Dear Colleagues,
Our schools are now coming to the close of an unprecedented time – some have already finished the school year, others are now winding down. Children across the country will head into a summer that will not be “typical” as we all work out how to safely navigate summer programs, camps, summer working from home, childcare, in a safe way. I hope that, for each of you who have worked so hard to maintain connection, instruction, and support for children and families, summer will bring the chance to rest, reflect, and regenerate. Vacation plans for most have changed; for many of us it will be a staycation, yet I hope that the core meaning of a “respite from work” will be possible. We well know that it is often in those moments of pause, of sleep, of contemplation of nature, that inspiration and fresh ideas are able to whisper to us. We will need to greet the Fall with creativity, flexibility, and good humor – recharging will help us to be ready.
Those of us from the Alliance Board and others who have been hosting/attending our Zoom sessions have been moved by the depth of caring, resourcefulness, and resilience of all of you. It has truly been an honor to witness what has been achieved on behalf of children since schools went virtual in mid-March. You have generously shared ideas and questions and our work has strengthened as a result. We have decided that these sessions, too, should take a summer break; this week we will hold final sessions of each Zoom meeting. The only exception will be the “school leaders and administrators” session; it will meet at its regular Friday afternoon time this week, then switch to Monday mornings at 10 am Pacific. We agreed that this would be a helpful support as our directors, principals, and administrators navigate the many intricacies of Fall.
Arising out of our Zoom meetings, we recognize the needs of our schools for professional development and support. Your Alliance will take steps in addressing some of those needs with professional development sessions “by Public Waldorf school teachers, for Public Waldorf school teachers.” See the “save the date” announcement here and watch for further details to come.
It would be wrong to conclude this message without reference to the current national health and political backdrop. Our time is dire with over 100,000 human lives, each with a unique story, lost to the ravages of COVID-19 and a series of race-based incidents that have included loss of life—again—and a depth of prejudice that leaves our hearts heavy, our senses stunned, and our minds reeling. We are all affected by this heartbreaking reality, by scenes that are too familiar, by the legacy of this country’s origin story, by wide gaps and differences that have been laid starkly bare by the pandemic. Despair and helplessness are tempting, anger and grief appropriate. How can each one of us help to turn this historical wheel towards a brighter, more equitable future? For me, education remains the best hope; enriched, developmentally appropriate education for every child, recognition of the unique gifts and potential of every child,
and instilling a concern for the wellbeing of others as well as for oneself.
Profound thanks to every teacher who works towards these goals and towards a brighter future for all of our children and, thereby, for all of us.
With wishes for health, rest, and a more just, equitable future,
Liz Beaven
For the Board of the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education
ATHENA Therapeutic Eurythmy Grant
ATHENA (Association for Therapeutic Eurythmy in North America)
is delighted to announce its 19th annual grant for the school year 2020-21. We are very grateful to the Waldorf Educational Foundation (WEF) for the funding of these grants. ATHENA will ensure that these monies are well used in the furtherance of our common goal of promoting Therapeutic Eurythmy in Waldorf Schools.
Upcoming Zoom Collaboration meetings (all times Pacific, duration one hour).
You can also find the links on our
These are the links for the week of June 1st, the final week of Zoom meetings. (The Administrator meeting will continue through the summer on Monday's at 10 am Pacific)
Special Subject Teacher Meeting: 5/18, Monday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 930 2336 6327
Password: 243496
One tap mobile +19292056099,,93023366327#,,#,243496# US
Early Childhood Teacher Meeting: 5/18, Monday 4:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 944 823 5523
One tap mobile +12532158782,,9448235523# US
Grades Teachers 1-3 Meeting: 5/19, Tuesday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 930 9959 7057
Password: 292869
One tap mobile +19292056099,,93099597057#,,#,292869# US
Grades Teachers 4-6 Meeting: 5/19, Tuesday 4:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 920 6357 1325
Password: 0fqXZA
One tap mobile +16465588656,,92063571325#,,#,059963# US
Upper Grades/High School Teachers Meeting: 5/20, Wednesday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 969 4074 4819
Password: 830570
One tap mobile +19292056099,,96940744819#,,#,830570# US
Inner Work Open Discussion Meeting:
How is our thinking influenced?
: 5/21, Thursday 3 pm:
Meeting ID: 968 9981 2123
Password: 102184
One tap mobile +19292056099,,96899812123#,,#,102184# US
Special Education/Education Support Meeting: 5/21, Thursday 4 pm:
Meeting ID: 897 6447 5986
Password: 4kuNVG
One tap mobile: +16465588656,,89764475986#,,1#,525822# US
Administration/Leadership Meeting: 5/22, Friday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 931 2414 9550
Password: 277774
One tap mobile +13126266799,,93124149550#,,#,277774# US
Member Schools Job Postings
As a service to our schools, we will run a list of positions with a link to your school site.
Foglesville, PA
Oakland, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Novato, CA
Amherst, WI
Fallbrook, CA
Professional Development and Teacher Preparation
A listing here by the Alliance does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Listings are provided as a service and for information only. The Alliance does not currently sponsor or endorse professional development or teacher training
If you wish to have an event or workshop listed, please
email us
In addition to the summer professional development opportunities listed here,
the Alliance Board
will be building on our collaborative Spring Zoom forums to offer professional development sessions in July for Public Waldorf education: by teachers and school leaders, for teachers and school leaders.
July 6-10, 2020:
Grade Level Cohorts EC through 8th: Picture of the Grade, Math, Literacy, Science, Civics, Arts, and Movement.
July 13-17, 2020:
Personal and Professional Development Classes designed for Public Waldorf Teachers, Administrators, and Supporters.
Re-imagining the Role of the Teacher
With Diane David and Anna Rainville
June 29 - July 3, 2020
Great Lakes Waldorf Institute
June 29-July 24, 2020
July 6th-31st, 2020
at High Mowing School
June 29, 2020 - July 10, 2020
Wilton, NH
Transformational Teaching
July 27th - August 7th, 2020
Amherst Junction, WI
| Tomorrow River Community Charter Schools
With Eugene Schwartz
June 1-September 30, 2020
June 12-15, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3
June 23-26, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3
July 6-9, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3
June 27-July 11, Teacher Training
July 12-17, 2020, Teaching as an Art (Canceled)
Denver, CO
With Center for Anthroposophy
September 2020, Waldorf Teacher Training
Tuscon, AZ
Community School for Creative Education
June 29, 2020 - July 10, 2020
Oakland, CA
Summer Music Conference
July 12-17, 2020
Phoenixville, PA
Speech Arts for Teachers
With Helen Lubin
By Appointment
At your school
June 8-10, 2020: Fort Collins, CO | Mountain Sage Community School
August 11-13, 2020: Palmer, AK | Birchtree Charter School
June 11, 2020: Austin, TX | University of Texas
June 26, 2020: Morristown, NJ | College of Saint Elizabeth
July 17, 2020: Stanford, CA | Stanford University
At Linden Waldorf School
June 12-15, 2020
Nashville, TN
At Golden Valley Charter Schools
June 15-19
Orangevale, CA
For more information:
1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218
Folsom, CA 95630
Public Waldorf is a service-mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America and used pursuant to a license.