Centenary's Weekly Newsletter 
Friday, November 29, 2019
A Message from Centenary

Serving Team Leader, Doug Wilson Shares Thank You 
From Doorways for our Bring in the Harvest Gifts

Hello Doug,
My name is Taylor and as the Volunteer and Community Outreach Manager here at The Doorways I wanted to reach out and say thank you for your recent generous food donation. We were overwhelmed by the amount of supplies in the best way possible! Everything donated will go to great use here and is especially appreciated by our guests during the holidays, when it can be so hard to be away from home.
Since I'm relatively new in this role I would love to come out and meet your congregation sometime to say thanks in person, or have you all over to The Doorways to give you a tour so you can see the impact of your gift.
Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Taylor Fanelli
Volunteer & Outreach Manager
The Doorways

Stewardship Update

Thank you for your response to our Commitment Sunday on November 24.  To date, we have 52 pledges totaling $284,740.  Pledges are welcome any time by mail or by depositing in the offering plate during worship.  

This Week at Centenary

Sunday, December 1, 2019
The First Sunday in Advent
Worship at 8:40 a.m.
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.
Worship at 11:00 a.m. 
Holy Communion in Both Services

Dr. Matt Bates   will be preaching this Sunday and his sermon is entitled No More Distracted Living!

Did you miss a service? Would you like to listen to a sermon again or share it with a friend? You can now listen to the sermon or the entire 11 a.m. service.  The services are posted on our church website,  (Click on this link to go to the church website.). Each sermon  is normally available Sunday or Monday afternoon and remains available for later listening. Please tell anyone who might enjoy listening.


Second Fridays
Coffee Theology at Urban Farmhouse in Scott's Addition (6:30 p.m.-7:45 p.m.)

Fourth Sundays
  Pub Theology at Triple Crossing Downtown 
(6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.)


Administrative Assistant Update

We are pleased to announce that Laura Nealley will begin as our
new Administrative Assistant on January 6, 2020.  For over twelve years, Laura has worked in the local church in administrative support positions. One of the things Laura has enjoyed most is the opportunity to work with staff and ministry teams to initiate, research, design and implement new approaches or processes that enable the ministries of the church to thrive. Laura has spent over ten years in the Virginia Conference, and is very familiar with the expectations and initiatives of our United Methodist  connection.  Laura's greatest passion is to support the people of the local church and allow them to more fully live into their calling.  

Laura and her husband Tom will have been married 38 years in January. Their son and daughter-in-law live in Christchurch, New Zealand, where he is an air traffic controller. Their daughter lives in Houston, Texas where she works in a neuroscience lab as a research assistant. Laura and Tom have lived in Richmond for 3 years. When not working, you can find Laura at the gym, playing with their Yorkie, or enjoying a meal cooked for me by someone else!

Christmas Parade Open House, Saturday, December 7!

The Reaching Team is hosting an Open House at 
9 a.m. here at Centenary on the morning of the Downtown Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 7, 2019. We will be passing out coffee, hot cider, and cookies on the sidewalk outside the church as people walk to and from the parade. If you are able to help by providing cookies or greeting people on that day please sign up here:    https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054AAAAA22A0F94-christmas

Advent Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 8
Advent Lessons Carols is a great tradition at Centenary, one of our signature services.  This is a service of Scripture reading and beautiful music done by our choir at 11 a.m.  If you've never been to this service, we hope you'll come.  We do a more informal version of this service with communion at 8:40 a.m.  This is a great way to observe Advent and prepare for Christmas!

RVA Street Singers Concert at Centenary
Friday, December 13, 2 p.m.

Virginia Masterworks Chorale

Join the Central Virginia Masterworks Chorale at their winter program with the classical choral piece - Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria".  Other works will  include  "Benedicite" by Richmond native Zachary Wadsworth  and  "Wit Wonders" by Benjamin Broening , a faculty member at the University of Richmond.  The choral works will be accompanied by a Vivaldi concerto for oboe and trumpet, and J.S. Bach's organ transcription of a Vivaldi concerto in D-minor.  Ryan Tibbetts will conduct the singers and orchestra, and nationally-renowned organist Daniel Stipe will accompany and perform.
Performances will be on Friday, December 13, 7:30 p.m. at Grace Baptist Church, 4200 Dover Street, in Richmond and on Sunday, December 15, 3:00 p.m. at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church, 201 Henry Street in Ashland.   
Three members from Centenary UMC sing with the Masterworks Chorale!    If you are interested in receiving complimentary tickets, see Nancy or Vic Grand - phone 495-5673 / 495-5674, or email  vicgrand1@gmail.com .

