Levi's Update
Parents and families,

What a great spring beach retreat we had! 

Thank you to all of you who sent your youth on the retreat I hope they had a great time. We spent the weekend planning for Youth Sunday, kayaking in the marsh, watching UNC beat Duke, and enjoying wonderful fellowship with each other. We were able to close the weekend with a beautiful worship service overlooking the water led by Jason Graffis. It was obvious that the Holy Spirit was at work during our time together. 

I also want to extend a thank you to everyone who has  participated in the Ministry Architects listening sessions. We appreciate your feedback and we are thrilled by the commitment to youth ministry shown by this congregation.

Looking ahead it is time to start getting into gear for summer. Our end of year celebration will be on May 5th. We will have an outdoor concert and potluck and it will be a great way to end the year. 

On June 9th we will honor our graduating seniors and have our special Senior Sunday service. If you are a graduating senior and would like to participate please contact Sally Jackson so we can have you registered. 

This is also your last chance to sign up for summer trips. With trips only a couple months away we need to start having firm numbers and deposits in. There is still room on all three trips (Yucatan, DC, Montreat). We would love to have you participate! If you have any questions about our plans for summer please contact Perrin Tribble or Sally Jackson.
Levi Bannerman
Director of High School Youth Ministry

Sunday Morning
Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 EW 307
Choir - 10:30 am - 10:50 am

Sunday Evening Fellowship
Dinner - 5:30 - 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall
Fellowship 6:00 - 7:00 EW 307

Open Table 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Youth 6th-12th - Open Gym hosted by Perrin Tribble in the Gym OR Faith and Fellowship  hosted by Levi Bannerman in EW 307
led by Jason Graffis
Any youth interested in participating in iWorship is invited to a time of discussion and rehearsal on Sundays from 4:45 to 5:15pm before youth fellowship. We will begin to look at songs to share in upcoming worship services as well as talking about why and how we choose songs, and what it means to lead worship.  Bring your voices, instruments, and enthusiasm, and we'll see you Sunday!

Youth Sunday
Sunday, March 31st

Youth Sunday at Covenant is a Sunday morning in March where the youth are given an opportunity to lead the congregation in worship throughout all of the services. Graduating seniors will have the opportunity to deliver a "Senior Sermon" and Freshmen-Juniors will have the opportunity to lead worship in other ways such as liturgy, dance, song, music, artwork, greeting, and processing. The youth will use their creative energy to plan all of the services and make it their own. It is an exciting Sunday at Covenant and you don't want to miss out! Mandatory rehearsal for Youth Sunday will be the day before, on Saturday March 30th from 9-11:00 a.m.

Habitat for Humanity Lunch
Saturday, April 6th

Mark your calendars now for Saturday, April 6th when the High School Youth will serve lunch to Covenant members working on the Habitat for Humanity house!  Details will follow.  

If you have any questions, please contact Perrin Tribble.

End of Year Celebration
Sunday, May 6th

Our end of year celebration will be on May 5th. We will have an outdoor concert and potluck and it will be a great way to end the year.  More information to follow but for now Save the Date!

Summer Planning....
Send in your deposit today!
Now is the time to start planning for summer. Include Covenant in your summer plans by participating in our great  trips that we are offering for your youth.  This summer, youth can go to Yucatan, Mexico (seniors only), Washington, D.C., and Montreat Youth Conference!  All three are going to be incredible trips. You won't want to miss out.   Send in your deposit of $100 for any of the three trips this summer in order to reserve your place on the list or go to Covenant's website and complete your registration online.  It is extremely helpful to us if you get that deposit in sooner than later so we can plan for the trips with a more accurate number of participants in mind!  Contact Perrin Tribble if you have any questions. 

Yucatan:  June 16 - 22, 2019
Washington, D.C.: June 23 - 29, 2019
Montreat Youth Conference:  July 7 - 13, 2019
Sign up for Weekly Text Reminders
Parents, youth, advisors, and friends can sign up to receive weekly text reminds about Sunday programming, events and retreats, and any last-minute changes to schedules due to weather or unforeseeable circumstances. Text the message @covpeak to the number 81010.

Need a reminder of our regular schedule or want to save the dates for future events? Check out our complete fall newsletter here: Covenant Newsletters