May 2018, Issue 10
A glance back at CABE 2018, conference photos, workshop/presenter materials available for downloading, regional conference sold out in Riverside!, Summer Arabic Program, Spanish DLI Institute in Monterey, CABE Binational GLAD in Tijuana, CABE 2019 in Long Beach, CABE's DLI Online Planning Guide, and more!
Need Students?

Deadline extended to May 31, 2018
Binational Project GLAD ®
in partnership with
Sistema Educativo Estatal (SEE) de Baja California
Project GLAD ®
 National Training Center

July 16-20, 2018 | Fall 2018
Elementary Spanish BCLAD/ Bilingual Authorization teachers:

Elementary Spanish CLAD/SB2042 teachers:
CABE's META Chapter
in collaboration with Patterson JUSD receives $90,000 grant for
Summer Arabic Program
On page16 of the March 2018 conference edition of Multilingual Educator magazine, we erroneously omitted the names of two of the three collaborating authors of the article, " Project Puentes:Making Connections to Build Biliteracy Between Latino Homes and Schools."

A correction is documented here and will soon also be made in the online version of the magazine. Authors should have been included as follows: Dr. Teresa Huerta, Dr. Carmina Mendoza and Rachel Aguilar, California State University, Fresno. We offer our sincerest apologies to the authors for this oversight.
Click images to download these 'Save the Date' cards.