Spring is on its way through an oddly-disrupted northern hemisphere while the days get shorter in the deepest south. The world--even beyond the weather--spins strangely. Here are some of our ideas about how to turn some of your rage into growth, and how to deeply listen to those around you. And there's another video for those of you who want to learn more... 
Cultivating Leadership                                                                    March 2018
Cultivating our way

Every six months the people of Cultivating Leadership gather to learn from each other. This February the southern hemisphere meeting was held in Melbourne, and it was our biggest ever with 31 of us together.  We use these meetings to learn, connect, and try stuff out -- our own safe-to-fail experimenting.  This time we interviewed and debriefed each other using the new form of growth edge interviews (GEI) we are offering in leadership programs, we ran a fresh simulation, and then followed our fishbowl technique (for meetings in complexity) as the format for a discussion on our own governance. The GEIs were powerful, the simulation runthrough threw up lots of improvements, and the fishbowl was described as a productive pain in the posterior -- or words to that effect.  It gave us a new empathy for clients who find them uncomfortable.  The big reminder from the whole meeting was how being open and vulnerable and learning can be very powerful, especially among colleagues who are also friends.
How Zafer changed lanes on his road rage and the insights this offers 
Zafer Achi learnt about driving in Beirut, where auto acrobatics are a way of life.  Now he lives and drives in the world's sports car capital: Dubai. Amid manic motoring, road rage was always at the ready. But in recent times Zafer has changed lanes. Read here to find out how he shifted gears and turned road rage into growth. 

Listening deeply even when the pressure is on
It doesn't come easy! We know the theory and the tips, but the practice of listening deeply often eludes us especially as time-starved leaders. Kathrin O'Sullivan writes about how to create space and focus for profound listening when under intense pressure.

Coaches Rising and Leaders Rising: 
Cultivating Higher Leadership Consciousness
What does it mean to support leaders to go beyond having to know it all?
Leaders struggle to keep up with the pace of change and the demands on them that often seem overwhelming. There is just too much to be known for leaders to be able to take an expert-based approach. At scale, what matters more is how leaders show up and who they are being.   
This extended interview with Jennifer on the Coaches Rising site is a deep dive into the essential aptitudes of modern leadership and, in particular, how to support leaders as they seek to be more self-transforming.

Workshops 2018

Virtual Conversations at the Growing Edge
Jennifer Garvey Berger and Carolyn Coughlin
Online - six live sessions
July 17-October 4 2018
If you have attended Conversations at the Growing Edge and are wanting more, or are on the Pathway to Certification as a Growth Edge Coach, these workshops are for you. If you haven't attended Conversations at the Growing Edge, there's another virtual course coming soon!

Expanding Client Horizons Openly
Maryland, US
April 24-26 2018
With Carolyn Coughlin and Beth Greenland
Click here for full details and to register
Psychologically Spacious Coaching
NSW, Australia
4 - 6 May 2018
With Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett
Click here for full details and to register
Psychologically Spacious Coaching
Maryland, US
8-10 May 2018
With Carolyn Coughlin and Beth Greenland

Be the one who makes a difference on Amazon!

Ok, you know who you are. You've read one (or both!) of our books and you keep meaning to write an amazon review but somehow you never get to it. Now's your day! How about you head over to amazon and write a quick review there? We're trying to make it to 50 reviews and we have only three reviews to go for Changing on the Job (and, er, rather more for Simple Habits!)
Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World
by Jennifer Garvey Berger  
Stanford Business Books
In hardcopy and Kindle

Simple Habits for Complex Times: Powerful Practices for Leaders
by Jennifer Garvey Berger
and Keith Johnston
Stanford Business Books
In hardcopy and Kindle
Buy Now
