Wellness begins with the mind...
We are all learning to break through if that is what we are to do.

EyeCycle NYC is Harlem's 1st indoor cycling Fitness provider at 2035 5th Avenue. The EyeCycle concept is about connecting with energy and movement to motivate people to feel better to do better. Eyecycle is beyond a cycle class it is an experience of cultural Fitness that resonates to the soul. Join us for choreographed movements syncopated rhythm, guest DJs and live drumming specialty classes along with a screen that displays beautiful images looks (coming soon), and soulful feel of our community.
What have you helped your neighbor?
Let's get resourceful, and bring ideas together. Find ways to care enough and support each other and small businesses.

How to Promote Resourcefulness In Yourself and Others
  1. Being MacGyver. ...
  2. Ask yourself these questions:
  3. Don't reinvent the wheel. ...
  4. Leverage your network. ...
  5. Learn everything you can about how to find information. ...
  6. Teach resourceful habits to your family and your team at work. ...
  7. Resourcefulness = Necessity + Creativity + Persistence.

Push up from your core. When you’re doing push-ups or tricep dips, keep your core tight and firm to press up. With tricep dips, your hands move in a little closer on the handlebars, and your elbows might be touching your torso as you press up and down. On the other hand, with push-ups, you’re pointing elbows out to the sides. Lower your upper body towards the center of the bars. Then, press back up into a plank position, engaging your core and glutes. The biggest newbie mistake to avoid here? “Your elbows shouldn’t be too far to the sides. Keep them close to your body and tuck them in at a 30-degree angle,” Kanter says. She also notes that you want to lead with your chest as you come back up to plank.

Self-care is #1
We want to inspire mindful movement to bring balance to the challenges in our lives.
Fitness begins with the mindset and mental illness is real. We have created self-care mindful tips and recommendations to share with you.

Learn the fundamentals of mediation, breathing and stretching. We will have Spinning and Trampoline demo's. Our focus is to help you create your own wellness path the support your wellness journey. 
Check out our Instagram post -
5 Steps to Personal Happiness
Click above for our mo st popular YouTube video
Stay connected - we enjoy hearing from you.