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Read all about Luton town centre - join our free networking event, read about new BID street funding and a new Public Space Protection Order
Have your say - Public Space Protection Order

Luton Council is considering a proposal to introduce a Public Space Protection order (PSPO) within the town centre area.

PSPOs are intended to deal with a particular anti-social behaviour or problem that is detrimental to the local community's quality of life by imposing conditions on the use of the area which apply to everyone. They are designed to ensure that the law-abiding majority of people can use and enjoy public spaces safe from anti-social behaviour.

Our BID Ambassadors will be talking to businesses about this PSPO this week and businesses are asked to take part in a PSPO survey by clicking HERE.
Cleaning up Luton town centre

Our street cleaning continued in September with the BID commissioning hot spot cleaning in  Gordon Street and Alma Street.

These monthly clean ups are part of the BID's commitment to the environment and complement the recent launch of our electric  Glutton vacuuming machine, which uses a lengthy vacuuming nozzle to clear hard-to-reach pavement cracks and kerbsides. 

Find out more about our bid to clean up Luton town centre HERE.
Crime advice - book your place at one of our Safer Neighbourhood Days

The BID is holding two Safer Neighbourhood Days in October, when each of our three BID Ambassadors will be joined by a Police Officer and visit businesses to talk about business crime intelligence sharing and to offer crime prevention advice.
These safer neighbourhood days will take place on Tuesday 4th October from 1pm to 5pm and Wednesday 5th October, from 9am to 1pm.
If you would like a visit on the day, please speak to one of the Ambassadors or contact the BID team by calling the BID office on 01582 510657 or emailing

Luton BID Linked - your last chance

Are you coming along to our first Luton BID Linked event on Thursday (29th September)? It is from 8.30am to 10am at Youthscape.

Meet  fellow town centre businesses, hear from our keynote speaker and find out more about how the BID can help your business.  

If you haven't done so already reserve your place by emailing our BID team:  or telephone 01582 510657.
Dates for your diary

29th September - Luton BID Linked networking event
8th October - Luton Live entertainment, St George's Square
How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 


Luton BID 01582 510657

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