Hello everyone, and welcome to September. As I sit down to write my monthly column, I am reflecting on September 11th, a day to honor and remember the people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and the brave first responders, military members and Americans who showed extraordinary courage to save others on that dark day in our history. It is difficult to comprehend that it has been 19 years since that chapter in our lives, and how much the world has changed…and also remained the same since the aftermath of 9/11. I lost two friends that day who worked in the twin towers, and I visited the memorial in New York City three years ago to find their names on the commemorative wall. Our nation is still struggling with many of the same challenges in 2020: structural racism, social justice, climate change, and qualified leadership to provide guidance and direction during times of uncertainly.
In September it will be six months since our college shifted to online instruction and protocols were put in place to continue operations while keeping students and staff safe. We have learned many lessons in the past six months, some more difficult to adjust to than others, but all important as we persevere together with a central purpose….to educate and support the students in our community who are committed to building a better tomorrow. We have had many courageous conversations with diverse voices at the table that have enabled us to deliver truthful messages and receive critical feedback. This practice has been grounded in a courageous practice among all of us at Gavilan to address difficult situations, decide a course of action, speak the truth about decisions reached, and most importantly, listen to the hearts and minds of all members of the campus community. Through Guided Pathways, the California Community Colleges Trustee Fellowship, our new Title V grant, the Homeless and Housing Insecure Task Force, Measure X, our Food Pantry and more, Gavilan employees will serve students to the best of our ability and continue to learn as a community.
You can support these efforts. There are two critical dates coming up for our students and the communities we serve, the end date for the Census and Election Day. September 30th is the last day to fill out and submit the Census. Please be sure to be counted and make sure others are as well. Election Day is around the corner so it is critical that we all encourage students, faculty and staff to get registered to vote and to vote as early as possible. Not only is this an important election because of the race for President, but there are local elections that will impact our local community and state.
Have a good fall semester, stay engaged and involved in our college and stay in touch….I promise that all of us at Gavilan will do the same.