadership committees. Mary is an attorney and started at the House in 1985 as a Guest Services Volunteer for many years before serving on the board and various leadership committees.

As we interact with volunteers and staff, we recognize that operating the House and serving our families is truly a team effort and we are so fortunate to have all of you on our team. We have witnessed this team’s dedication and ability to provide a supportive "home-away-from-home" for the families we serve.
With this in mind, we would like to re-institute the practice that Guest Services Volunteers (GSV) at our Limestone Street location once again check-in our families. This was something our GSVs have done for years until recently. Steps have been taken to streamline the changes made in the check-in process and we are confident that our trained GSVs, with staff support, can once again play a bigger role in welcoming our families. Since changes have been made to the previous process, and not everyone has been trained on how to conduct a check-in, training will be provided to all GSVs. This training will be done on one of your upcoming shifts. If for whatever reason, you choose not to conduct check-ins, please let the Manager on Duty know.

Thank you again for all of your support. We truly could not serve the families we do without you.

Dave Mason                                                                          Mary Kleiman
How Leah Shares Her Big Servant's Heart
She is small in stature but big in heart.

Leah Shubert is her name. And in her 36 years of service at the Ronald McDonald House, she clocked 2,525 volunteer hours and was selected as the Lori Kleiman Volunteer of the Year in 1996.

In December 2018, Leah retired from the House, which sits on the north side of the IUPUI campus, just a short walk from Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health. Her steps are smaller and more deliberate than when she began helping out here in 1982. Stairs pose a bit more of a challenge for her now than they once did. But laughter still comes easy for this pleasant 85-year-old great-grandmother.
Leah Shubert celebrating her favorite time of the year at the Ronald McDonald House.
RMHC Distinctive License Plate
If you are looking for a new way to support the Ronald McDonald House and show some House pride, consider ordering our very own distinctive license plate when you renew your registration this year! Proceeds from these plates will not only support our House but all the Ronald McDonald Houses in the state of Indiana.

Thank you to everyone who signed the petition last year and helped get signatures to make this plate possible. It was no small effort.
Help Needed
Help Deserving High School Seniors Afford the Education of Their Dreams!:
RMHCCIN is seeking volunteers to help evaluate our annual scholarship program candidates. Each year RMHCCIN receives numerous applications and volunteers are needed to help evaluate candidates on established criteria, including: academic achievement, personal statement short essay, leadership involvement and commitment to community service. Application screenings will take place mid-March through early-April. Evaluations will take approximately two hours to complete and can be done from the convenience of your own home or office. 
To be a part of this rewarding opportunity, please contact Lee Ann Devine at (317) 267-0605, ext. 206 or at ldevine@rmhccin.org  no later than Wednesday, March 6 .

Help Represent the House at IUPUI's Winter Rally: The House is participating in IUPUI's Winter Rally on Wednesday, February 6 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the IUPUI Campus Center Atrium. This event is a great opportunity for the House to connect with students and encourage them to volunteer. Mary Friend will be representing the House so if you will be on campus and would like to drop by and help, please let Mary know.

Tour Guides : We are looking for volunteers to help conduct tours at our Limestone Street location. These tours would be during your regular volunteer shift. Please let Mary know if you would be comfortable giving a tour.

Van Drivers : If you are interested in learning more about helping transport our families from the House to the hospital (Riley or Methodist) using the House van, please contact Mary. Schedules will be determined based on your availability.

Spanish Speakers: If you speak Spanish (or any foreign language) and are willing to share your skill to help make our non-English families' experience more welcoming, please contact Mary.

If you would like more information about any of these opportunities, please contact Mary Friend at mfriend@rmhccin.org or at (317) 267-0605, ext. 225.
Operational Updates
Guest Services Volunteers To Conduct Check-ins At Limestone We are excited to announce that Guest Services Volunteers will once again check-in our families. The process has been streamlined and the Manager on Duty will be available to help with any questions. Training will be provided.

