January 15, 2019
Looking for Volunteer to Help Run The Flash Dash Event In May
We are looking for an additional parent volunteer to co-chair the Flash Dash Committee to help raise money for improvements to the Franklin playground. You will have lots of support! We have a parent-volunteer to plan the event, but who cannot attend day-of. We are looking for an additional volunteer to coordinate day-of event activities.

Contact Alison Stites levertystites@mac.com .
Randall Garden News
The Randall Garden has been the recipient of two grants this year!

The PTO has generously provided funds for completion of the raised beds, soil, bird seed and new garden tools. Also, two fifth grade classes (Kampa and Faber) were awarded a grant through the Department of Instruction Let’s Plant program. The lesson plans focus on nutrition education along with gardening activities.

Volunteer Needed 

Would you like to channel your inner Marie Kondo? The Randall Garden is looking for a volunteer to organize the garden shed. We will have more tools thanks to the PTO grant and could use a new system of organization. Colin Fass is able to attach some peg board if needed. Please call Terri Jaye 204-3304
Winter Gear Donations Needed At Randall
Athletic pants and leggings.
Given all the snow, Randall Health Office is in dire need of snow pants, gloves and socks. Please consider donating old or new items.

Thank you!
Franklin Lunchroom and Playground
Volunteers Needed!

Interested in volunteering at Franklin during the school day?

We still need a few more volunteers to help out on the Franklin playground during recess. We have openings on Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday from 10:55–Noon .

Our playground volunteers are a huge help to the teachers and staff and it's a great time outside with kids! If you can help out, please email anne.l.saracino@gmail.com or fill out the google form.  
Goals of the Franklin-Randall Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) include helping children, parents, teachers and schools build a strong and positive school community.
Support the PTO while you shop!
Franklin-Randall Amazon Smile link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-0572517