Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat  capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water,  and appropriate care and concern.

May TNR Classes Update 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine measures, we plan to offer TNR classes in May with limited attendance. 
The first class is:  Sunday, May 3, 2020 2pm-3:30 PM. 119 E Turbo Dr, 78216  

Attendance is reservation only. Please email HERE to RSVP. The first 10 requests will receive a confirmation message with instructions about entering the class. We are working on an online course and are doing one-on-one training for those with pregnant cats. Please do not wait until the cat is ready to deliver to call us! Helpline: 210-877-9067.

Please v isit our website for the latest updates. 
Giving Tuesday is May 5! 

As a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, the organization behind Giving Tuesday--a national giving day held the Tuesday after Thanksgiving--is launching    #GivingTuesdayNow. This global day of unity will take place on May 5, 2020 and benefits the organizations that you value the most!  

We hope that on May 5, you will click HERE and consider a donation to our Cat Crisis Fund, which provides injured or sick community cats the medical care they need. In 2019, SAFCC paid $19,587 from our Cat Crisis Fund to help 167 injured or ill outdoor cats. These are cats who would normally not get any type of medical care. Zeke's story below is a good example!
Injured cat gets help thanks to Cat Crisis Fund

SAFCC's helpline received a call from a colony feeder in tears as to what to do with an injured cat. She had been furloughed and did not have the money for vet care. Zeke, an un-neutered male cat, was hanging around the Las Palmas shopping area with an abscess and neck wound. This type of injury is a good example of why it's important to neuter male cats as they will fight for dominance over food and female cats in heat.

Fortunately, the wound is not as serious as it seems (classic face abscess that has burst). A SAFCC volunteer picked up Zeke and took him to a vet where our Cat Crisis Funds were used to pay for Zeke's care. Zeke's laid-back purrsonality was evident as he behaved very well even as the vet cleaned and debrided his wounds. Thankfully, a SAFCC foster stepped up to take this friendly guy in and as Zeke's wounds heal, he will be back to his handsome self and available for adoption. We are able to help cats like Zeke because of our Cat Crisis Fund and because of our supporters. If you want to help us help community cats, please consider a donation HERE to CCF during #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5!
CCAP grateful thanks for kitten food

Thank you so much to those who answered our call for kitten food with their donations! As kitten season ramped up, our Community Cat Adoption Program fosters were in dire need of kitten food and these donations were such a big help! Pictured here are just a few of the donations that were received from our CCAP Amazon Wishlist.

SAFCC's Community Cat Adoption Program is a small, all-volunteer organization that saves hundreds of friendly cats and kittens off the street. These efforts are done through donations only. Please consider a donation to support CCAP by clicking HERE.  

If you'd like to adopt a cat, please view our adoptable cats online. Adopting one cat opens the space for a foster to take in another, Check our website HERE

Lastly, consider a donation via our Amazon Wishlist. Thank you !

Adoption Success: Winston

Nobody knows how Winston came to be shot in the right shoulder by a small caliber gun. He was a neighborhood cat a SAFCC volunteer had tried to trap for months until finally Winston showed up on her front porch just waiting to be scooped up and put in a trap without a fuss. Thanks to emergency surgery at Animal Care Service's clinic, Winston was  treated for his injury and neutered. While he convalesced,  Winston showed his tame side and was too friendly to turn loose in the same neighborhood where he was shot. Winston is now healthy and fully recovered from his gunshot wound and has found his forever home!  In fact, Winston has definitely moved up from his humble street cat beginnings in life and was adopted by a dentist and his wife. Winston's parents also have plans to adopt one of Winston's foster siblings so he will have a feline friend. Good luck to you, Winston! 
Support these local retailers 

Please consider supporting these SAFCC supporters and local retailers in whatever form of business they resume:

What's Brewing- This coffee roasting company has run fundraisers for SAFCC and even has their own community cat mascot, Midnight!  

Pig Liquors- This locally-run liquor store has been a long-time SAFCC supporter and recently held a fundraiser for us during their 10-year anniversary event. 

Nearly New Resale & Boutique- This small business and resale shop is currently still closed, however, in the future, when you are ready to shop for "nearly new" ladies clothing and accessories at budget prices, please consider them. This is our "consignment for cats" store and SAFCC receives 50% of the sale of items you drop off for us.

Thank you, as always, for your support of community cats and stay safe!  

SAFCC Cat of the Month: Twyla

Meet Twyla, one of the prettiest torties you may have ever seen, Twyla was one of many abandoned cats located at an apartment complex. Unfortunately, it is very common for people to move out of their apartments and to leave their cats to fend for themselves. Fortunately for Twyla, Debbie, a lady who works in the area, took her home and called SAFCC for help. Debbie cared for Twyla until a CCAP foster was able to take her in and get her ready for adoption. 

Twyla takes life in stride, exuding stability and calmness. She's a talker and will carry on a conversation if encouraged. She is always easy-going, cooperative and totally, soundly in control. Twyla is estimated at 6 years old and FIV positive. If you would like to meet or adopt Tywla, contact her foster mom Susan at (210) 803-9334 jor email at
Help us continue to do this important work for our city! Please donate  HERE .
Helpful Links:

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition | (210) 877-9067 |