Help Us Protect Our Protectors: Each pillow protector costs $2.25 and a twin or queen mattress protector costs between $12-$16. Please help us keep track of these items by preventing them from being sent down the laundry chute. These items are washed at the House and go missing when they make their way to Morgan Linens who washes our sheets and towels.
Yoga Anyone?
Houseguests, volunteers and staff are welcome to join our complimentary yoga classes on the first Monday of each month from 7- 8 p.m. The next two classes will be held on Monday,  February 4 and March 4,  so please join us! Thank you Kelly Alford from  The Yoga Studio  for your generous donation. 
Look Who Was Caught Rolling Out
The Red Carpet
Michelle Gleason , Guest Services Assistant, caught Guest Services Volunteer, Grace Ochoa
demonstrating cooperation, communication and teamwork.

Michelle wrote: "A big shout out to Grace. We had a family who spoke very little English and Grace helped me translate everything to Spanish for the father. She was a big help and stayed late to make sure they had dinner as well."

Thank you, Grace. We appreciate your dedication to teamwork!

Congratulations! Your Crew Carwash pass is in the mail.

Remember, if you catch a volunteer rolling out the red carpet and providing an excellent family experience, please submit a nomination using the form below. Printed copies of this form are also available in the front office at both Limestone and Riley. Each month, all nominations are eligible for a random drawing for a Crew Carwash pass.
Updated Volunteer Schedule
Please view the updated volunteer schedule at the link below.
"This House is doing so many things right! We so appreciate the volunteers who give of their time to work with RMH!"

From a departing guest
Please join us in celebrating the following birthdays:
2/1 Bert Harvey
2/2 Olivia Pretorius
2/2 Ryan Venturi
2/2 Pam Sims
2/6 Amanda Benzine
2/8 Emily Pogue
2/9 Kara Snyder
2/10 Joe Gault
2/13 Kurt Bassett
2/13 David Wilkerson
2/14 Candace Gwaltney
2/14 Shalyn Major
2/16 Paul Hoggard
2/16 Bryce Nelson
2/16 Ashtyn Robertson
2/18 Rod Taylor
2/21 Kelsey Harrington
2/21 Lane Sims
2/23 Liz Barrasas
2/25 Tami Evans
2/25 Erin Ewald
2/25 Mike Lutz
2/25 Brenda Reymann
2/26 Morgan Cosgray
2/26 Judy Dunkerly
2/27 Haley Adams
2/27 Jimmye Dorman
Upcoming Events
Visit our website or watch for details in future editions of this newsletter for these upcoming events.
Monday, June 3

Pop Tab & Coin Drop
Friday, July 26
Friday, November 1

Home for the Holidays Open House
Tuesday, December 5
Substitute List
Please contact these people if you need a substitute
Lori Ball (Not available Tues. or Wed.)
(317) 371-9150

Katy Brawley
(317) 258-9451

Jennifer Cannady (Weekends only)

Gwen England (Weekday evenings, except Tues., and weekends)
Craig Ito (Weekdays, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

Rega Kowalski
(317) 241-1566

Steff Mabe (Not available Tues.mornings)
(317) 374-2529
Anita Butts (Evenings)

Laurie Eagan (Weekdays, 12-3 p.m.)
(317) 691-3757
Michael Rhinaman (Weekday evenings)
(317) 258-4688
If you would like to add your name to this list, please contact Mary Friend at mfriend@rmhccin.org or at (317) 267-0605, ext. 225.

Please remember to notify the Manager on Duty for last minute shift cancellations. If you know your conflict in advance, notify Mary Friend. Also, let us know if you are able to find a substitute so we can update the schedule.

Be sure to notify Mary or the Manager on Duty directly rather than through your shift mates.

Thank you!
Our Mission
We provide a supportive "home-away-from-home" for families of children receiving medical care at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health and other area hospitals, and we champion programs that improve the health, education and well-being of children.

Our Vision
Nurturing a community where children and their families embrace life and healing with a sense of hope, enthusiasm, courage and joy.

Our Values: ICARE
  • Innovation: We aim for continuous improvement to provide the highest level of comfort and care for our families.
  • Compassion: We seek to listen, understand and serve.
  • Accountability: We strive for the highest level of integrity and transparency with all of our partners and stakeholders.
  • Respect: We treat all people with dignity, compassion and respect.
  • Excellence: We embrace our mission and passionately commit to creating the best "home-away-from-home" for our families.

Newsletter Editor
Mary Friend, CVA
Volunteer Resources Manager
Direct Line: (317) 267-0605, ext. 225