February 2019
Grace United Church of Christ
visit our website at
920.452.6795 •
500 School Street • Kohler, Wisconsin 53044
Rev Beth Petzke, Pastor
Cell: 920-371-8018 •

Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Government shutdown, crisis happening around the world and in our lives, shootings in places of work and play. In times such as these, it is easy to forget who we are as Christians and who we are as Grace United Church of Christ. Do not lose hope! God has been present in all our yesterdays, God is with us now, and God will guide and guard us as we move into the future together.

But, how do we move forward? How do we make a difference in these times of transition? How do we figure out who we are as Grace United Church of Christ in Kohler, Wisconsin? How do we hear God’s call to us and respond, like the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I! Send me.” The answer to all these questions is – together, with God’s help. Together, we are called to be the body of Christ. Together, we are called to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. Together, we are called to share the good news, to be the ripple that starts the change that makes the difference as we support one another in our common call as followers of Christ.

Over the next year, we will be focusing on what it means to Be the Church. Watch for opportunities to engage in conversation, to ask questions about who we were, who we are, and who we called to be together as Grace United Church of Christ. But also to say what we believe, challenge ourselves and dream big, for God has bigger and better plans for us than we can even dream for ourselves. We will look at our history, give thanks for those joys, but also let go of the things we didn’t do so well. Hopefully we can learn from them and improve, as we listen and respond to God’s call on our lives and who we are as Grace United Church of Christ.

Thanks be to God!
Pastor Beth
The 2019 calendars are open for to sign up to help with the work of the church through time, talent and treasure
Reminder that if you admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from Pastor Beth, please contact her directly (Pastor Beth’s cell 920-371-8018). Her contact information is also published in a number of other places, as well as on the answering machine in the church office. Between HIPPA and the busyness of the hospital staff, oftentimes the hospital doesn’t call, therefore Pastor Beth would appreciate a direct call from you or your family to ensure timely visitation and pastoral care.   
Thanks to all who contributed to the mitten (and hat, and scarf) tree!

At the leadership of Dennis Kampmann, along with Chuck Ebert and Mike Rolloff, the heating of the new edition is now more economical and efficient. Thank you for sharing your time and talents!

Thank you to Chuck Ebert for using his skills as the unofficial, behind the scenes, fix-it engineer. Sharing his time and talent to balance the Christ candle in the Advent Wreath, fix the janitor’s closet door, and so much more. Your gifts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you to Jacob, Andrew and Karen Groth for replacing the water stained ceiling tiles in the basement classrooms.

As we prepare to do the work of the church at our Annual Meeting on January 27 th , I would like to extend thanks, on behalf of Grace Church, to the outgoing members of the church council. Thank you to Chuck Ebert and Marge Horneck for their faithful service to God in this community of faith. 

Thank you notes from the recipients of the Giving Tree gifts:

I would like to thank everyone who helped make my children's Christmas amazing! Me and my family thank you all. Happy Holidays!

Thank you very much for your help with helping me make Christmas happen for my children. May God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for the lovely gifts for us. We are very thankful.

To Grace Church,
Thank you so much for helping my family this Christmas season. We are truly blessed. Thank you.

Thank you so very much, you have been an amazing blessing to our family. Merry Christmas!

Dear Grace Church,
Thank you for your warm welcome into the life of the church. I thank you for your generosity this Christmas season. Thank you for generously supporting the mission and ministries of the church. And for your generous Christmas gift. I thank God for all of you.
In Christ,
Pastor Beth

To Pastor Beth, all the staff & congregation of Grace UCC:
I want to thank you for the gift certificate to Kohler, the very delicious terrapins and all the thoughtful notes on the Christmas card. I went over to practice and was really surprised when I looked in my mailbox at church and saw all the items! I really enjoy playing the organ here and hope to continue for a long time.
With many thanks,
Karen B
Dear Grace Church,
Thank you for the generous Christmas gift. Wishing you the blessings of peace, love and joy this Christmas and always.
Dear people of Grace Church,
Thank you for the generous Christmas gift you gave me. You have loved and appreciated me and my work among you for over 30 years. Not many people can say that.
Your sister in Christ,
Audrey Braatz
Hello Pastor Beth & Grace Church,
Thank you so very much for the wonderful cards and gifts. I am grateful to be a part of the family of Grace and share the gifting that God has provided.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.
Wayne Zimmermann

Thank you Grace Church for the generous Christmas gift. Thank you to the Church Council for your kind words written on the Christmas card, and to the people of Grace Church for their kind words throughout the year. There are many people quietly doing the work of the church who don't get much attention, but because what I do is so visible, I am lucky to be complimented often. I never get tired of it, I promise.
Thanks to all who contributed their time and talent to help un-decorate from Advent/Christmas: Linda Billmann, Ann & Chuck Ebert, Lola Lindow, Rosemary Lohse, Larry & Deb TerMaat, and Cam Litt.
There are a number of things that just ‘happen’ here at Grace. For those who give of their time and talent to make things happen – whether anonymously or whether I may have accidentally not included, please know that we are thankful for your generosity! Please let Pastor Beth know if there are any errors or omissions. 
In case of inclement weather, cancellations for events or worship at Grace will be posted on WISN channel 12, on our Facebook page, and by email.

2019 Offering Envelopes are available to pick up in the lounge.  Please help by delivering envelope boxes to family members, friends, and neighbors. If you would like to receive envelopes or if you prefer not to receive offering envelopes, please contact the church office.

