Religious Education News Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton
RE Mission Our religious education program works to create an accepting environment that empowers children and youth to explore their spirituality, celebrate diversity, and live our Unitarian Universalist values.
Family Ministry
We believe that families play a vital role in furthering this empowerment to explore and live our UU values. We are excited to support our families by offering ideas from the UUA's Tapestry of Faith program as well as graces and thought provoking questions related to the topics introduced during Sunday religious education classes. We hope you find this enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling for you and your whole family.
In RE Next Week
Our children and youth will hear a story about the sun and moon, explore the world wide web, continue to explore winter ecology plan a fundraiser and prepare for the Guest at Your Table program. Check for details on our Facebook Page and website.
RE Committee
Wil Rivers, Chair
Anna Sorensen, Council Liaison
Cara Coffin
Jeff Frank
Arthur Freeheart
Shelby Hunkins
Esther Katz
Ashley Nadean Clover
Ron Tavernier
Jenn Whittaker
Jim Williams
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carol Zimmerman at or 315-386-2498.
Have your friends been curious about the church you attend?
Do you know someone who would really enjoy our Sunday services?
Have you been telling people about our fabulous Religious Education program?
This is your chance to show people what you've been talking about!
Invite a Friend to church on Sunday, February 3.
It is good to be together.
here to download an invitation letter you can personalize.
A Table Grace:
As we come around to take our places at the table, A moment to remember and reflect upon our wealth. Here's to loving friends and family, here's to being able To gather here together in good company and health.
by David Roth
This grace is song, see ta video of this grace
A Chalice Lighting:
We light this flame
To ignite our hearts and minds-
The spark of knowledge that enlightens,
The shimmering hope that burns,
The blazing love that engulfs our actions,
The bonfire of our commitment.
by Linda Lee Franson
May the following deepen and inspire your faith during the week ahead.
Contemplation Topic
During a shared meal with family or friends or as part of a contemplative practice, ponder the following:
Imagine that the entire world is covered in 6 feet of snow! What does the world look like? How do the kids deal with the snow? The adults? How does the deep snow affect the animals, birds, and fish?
Winter Animal Adaptations- Check out this fun educational video about animal adaptations in winter especially the grey tree frog.
Nature Up North - Our Spirit of Adventure class hosted Erika Barthelmess, V
ertebrate Ecologist and Conservation Biologist at St. Lawrence University. She is also the Project Director for Nature Up North. Check out their website for some outdoor fun.
Please Register your Child(ren) for RE
Please take a mo
ment to register your child(ren) for the 2018-19 religious education year. Click here or stop by the RE office for a paper copy. Each year we need to update our record.