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Jan. 28, 2019
Moving Final Service in Sanctuary Before 17-Month Renovation   
This coming 
Sat/Sun: Worship in Parish Hall
Yesterday was a moving final service in our 119-year-old Sanctuary before we close for 17 months of renovation. It's a huge undertaking to add new walls, floors, foundations, steel supports, etc. The parish has been preparing for this moment for the past 10 years: we are ready!
Don't forget: worship will begin in the Parish Hall this Saturday, Feb. 2 and Sunday, Feb. 3.

New Worship Schedule Begins This Coming Saturday, Sunday

Beginning this coming Saturday, Feb. 2 and Sunday, Feb. 3, the Parish Hall will be home to four worship services each weekend to accommodate all members of All Saints, our community and visitors. 

Here is the new weekend schedule:
Saturday Evenings:
Worship: 5 p.m.

Sunday Mornings:
Worship: 7:45 - 8:30 a.m.
Coffee Hour: 8:30 - 9 a.m.

Worship: 9 - 10 a.m.
Children's Sunday School: 10:05 - 11 a.m.
Adult Christian Education (ACE): 10:15 - 11 a.m.
Coffee Hour: 10 - 11:15 a.m.

Worship: 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Once you have chosen which service to attend and find that the one you've chosen seems overly full, feel free to mix/move to other services until you find what's right for you and your family. It's not been possible to predict how many will attend which service, so please be patient until everything is sorted out in the first weeks in the Parish Hall.

Joe Rawls Installed as All Saints' Verger
At yesterday's service, Joe Rawls was commissioned for his new ministry as Verger at All Saints-by-the-Sea. His role will be one of bringing order to worship as we transition into the Parish Hall, and his will be a gracious service to the clergy and ministry leaders. 

As a part of his role, he will be present at each service for the first three months of Sojourn Worship in order to answer questions that liturgical ministers might have about their role and to provide any last-minute training needed. Look for him in his cassock and direct any liturgical questions you might have prior to the services.

Parish Hall Worship Q&A Available
If you have questions about how the worship will take place in the Parish Hall, just click this link to read a Q&A.

Click this image to read about how we'll worship in the Parish Hall during Sanctuary construction