Upcoming Zoom Collaboration meetings (all times Pacific, duration one hour). You can also find the links on our
These are the links for the week of April 20th and April 27th
Special Subject Teacher Meeting: Monday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 930 2336 6327
Password: 243496
One tap mobile +19292056099,,93023366327#,,#,243496# US
Early Childhood Teacher Meeting: Monday 4:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 935 7537 5226
Password: 0HkKyA
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,93575375226#,,#,726753# US
Grades Teachers 1-3 Meeting: Tuesday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 930 9959 7057
Password: 292869
One tap mobile +19292056099,,93099597057#,,#,292869# US
Grades Teachers 4-6 Meeting: Tuesday 4:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 920 6357 1325
Password: 0fqXZA
One tap mobile +16465588656,,92063571325#,,#,059963# US
Upper Grades/High School Teachers Meeting: Wednesday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 969 4074 4819
Password: 830570
One tap mobile +19292056099,,96940744819#,,#,830570# US
Inner Work Open Discussion Meeting: Thursday 3 pm:
Meeting ID: 968 9981 2123
Password: 102184
One tap mobile +19292056099,,96899812123#,,#,102184# US
Special Education/Education Support Meeting: Thursday 4 pm:
Meeting ID: 944 823 5523
One tap mobile +16699006833,,9448235523# US
Administration/Leadership Meeting: Friday 3:00 pm:
Meeting ID: 931 2414 9550
Password: 277774
One tap mobile +13126266799,,93124149550#,,#,277774# US