IPUL's E-News for September 25, 2020
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Youth M.O.V.E. Goes Virtual!
IPUL has partnered with the Idaho Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health and their Youth M.O.V.E. project in the past - now we are happy to pass along the information that Youth M.O.V.E. has launched on a virtual platform!

"Our youth coordinator is always looking for ways to engage youth, mentor them as they tell their story, and ways for them to make an impact! Amazing to see high school teens striving to find their place and make a difference!"

To join, send email to

North Idaho - Work of Art is Coming!
Work of Art poster
Idaho Parents Unlimited Presents:


North Idaho
Are you a student with a disability age 14-21?
Get Paid to work with a professional artist and learn job skills for your future.

Saturdays, October 24 & 21, and November 7 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Reception, November 13 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Human Rights Education Institute
414 W. Fort Grounds Dr.
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814

Lots of School-related COVID-19 Updates on Idaho Ed News
Idaho Ed News had another busy week.

Check out all their updates on Idaho's schools especially related to Covid-19 cases:
35 Years Down, Many More To Come!
This year, IPUL celebrates 35 years of assisting families who are raising children with disabilities and special health care needs in Idaho.

We're thrilled to have just received notification from the US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs that we have been awarded another five-year grant to continue providing services as the Statewide Parent Training and Information Center.

We look forward to helping families, school districts, and communities for another five years! #IPULIdaho #IPULEducation #ChildrenWithDisabilties #FamiliesInIdaho
Online Safety - IPUL's October 2020 Statewide Presentation
monthly workshop flyer for october 2020
This presentation will be looking at cyber-safety and ways to make sure your kids are as safe as possible in this new time of being online for school.
Our statewide presentation is webcast monthly live via Zoom Webinar.

Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with your registration confirmation as well as a link so you can join the webcast when it goes live.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, IPUL will only be offering this presentation online.

We will be offering this training on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM Mountain Daylight Time

Phone: (208) 342-5884
question ask here
Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message.

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new news and events, and maintain a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
IPUL's programs are funded through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for f2fhic  idaho family voices  ideas that work and vsa