Early Spring at the Flying U 
Guest Quote of the Month
"Several years ago when we first came to the ranch we fell in love with the place.  And this past week with the crew and your staff simply cemented our passion for the Flying U" - Roger, April 27 2018

May 1, 2018

A Message from John Lovelace, President and CEO of the Flying U Ranch:

When you look over the list of jobs that were completed during the wrangler week you will see  the pace of activity in getting the ranch ready. Also, as you read below, you will learn how we are consolidating our herd to better handle junior and intermediate riders  [But don't worry we will always have horses for the experienced riding guests]. 

On behalf of all the staff may I extend our sincere welcome to all our guests for 2018!

Wrangler Work Week Recap! 

Fence Building
Our first annual wrangler work week was a huge success! Thank you to all of our participants who came to the ranch and worked hard along side of all of our ranch staff.

Here is some feed back we received from our participants:

"You have assembled a very special staff at the Flying U.  Each one of them is passionate about what they do." 

"Victoria, Kim, Steve ("what can I say..."), Angela, Adam, Brandon, John and Frank..., all added something unique to make the experience something rather special".
Adam Chainsaw

"What a hoot! I loved it!  Everyone was so friendly!! Steve is so interesting, and hard worker.  Angela and Adam! Well I can't say enough about their knowledge and how hard they work.  Brandon was  everywhere working, so polite.  Frank and his survival evening. Movie nights, wrangling the horses!!!!!!!! Who gets to do that?"

"Kim!! I loved working in the Kitchen! Th ank you so much, your creativity with meals and organizational skills, the kitchen staff makes that kitchen top notch". 

Here are a list of t hi ngs we were able to accomplish during the week:

1. Installed 1000 feet of new barb wire     fence in the western prope rty line.
2. Installed 400 feet of snake fencing         at entrance driveway.
3. 2 acres cleared at Prospectors ridge     for Outdoor Education programs.
4. Painted all trim at wash houses.
5. Stained picnic tables. 
6. Cut, split and piled firewood.
7. Opened up 16 km of trails. 
8. Cleaned and raked Flying U                    grounds.
9. Cleaned the tack room and sewed        saddle bags. 
10. Fixed corral fencing.
11. Cleaned out the carriage house. 
12. Moved the carts and wagons out         of storage. 
13. Got the Willy's Jeep running and in        service.

If you missed out on our Wrangler Week in April, join us for our Wrangler Week October 8 - 12, 2018. 
Flying U Herd April 2018
Flying U Herd Update

This year we will have 108 horses in our herd. Our wranglers have been hard at work getting them ready for this years guests. They have all had their visit with our farrier, Rudy, and are all sporting their brand new shoes. Our marketing has attracted a growing number of guests who are new to horseback riding. The future of the ranch depends on this, so we have been working on increasing the number of beginner safe horse in our herd. For those who visit and are experienced riders we still have horses just for you who have a little more pep in their step! We are excited to introduce to you our 7 new horses. 

Jessica - Morgan mare
Silk - Quarter Horse mare
Simon - Hackney cross gelding
Ted - Standardbred gelding
Cinnamon - Tennessee Walker mare
Boots - Draft cross gelding
Casper - Arabian gelding

Book In May or June and Save!

This May and June enjoy a special Wild West Ranching adventure at a very special rate when you book your vacation at the Flying U Ranch. You will explore over 60,000 acres of unguided free riding through verdant spring pastures, forests, clear streams and lakes. Springtime is the ideal time for all riders of all levels who prefer a quiet ranch and trails to themselves.  Book now at low preseason rates and discover why the Spring is the best time for your Flying U Ranch getaway!
Employee Of The Month

Tracey Wall is joining us again for the 2018 season as our Lodge Manager! This will be Tracey's 4th year at the ranch. Tracey is responsible for team building with our front end staff as well as heading up our guest services. 

Wild West Adventure Camp

Monday July 2 2018 to Friday July 6 2018

The FLYING U WILD WEST ADVENTURE CAMP designed for both parents and children!!!


Parents ride on their own and are free to take advantage of all the Ranch activities.  Children are enrolled in a supervised summer camp that includes horse orientation, basic riding, advanced trail riding, desensitization and a gymkhana event.  Kids also get lessons in nature hikes, survival skills, canoeing and water-skiing. 


Fun for the family entertainment including talent shows, archery, camp fires and game activities .

There are only a few spots left so do not hesitate to book now.

Flying U Ranch | | 250-456-7717 |
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