Journey through Lent 2019 at St. Anthony's
March 25, 2019
Reflecting on Luke 1:26-38, I see Mary, as who she was that day, a young teenage girl, recently betrothed to Joseph, daydreaming and believing in the life they were planning together with joy and excitement. Then she hears Gabriel’s greeting, she was startled, scared, confused, and anxious, and who wouldn’t be. Luke is reminding us that Mary is Human, like us, it’s not every day an Arch Angel is sent to you, telling you that you have found favor with God, that he has chosen you to be the Mother of God, the Savior of all mankind whose kingdom will have no end. Mary’s fear at that time was normal but after hearing Gabriel tell her God’s plan for her life, she asked how, not out of fear or doubt but from faith, she was asking how this would be done. 

We know from contemporary sources that Mary faced great risk and rejection from her family, friends, community and even Joseph, her willingness and obedience was not an easy or convenient choice,  yet still after hearing the Word of God, she lovingly consented and said, “You see before you the Lord’s Servant, let it happen to me as you said”. Mary is full of Grace because she trusted what God said was true and would be fulfilled.

Mary was Jesus’s first Disciple, starting with the annunciation, through his birth, raising him and mourning his death. Her pilgrimage of Faith has been one of hearing God’s words and doing what is asked of her. Mary is Mother to us all now, her Divine Son; Jesus gave us the gift of his Mother as he was dying on the cross. To this day Mary continues to touch our lives with all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit by interceding on our behalf, always telling us “do not be afraid”, always pushing us forward to her Son Jesus.

Life can get busy and we have an ability to drown out or ignore anything we feel will cost us great sacrifice, Mary has (is still) teaching me that she is my Mother, she is my friend, my confidant, my teacher, my role model, I love Mary and I am eternally grateful for to her for saying yes, for her being present in my life and helping me to have faith by letting go of fear so I too can say yes.

Kathy Lundberg
St. Anthony Church Parishioner (and Ministry of Presence at McAnthony Window)