Centenary Christmas Luncheon 
Sunday, December 15

Please Join us for our Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 15 immediately following our 11:00 a.m. worship service.  The church will provide the meat.  We're asked to bring sides and desserts.  The Theater on the Mount will offer a brief dramatic presentation.  Don't miss this time of fellowship and celebration!

Christmas Eve Worship

On Christmas Eve, we invite you to join us for worship at 4 p.m. for a service planned for the participation of children in the telling of the Christmas Story.  At 10:30 p.m. we invite you to join us for music by the Centenary Choir prior to our 11:00 p.m. traditional service.  Communion is served at both services.  You're invited to bring light snacks for a time of fellowship after both services.  

Introducing Gatherings, Our New Pop Up Drink Shop!
We will be serving specialty coffee, cider, and yummy treats!
Open: 10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. and 12:00 Noon - 12:20 p.m.
Located just outside the sanctuary by the Ladies' Parlor.

Stop by and bring a friend!


Fall Sunday School Schedule
You are Welcome to Join a Class any Time

Join us for Sunday School.  Dean Simpson is leading a class on  The Great Theologians.   Robb Stottlemyer begins leading a class on Shea Tuttle's new book, "Exactly as You Are:  The Life and Faith of Mr. Rogers,"  which can be purchased on Amazon.

Adult Handbell Choir
The Adult Handbell Choir rehearsals will meet  at 8:30 a.m. on the third floor in the room across from the elevator.


The Centenary Buddy System
The Centenary Buddy System is looking for individuals who would like to reach out to new members, provide updates for upcoming events, and be a resource to explain the ins-and-outs of the church. Those interested should sign up on the bulletin board by the fellowship hall or talk to Mann Brown/Nathan Grubb.

Leah Hundley-- undergoing tests
Rev. Tim Gerde --the recent loss of his mother
Sylvia Whaley --the recent loss of her mother
Gavin --friend of Vic and Nancy Grand facing kidney transplant
Ka Cheng --friend of Vicki and Phyllis Stump diagnosed with breast cancer.  
Tom Bailey --recent cancer diagnosis
Ron Towers--the recent loss of his son, Ronald Vincent Towers, Jr. and his daughter, Lisa Denise Towers
Mitzi Golod and Libby Rhame- request prayers for their nephew/grandson and his wife and their families in the passing of their infant son, Wilder
Serena Durst
Joanne Crick Berft- daughter of Phil & AJ Crick, asking for prayer for recent health issues
Bernice Walter- medical issues
Les & Mary Dobbs
Merle Brown- now at home
Alex Hundley- undergoing basic training for the Army 
William Clyde Hundley- facing heart surgery in December
R.B. Bennington- at home
Leah and Bob Hundley
Phyllis Stump
Lucille Hunt- at Morningside at Bellgrade 
Jane Grand- has been moved to a skilled nursing facility and has leveled in her recovery  
Riley Davin- niece of Vic and Nancy
Shannon Conway requests prayer for Charles Sherman, Peter Oxborrow, Leon Beale and Family
Jeff Hatch
A.J. & Phil Crick- at Morningside at Bellgrade
Justin Laman- nephew of Lucy Hottle, a young father who has cancer
The Family of Jenny Bush- friend of Leah Hundley, who recently lost her battle with stage 4 melanoma
Wendy Tisdale- family friend of Agatha and Christina Kidd, diagnose with  staged 4 lung cancer 

Ginny Jarvis
Mike LaBarre
Roy Lambertson
Todd Minnich
Sidney Tilghman
Keith Hinerman
Nancy Lee
Susy Meyer
Thomas Stottlemyer
Sandy Armstrong
Taylor Lee

Congratulations to Alex Hundley who graduated from Basic Training on Wednesday, November 27!  



You can watch Alex's graduation here:

Thanks to everyone who helped prepare the sanctuary for Advent!

Thanks to Heidi Kara for our new bulletin boards!

Centenary United Methodist Church | (804) 648-8319 | www.centumc.org 
Visit Us: 411 E. Grace St., Richmond, VA 23219