Tai Chi Classes on Mondays at 5:30pm in the sanctuary. Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that is practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow and focused and is accompanied with deep breathing. This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance. It is often called ‘meditation in motion’. All are welcome! You are invited to wear comfortable, loose clothing. Donations are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend. 

Did you know that Texas Roadhouse offers a Sunday bulletin program to support local churches . On Sundays between 11am and 9:30pm, guests that come into the Sheboygan Texas Roadhouse location can have 10% of their total food purchases back to the church! Simply present a current copy of your church’s bulletin to your server. So if you go out for lunch or dinner on Sundays, consider patronizing Texas Roadhouse.

A Souper Bowl luncheon is planned for Sunday, February 3rd from 11am-1pm. We will be serving a variety of homemade soups, sub sandwiches, and other refreshments in our fellowship hall, which is located in the church’s basement. Cost is $8 per person for dine-in. To-go orders will be taken for soup only, $5 for a large container and $3 for a small. Public welcome!
Hosts are needed for the fellowship time & coffee hour following worship on Sundays. Sign up in the foyer if you're interested in sharing your love of baking and hospitality with your church family.
Lost and Found – located in the lounge (rear of the sanctuary). Any clothing or winter items not collected at the end of the winter season will be donated to a local charity.
Keep the communication going! I am so thankful for all who are communicating and keeping me in the loop to understand the traditions of Grace Church (both those to be continued and those that we choose to let go), but I also encourage conversation about new ideas. 
Upcoming Events Offered at Lakeland University

The Ulrich Center for Philosophy, Ethics and Christian Thought at Lakeland University is hosting events to which your congregation’s members are invited.
Mon., Feb. 18  7-8:30 p.m.  INTRODUCING ORTHODOX JUDAISM
Featuring Rabbi Wesley Kalmar and Dr. Jessica Kalmar
Laun Center, Rm. 209, Lakeland University, W3718 South Dr., Plymouth
You are invited to join us for an evening of conversation with Rabbi Wesley Kalmar and Dr. Jessica Kalmar about the rich traditions of Orthodox Judaism. The Kalmars will begin with an introductory overview of Orthodox Judaism, and then respond to questions and comments from participants. Rabbi Kalmar serves at Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah (ASKT), an Orthodox synagogue in Glendale, Wisconsin. Dr. Kalmar is married to Rabbi Kalmar, and is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Lakeland University.
Free; reservations are requested. Please register online by Feb. 10 at  or contact Linda  Bosman   at  or 920-565-1023 ext. 2151.
Featuring Larry Littlegeorge and Rev. Rob McDougall
Laun Center, Rm. 209, Lakeland University, W3718 South Dr., Plymouth
Larry Littlegeorge is a member of the Hochunk Nation, the Warrior Clan. He was baptized in 1957 at the Hocak (Hochunk) Church (formerly Winnebago), which is part of the WI Conference of the UCC. He completed the WI Conference Lay Academy in 2016 and is currently a spiritual leader of the Hocak Church. Larry has personally felt the effects of racism that he traces back to historic documents like Papal Bulls laying out the Doctrine of Discovery, and he has done a great deal of study and writing on the topic. Rev. Rob McDougall is Associate Conference Minister with primary responsibility for the Northwest Association of the Conference, of which the Hocak Church is part of. Larry and Rob will provide an overview of the Doctrine of Discovery and explain why the issue is being studied by Conference churches prior to considering a resolution to repudiate the document at the 2019 Annual Meeting.
Free; reservations are requested. Please register online by Feb. 25 at  or contact Linda  Bosman   at  or 920-565-1023 ext. 2151.

Luncheon planned for February 3 from 11am-1pm

Come and eat your fill of homemade soups, salads, and subs and other refreshments in our fellowship hall, which is located in the church’s basement. Cost is $8 per person for dine-in. To-go orders will be taken for soup only, $5 for a large container and $3 for a small. Public welcome!
Giving of Time,
Talent and Treasure

There are many ways to participate in the life of the church. Here are a few immediate needs:

Ushers are needed for both the 8am and 10 am worship services as well as during Lent. Please signup online or on the paper signup in the foyer at church.

1 liturgist is needed 3rd Sunday of the month at 10am worship.

In an effort to include more members and friends of Grace Church in the life of the church, we will be putting together an ongoing list of short-term projects (i.e. organizational tasks, minor repairs, etc.). It’s a great opportunity to serve the church. In addition, if you are aware of other jobs or projects that need to be completed, please share with the church office or Pastor Beth so we can include on the list. Watch for this important ministry of the church coming soon.

Please contact the church office if you are willing to serve in either of those capacities. Thank you!
Sunday, January 27 following 10am worship
The songs of our faith are such an important part of worship. Hymns of comfort and assurance of God's presence, hymns of joy and celebration of all that it is to be the community of God. Throughout all seasons of life, the songs of our faith are present offering melody and sentiment when words are not enough. Please call, email or drop a note to Pastor Beth of the church office. What is your favorite hymn?
February Mission of the Month – Non-perishable food items and hygiene products are being collected to benefit local food pantries. In this time of government shutdown and the decisions some have to make between paying rent or heat, and eating, food pantries are in high need of donations. 
-The Missions Committee
Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share with Pastor Beth? Please reach out at any time or
920-371-8018. All prayer requests will be kept confidential unless permission to share with the congregation is given. 
In an effort to celebrate and record our history, please forward any photos of Grace church events to the church office. 
Click here for the
Grace Church is an accepting community of faith, committed to growth through change.
-Core values statement written on Saturday, May 13, 2017
Grace United Church of Christ
Office: (920)452-6795
Rev Beth Petzke, pastor
Grace UCC 1998