College of Liberal Arts  

CoLA Weekly

  March 9, 2018    
Recently I participated in one of the strategic planning focus sessions (and failed to make it out of the room before being interviewed, but that's another story).  It was a rewarding experience: an opportunity to meet people from all parts of campus and to think together about the future of our university. It was clear that the people in the room were very invested in Wright State, optimistic about our future, and focused on students.  There will be more planning sessions: if you can, please try to attend. And stay up-to-date on the entire strategic planning process by visiting this website .

Please remember that today is the deadline to submit to Susan Paul the name and address of your outstanding graduating senior. We will send the students a congratulatory letter inviting them to the Outstanding Graduate Awards Ceremony on April 27 at 2:00 p.m. in Schuster Hall. Please send your student bios to Susan by March 30. 
Don't forget that the college recently established another source of support for our students in the form of the CoLA Graduation Fund.  This fund can provide a one-time maximum award of $500 for undergraduate students who will graduate at the end of the 2018 Summer semester and have a compelling need for financial assistance to complete their degree. Please encourage students who fit all application criteria to meet with their academic advisor to further discuss this opportunity.

Next Thursday, March 15, English and our TESOL program will host an event featuring Keith Folse, who has taught in many countries, written many textbooks, and is very well-known in the TESOL field around the world. His talk will be at 12:30-1:30 p.m. in 302 Oelman. The event is free and open to the public. Contact Deborah Crusan with questions or for more information.

I mentioned in a previous CoLA Weekly that I would happily visit small classes for CoLA majors if you want to invite me.  I can bring treats, hand out window clings, and give students an update on the college.  It's important our students stay informed and know we care about them having a positive Wright State/CoLA experience.
Linda Caron

CoLA Talks with Jennifer Hughes, Social Work: The Development of Caregiver Assessment using Serious Gaming Technology (CAST), Friday, March 9, 3:30 p.m., 286 Millett.   

Miami Valley British Brass Band & WSU Trumpet Studio, Monday, March 12, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m., Schuster Hall

2018 Erik C. Banks Lecture: Ernst Mach's Vienna: The Place of History and Philosophy in Science, Thursday, March 22, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., 163 Student Union
CLASS Corner
Monday, March 12 - Work the Career Fair Like a Pro! - 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., Millett 106 
Wednesday, March 21 - Ace the Interview! - 11:00 - Noon, Millett 106
Thursday, March 22 - Modern Languages Alumni Panel and Career Event - 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Millett Atrium  
Thursday, March 22 - Ace the Interview! - 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Millett 106

Please check out the many upcoming activities planned through our
Center for Liberal Arts Student Success (CLASS).